357 Philosophical Topics to Write About for Essays & Term Papers

Different philosophy domains can be singled out by the questions they pose. We have collected the best philosophy topics for essays in our selection based on this method. You will also find a list of easy philosophy essay topics, get bonus tips on writing them, and learn the answers to the most popular questions regarding the issue.
  1. 🔝 Top-10 Philosophy Topics
  2. ⛪ Philosophy of Religion
  3. 🗳️ Political Philosophy
  4. ⚖️ Philosophy of Law
  5. 👼 Ethics
  6. 🔬 Philosophy of Science
  7. 😊 Easy Philosophy Topics
  8. 😀 Fun Philosophy Topics
  9. ✅ Philosophy Argumentative Essay Topics
  10. 📝 Philosophy Term Paper Topics
  11. ✒️ Philosophical Topics to Write About
  12. ❓ Philosophy Essay Questions
  13. ✍️ Bonus: 17 Writing Tips

There is a joke that in successful relationships, one becomes happy, and in unsuccessful, one becomes a philosopher. Unfortunately, that could be true only if the person read philosophical books on philosophy or developed their philosophical research theories in the latter case.

Philosophy is a Greek word meaning “love for wisdom”.

Philosophy is a Greek word meaning “love for wisdom.” It analyzes how we perceive the outside and inner world using logic and reason. This discipline teaches us close reading, clear writing, critical thinking, and logical analysis. These methods try to formulate the appropriate language to describe reality and our place in it.

🔝 Top-10 Philosophy Essay Topics

  1. How does death shape the meaning of life?
  2. Do our senses reflect the accurate picture of the world?
  3. Why do we consider some actions to be morally incorrect?
  4. Is there a correct way to live a life?
  5. What makes humans different from other mammals?
  6. If art is subjective, how can we tell whether a given artist is talented or not?
  7. Knowledge can hurt. Why do we strive for it?
  8. Idealism: A way to perfection or fantasy?
  9. Does love have a meaning beyond itself?
  10. Should happiness be the ultimate purpose in life?

⛪ Philosophy of Religion Topics

  1. Do religious beliefs contradict scientific thinking?
  2. Does religion improve or degrade humanity?
  3. Religion and Politics in Durkheim’s Theories.
  4. The belief system of each person limits their faith.
  5. How do different faiths envision the ultimate reality?
  6. Islam and Its Influence on the World Society.
  7. Can God’s existence be justified on rational grounds?
  8. If God exists, does it mean that only one religion is genuine?
  9. Same-sex Marriage as a Religious Issue.
  10. Omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, omnibenevolent: Is that true?
  11. What is the source of any religious belief?
  12. Descartes’ proof of the existence of God.
  13. Philosophy and religion: theory and practice.
  14. Differences between religion and philosophy of religion.
  15. Does philosophy admit that god exists?
  16. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.
  17. Harmonization of god’s purposes with human goods in Kant’s philosophy.
  18. Reason and religious belief. An introduction to The Philosophy of Religion’ by M. Peterson.
  19. Religious Studies and Theology.
  20. Aristotle’s god: the universal source of change in the universe.
  21. Human rights from the perspective of Islam.
  22. Christian Religious Fundamentalism and Family Role Identities.
  23. Do you think the five philosophical proofs of god’s existence are trustworthy?
  24. Evangelical theology: Jesus Christ.
  25. Does Hegel’s doctrine of god match Christian theology?
  26. Religion and public life in “American Grace” by Putnam.
  27. Pragmatic views in “The Will to Believe” by William James.
  28. God in Descartes and Nietzsche.
  29. Which model of faith do you prefer?
  30. Sociology of religion: purpose and concept.
  31. Describe the constant conflict of creationism.
  32. Relation between god, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit.
  33. Can religious experiences confirm the existence of ultimate reality?
  34. Islamic civilization: religious practices.
  35. How could one distinguish the genuine experience of god from the ungenuine?
  36. What is the highest good in Buddhism?
  37. Descartes and God’s existence.
  38. Is morality possible without religion?
  39. Buddhism: teachings of Buddha.
  40. Can there be free will if god is omniscient?
  41. Afterlife in different world cultures.
  42. Miracle: A transgression of the natural law or a transgression of our understanding of it?
  43. Which side of the mind-body debate would you take?
  44. Religious beliefs and political decisions.
  45. Establish the relationship between a person’s belief in the afterlife and their theistic position.
  46. Karma, dharma, and samsara in Indian religions.
  47. How to make sense of religious diversity?
  48. Conceptions of Christ.
  49. Can the language of god be understood from the human position?
  50. Judaism concepts.
  51. The nature of miracles in the philosophy of religion.
  52. Moses in Christianity, Judaism, and Islam.
  53. The difference in the conceptions of god in monotheist and pantheist religions.
  54. World religions studies and key concepts.
  55. Does the doctrine of the trinity relate Christianism to pantheism?
  56. What is the logical problem of evil?

