The US Immigration Problem

Immigration is an issue that continues to draw a lot of controversy in the United States. The number of immigrants, both legal and illegal, has increased steadily (Griswold par.1). This increase has raised debates on the need for more immigrants.

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While some people are opposed to encouraging more immigrants into the country for various reasons such as jeopardizing security and straining the country’s health and education services, those of the position that more immigrants should be allowed into the country are of the view that immigrants will help improve the economy and enhance diversity and cultural tolerance (Cowen par. 3).

The United States should allow more immigration to help the economy grow by increasing workforce and business start-ups. Moreover, there will be increased diversity and cultural tolerance in America as a result of increased immigration.

Allowing more immigration will be essential in improving America’s economy by bringing the workforce into the existing businesses and necessitating the sprouting of new businesses. In spite of the tremendous increase in the number of immigrants during the last decade, the poverty index has not followed the same pattern.

Similarly, variables associated with poverty such as high crime rates reduced significantly (Griswold par. 4). This shows that immigrants impact on the economy positively, contrary to what critics suggest. Encouraging more immigrants enhances businesses, resulting in further job creation.

A high number of immigrants will provide the vital workforce needed in many American organizations, thereby keeping these organizations from seeking offshore production. This will subsequently help in keeping many jobs in the country, including those preferred by citizens. This will promote the economy (Cowen par. 5).

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Also, the immigrants will often take low-skilled jobs that are not preferred by the citizens. This is essential for improving the country’s business prospects as these immigrants enhance the quality of work for the citizens, leading to further success. Furthermore, immigrants increase consumer power and create conditions that enhance businesses (Matthews par.5).

Allowing more immigration will increase diversity and cultural tolerance in America. Immigrants form part of the American culture. Encouraging legal immigration will, therefore, accord people the opportunity to achieve their goals. The greatness of America is chiefly derived from the diversity of the people and cultures.

It is through allowing immigration that America will continue setting standards in the world, subsequently making it competitive economically (Hinojosa-Ojeda 183).

Many people opposed to the issue of allowing more immigrants into the country cite reasons such as perpetuating poverty in the United States, increasing welfare costs and increasing security threats. Critics of increased immigration perceive that immigrants will displace Americans from their jobs.

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Often, these immigrants take low-income jobs that cannot meet their education and health services, making them more dependent on social welfare (Cowen par. 4).

Further, critics point out that the government spends a substantial amount of resources providing essential services to the immigrants than the revenue that the government obtains from them. Another area of concern is security, where critics of pro-immigrant policies cite the high correlation between immigrants and high crime incidences in the country (Griswold par. 2).

In conclusion, I agree that immigrants are an integral part of America and have shaped its economy and culture through the years. Allowing more immigration will, therefore, serve to improve America’s economy and cultural diversity.

This will position the US strategically as a world leader in all aspects. The few cons perceived to be brought about by increased immigration should not blind the government into disallowing more immigration. The US stands to gain more from increased immigration than restricting immigration.

Works Cited

Cowen, Tyler. “How Immigrants Create More