🗳️ Topics in Political Philosophy

  1. Why is the term “political” a problem in philosophy?
  2. The Research of Morality in Politics.
  3. Why is climate change an issue for political philosophy?
  4. Political Science, Philosophy & Social Criticism.
  5. Is it possible to establish global justice?
  6. What does it take to be a free citizen?
  7. Political Ideologies From the Philosophic Point of View.
  8. Does a fair way to distribute wealth exist?
  9. Does a nation owe anything to another country?
  10. Utopia: ideal state basic principles.
  11. What are the limits of the legal obligations of a citizen?
  12. The destructive nature of capitalism.
  13. Civil liberties in the supreme court.
  14. Nationalism vs. Cosmopolitanism: A comparative study.
  15. Political justice: Muslims discrimination.
  16. The equality in opportunity for racial justice.
  17. Marxism and realism in international relationships.
  18. What are an individual’s rights against the state?
  19. Karl Marx’s ideas: society alienation and conflict theory.
  20. Alternative theories in international relations.
  21. Is democracy another unattainable ideal?
  22. International relations theories: realism & green politics.
  23. To which degree should the state force its people to do something for their own good?
  24. Democracy: pluralist theory and elite theory.
  25. Realist versus liberal international relations theory.
  26. Democracy vs. Epistocracy: which one do you support and why?
  27. Realism and idealism in modern international relations.
  28. Does the government have the moral right to ban unhealthy behavior?
  29. Liberal international relations theories and global security.
  30. Explain the importance of political philosophy in the education of future citizens.
  31. Italian fascism and German nazism contrast analysis.
  32. What could Aristotle tell us about the world of globalization: A critical study of ancient philosophy.
  33. Political realism is the theory of international relations.
  34. Why are there no permanent answers in political philosophy?
  35. The role of the state: ideologies and policies.
  36. What are the principal goals of a decent society?
  37. Marxism philosophy, a constitutional republic, and American criminal justice.
  38. Why should a person obey the law?
  39. The Idea of Republican Theory
  40. What is the basis of human dignity: freedom, virtue, friendship, and love?
  41. Neoliberalism: history and modern perception.
  42. What are the meeting points between the philosophy of religion and political philosophy?
  43. “The german ideology” by Karl Marx and materialism.
  44. Is there a single best political regime?
  45. Karl Marx’s theory of exploitation: a critical analysis.
  46. Can humanity exist without wars?
  47. Tocqueville and the idea of America moving toward communism.
  48. The mechanism of redirecting conflict to the common good in politics.
  49. The essential concepts and principles of democracy.
  50. Is international politics a sum of the regimes of the member countries?
  51. Concept and the significance of soft power.
  52. What is the standard character type of a democratic society
  53. Democratic society and the capitalist system.
  54. What is the most praiseworthy thing for a community?
  55. “Civil disobedience” essay by Henry David Thoreau.
  56. Do you believe that humanity will find something better than democracy in the future?
  57. Bureaucracy and its role in society.
  58. Are people capable of establishing a government based on reflection and choice?
  59. Federalism: challenges and debates.
  60. What are the qualities of successful and wise statesmanship?
  61. Neoliberalism and human suffering.

⚖️ Philosophy of Law Topics

  1. Should we obey the law because of fear of punishment or because it is good?
  2. Capital Punishment: The Philosophical Perspective.
  3. Why cannot humanity adopt single legislation for all countries?
  4. Individual and Social Theories in Explaining a Crime.
  5. The difference between consequential and categorical moral reasoning of crimes.
  6. The theory of rational choice in criminology.
  7. Are the institutions of punishment morally justifiable?
  8. Stanford Prison Experiment and Its Consequences.
  9. Wrongful conviction in the criminal court system.
  10. A Utilitarian Approach to Capital Punishment.
  11. What distinguishes law from ethical norms?
  12. Crime theories and countermeasures.
  13. How did the principal legal issues transform through the ages?
  14. Assisted suicide: euthanasia and self-determination.
  15. Do the changes in morality entail changes in the legal systems?
  16. The common law background of the Fourth Amendment.
  17. Is morality objective or subjective?
  18. Is healthcare a civil or human right?
  19. Can the empowerment of a certain population group limit the opportunities for another?
  20. Rights protected by the Second Amendment.
  21. Where is the line between the right to free speech and discrimination?
  22. Poverty or low income as a cause of crime.
  23. Can we say that law has conventional nature?
  24. Constitution and system of separation of powers.
  25. A legal system requires a sanction for non-compliance.
  26. Rights and freedoms in the US.
  27. Legal realism: the law is the product of court decisions.
  28. The financial cost of crime to society.
  29. The law of human interpretation in law.
  30. Is the Bill of Rights necessary or not?
  31. Deontology: preserving the autonomy of other people.
  32. Importance of drug legalization in the USA.
  33. The abortion debate – understanding the issues.
  34. Life in prison and death penalty comparison.
  35. Capital punishment and the concept of redemption.
  36. Death penalty for and against.

👼 Philosophy & Ethics Topics

  1. Moral right and wrong vs. moral good and evil: A personal experience.
  2. Capital Punishment and Its Ethics.
  3. Any society has its specific moral outlook.
  4. Positive Psychology and Philosophical Concepts.
  5. Ethics and morality: Interchangeable terms?
  6. Ethical Decision-Making & Counseling on Abortion.
  7. Will humanity ever find a correct way to live?
  8. Philosophical Ethical Theories: Kantianism and Utilitarianism.
  9. Should secondary education comprise ethics?
  10. What is the current theory of ethics prevailing in philosophy?
  11. Death Penalty: Crime and Morality.
  12. Ethics in Descartes and Nietzsche.
  13. Does the level of schooling define a person’s morality?
  14. “The Allegory of the Cave” – The philosophy of Plato and Socrates.
  15. Is there a moral justification for the class system?
  16. Is there anything morally wrong with abortions?
  17. Moral Philosophy and Peter Singer.
  18. Lawyers and ethics: the attorney-client privilege.
  19. Mass surveillance as an anti-crime measure: An ethical perspective.
  20. Equal consideration of interests to non-human animals.
  21. Is honesty a must for a moral person?
  22. Police ethics and misconduct.
  23. Wealth: A prerequisite for charitable actions?
  24. Do we have a moral responsibility over developing countries?
  25. The ethics of cloning: morality and issues.
  26. The ethical side of human cloning.
  27. Should governments consider the ethical aspects of new laws?
  28. Morality, ethics, and ethical integrity.
  29. The ethics of discrimination: is there any?
  30. Censorship: should we ban morally harmful content?
  31. Lifestyles in Don Giovanni and Dangerous Liaisons.
  32. Are criminals evil by nature?
  33. Animal experiments: benefits, ethics, and defenders.
  34. Do you support or discard utilitarianism?
  35. Do you think there is such a thing as a moral fact?
  36. Animal research, its ineffectiveness, and amorality.
  37. Can ethical rules limit free will?
  38. Ethical life issues in works by Cicero and C.S. Lewis.
  39. Write a dissertation on the drivers of human behavior.
  40. The problem of moral superiority.
  41. Socrates and Thrasymachus’ views on justice in Plato’s Republic.
  42. Do we have the right to restrict the immigrant inflow?
  43. Does every action presuppose an intent?
  44. Plato and Kant’s understanding of justice.
  45. Does the current state of morality make us civilized?
  46. Case study on models of making ethical decisions.
  47. Is a good death possible?
  48. Al-Ghazali philosophy.
  49. Deontological ethics vs. value ethics: Research project.
  50. Does there exist a bad motivation for procreation?
  51. Euthyphro’s definition of “Holiness” or “Piety.”
  52. Ethics in the institutions of global governance.
  53. Nihilism in Nietzsche’s, Kierkegaard’s, and Heidegger’s views.

🔬 Philosophy of Science Essay Topics

  1. The future of technology: The responsibility of philosophers?
  2. Human Being in the Modern Science.
  3. Time travel: Should we learn to do that?
  4. Thinking and Intelligence in Psychological Science.
  5. Is artificial intelligence our only hope for unparalleled technological development?
  6. Explain the distinction between science and non-science.
  7. Einstein and his Contribution to Science.
  8. What are the ultimate aims of science?
  9. Is there a universal way to interpret scientific findings?
  10. St. Thomas Aquinas’ cosmological argument analysis.
  11. A scientific theory and antirealism: Useful but not trustworthy.
  12. Is the philosophy of science useful for scientists?
  13. Debates of Using Animals in Scientific Analysis.
  14. Theory vs. empirical data: What comes first?
  15. Hobbes and Locke in the state of nature.
  16. What is a measurement in science?
  17. The Vienna Circle of Positivism: A historical outlook.
  18. Legal Positivism and Natural Theory.
  19. How and why did the science of ecology emerge?
  20. Popper’s philosophy of science and falsification.
  21. Describe the difference between a semantic view and a model-based approach.
  22. Which research problems compose the evolutionary theory?
  23. Philosophical views and cultural influences.
  24. What does it take to obtain authoritative knowledge?
  25. Analyze the social nature of any scientific knowledge.
  26. Clifford’s and James’ knowledge theories.
  27. Does gender define trust in science?
  28. What does it mean to be an objective scientist?
  29. Feminist Approaches to Gender and Science Issues.
  30. Mind plus computer: Homunculus theory.
  31. Compare Aristotle’s and Plato’s approaches to knowledge.

😊 Easy Philosophy Paper Topics

  1. Do you believe in the extra-sensory powers of some people?
  2. In which ways does God speak to people?
  3. Death as the Final Destination.
  4. Describe the future of humanity in 200 years.
  5. Aristotle and relationships at work.
  6. The way we treat nature is worse than ever before.
  7. Describe the ideal society.
  8. The Role of the Belief System in Projecting the Future.
  9. Analyze the most famous words of your favorite philosopher.
  10. Dreams: A parallel world or our fears and wishes?
  11. A fallacy: term definition and examples.
  12. Heaven and hell are our visions of good and evil.
  13. What is the nature of intuition?
  14. Immanuel Kant and John Stuart Mill’s Moral Theories.
  15. Why do people lie?
  16. Mind-body relationship.
  17. Onlooker’s responsibility: When should you not interfere?
  18. When do children become adults?
  19. Skepticism Theory of Knowledge.
  20. Each death is a tiny end of the world.
  21. People and the meaning of life.
  22. Can international relations be moral?
  23. Happiness or success: What is our purpose?
  24. The Concept of Justice According to Socrates and Augustine.
  25. Are human virtues so good for everyone?
  26. Plato’s allegory of the cave.
  27. What would happen if animals spoke?
  28. Luck is a form of optimism.
  29. The relationship between money and happiness.
  30. Where does responsibility come from?
  31. Virtue and Human Good by Aristotle and Socrates.
  32. Tolerance: A gateway to discrimination?

😀 Fun Philosophy Paper Topics

  1. Why are clowns scary and fun at the same time?
  2. How do our names define our personalities?
  3. Why Do We Make Bad Decisions?
  4. Light meal vs. large snack: How do we form our eating habits?
  5. How do you know you are not sleeping now?
  6. Why Do People Behave the Way They Do?
  7. Why don’t passengers get a parachute on a plane?
  8. How do you think your pet calls you?
  9. What Justifies My Existence?
  10. What makes you “elderly?”
  11. Why Do Adolescents Engage in Risk-Taking Behaviors?
  12. Embalming the dead: The pointless attempt to stop decomposition.
  13. What is the gap between living and existing?
  14. Why Marijuana Should Be Legalized?
  15. Is it moral for a vegetarian to eat animal-shaped cookies?
  16. Most time-saving devices are a total waste of time.
  17. Why Does Crime Require Punishment?
  18. Does a white painting on white paper exist?
  19. If you plan to fail, do you succeed when it happens?
  20. Why Should We Pay for Music?
  21. Everyone can be replaced.
  22. What would happen if you told only the truth?
  23. Why Are Reality Shows So Popular?
  24. Knowing the date of your death: The best motivator?
  25. Who do we owe for our success?
  26. Courage and Fear: What Do You Know About Them?
  27. How do you know that something has a meaning?
  28. What does it mean to control your life?
  29. What Is Consciousness and How Does It Work?
  30. What comes first: the ends or the means?

✅ Philosophy Argumentative Essay Topics

  1. Is utilitarianism morally correct?
  2. Should abortion be legal around the world?
  3. Are current policies properly protecting individuals from discrimination?
  4. Does Plato provide a compelling argument for the immortality of the soul?
  5. Al Gore and Steven Koonin have competing views on climate change awareness. Which one is better?
  6. Should hate speech on the Internet and social media be prohibited?
  7. Has feminism as a movement accomplished all of its goals?
  8. Is presentness a real property of events?
  9. Is it acceptable to have zoos and circuses?
  10. Do wealthy countries have a moral obligation to help reduce global hunger?
  11. Does faith in God transform a person?
  12. Michael Bloomberg and Wayne LaPierre have opposite views on gun control. Which one is better?

📝 Philosophy Term Paper Topics

  1. The development of the notion of government by social contract.
  2. The issues of democracy and possible solutions.
  3. Civil disobedience and its efficiency in advancing social change today.
  4. The role of government in the distribution of economic justice.
  5. The textual genesis of Wittgenstein’s philosophical investigations.
  6. The defense of Julian Simon’s views of the environmental crisis.
  7. The essence of time: how do we perceive the past, present, and future?
  8. The current status of measures of spirituality.
  9. The problem of free will in the context of metaphysics.
  10. Analysis of Isaiah Berlin’s understanding of “positive” and “negative” liberty.
  11. The key principles of just and unjust wars.
  12. The morality of field research on animals.

✒️ Philosophical Topics to Write About

  1. The absolute way to achieve a happy state of mind.
  2. What is the problem with synthetic a priori knowledge?
  3. The role of AI technologies in wiping humanity.
  4. True beauty: subjective or objective?
  5. The meaning of rich and poor in the modern world.
  6. The importance of having a perfect life.
  7. Does religion have an impact on scientific thinking?
  8. The role of spirituality in a world of material prosperity.
  9. Life purpose and methods to find it.
  10. The possibility of time travel in the modern world.
  11. The methods to control human thoughts.
  12. Is it beneficial to be aware of your consciousness?

❓ Philosophy Essay Questions

  1. How can we know for certain that there is an afterlife?
  2. Why are people the biggest threat to humanity?
  3. Does religion provoke more conflict than it solves?
  4. Does effective time management make our lives more meaningful and happier?
  5. Can money buy happiness?
  6. Why do we respect dead people more than the living?
  7. Is peace the only way to stop war?
  8. What is the primary goal of humanity?
  9. How does consciousness fit into the physical world?
  10. Will stronger regulations create a better world?
  11. How do we know about what there is outside of ourselves?
  12. Do guns protect people or kill people?

✍️ Bonus: 17 Tips on Writing a Philosophy Paper

When you’re assigned a philosophy paper, it can be a perfect moment to obtain a philosophical attitude: “This too shall pass.” However, while working on it, it’s better to concentrate and make maximum effort to do it right. Here are 17 quick tips that can help you a lot.

  1. Perform online research. Before you pack your things and go to the library, perform online research from the comfort of your laptop. Here are a couple of academic search engines that will offer you a safe and student-friendly environment:
  2. Effectively manage knowledge. Use special apps to save and organize the information you collect. Here’s what can help:
  3. Brainstorm your topic. This simple method can save you plenty of time and bring surprising results. Set a timer and try to generate as many ideas as possible within a chosen time period. Make it a rule to write down every idea crossing your mind (even if it seems crazy). You’ll have time to sort out your ideas later.
  4. Create an outline. After you choose all major arguments, work on the logical structure of your paper. As an option, draw a mind map for your would-be paper.
  5. Create a thesis statement. Just like any other academic paper, your Philosophy term paper will require a strong thesis statement, the last sentence in the introduction part, and briefly summarizing the main idea of your paper.
  6. Write a stunning introduction. Start with an attention hook – a quote, a rhetorical question, striking stats, or an interesting fact.
  7. Explain why you chose this topic.
  8. Write an effective literature review. Divide your sources into groups according to the authors’ conclusions. Point out the gap in the literature.
  9. Make transitions between sections. Make your Philosophy term papers flow. Just a couple of words connecting sections can improve the logical structure of your paper.
  10. Use hamburger paragraph structure. Start every paragraph with a topic sentence – a brief summary of what you’re going to discuss in the paragraph. Complete every paragraph with a concluding sentence – a brief repetition of what you’ve just said. It’s a great way to make your writing more logical and convincing.
  11. Spend 70% of word count on your own ideas. One of the best things about Philosophy writing is that you should include your own vision of the problem. Instead of jumping from one quote to another one, balance the quotes you use by adding your own ideas.
  12. Align your ideas with your course readings. Include a couple of terms you discussed in class or heard in lectures in your Philosophy term papers to impress your teachers.
  13. Discuss counterarguments. Show your deep understanding of the topic, shedding light on the conflicting points of view.
  14. Point out the limitations. Show your analytical thinking. Make it obvious that you understand that any research can have certain flaws, such as sampling or research method.
  15. Use spell, grammar, style, and plagiarism checkers. The software can help you improve the quality of your writing and help you avoid trouble.
  16. Cite all sources. Make sure that you give credit to the authors whose writing you used.
  17. Write a logical conclusion. Briefly repeat what you have said in your paper and add a new perspective – ideas for further research. Avoid including any new information in the conclusion of your Philosophy term paper.

We hope that our examples of philosophy topics for essays have inspired your philosophical thinking. Still, if you haven’t found what you are looking for, try out the topic generator. Enter the related keyword and check dozens of philosophy of science essay topics, philosophy of law topics, and many more.

❓ Philosophy Essay FAQ

What Topics Are in Philosophy?

Philosophy topics for essays are subdivided into topics on law, politics, science, ethics, existential issues, and philosophy of religion topics. You can also research feminism, logical argumentation, human rationality, empiricism, stoicism, metaphysics, and epistemology. The broadest and the most exciting title could be: What is the world we live in really like?

How to Come up With a Topic in Philosophy?

  • Select the domain. Would you like to discuss ethics, metaphysics, or epistemology? These are the three pillars of philosophy.
  • If you prefer something more practical, choose topics on political philosophy.
  • Read through your notes over the last semester. You will find an interesting research question.

What Is a Good Philosophy Essay Topic?

A good philosophy topic for an essay does not reveal your position but instead suggests an argumentative question. Does life have a superior meaning? Does an individual have the right to suicide? Can we build a happy society without international conflicts? Such questions allow you to develop arguments and explain your opinion.

What Are Easy Topics to Write About on Philosophy?

Philosophy ethics topics are probably the easiest papers to write because each person has their moral code, which could serve as a reference point. Consider the following:

  • Why do all societies have different moral standards?
  • Is there a universal paradigm of ethics?
  • Is it ethical to apply euthanasia?

🔗 References

  1. Why Study Philosophy? | University of Washington
  2. Research Areas | Department of Philosophy
  3. How death shapes life | The Harvard Gazette
  4. Reflections on Death in Philosophical/Existential Context
  5. Research Overview | Department of Philosophy
  6. Philosophy of art | Britannica
  7. Research Clusters – Philosophy – Columbia University
  8. Political philosophy | Britannica
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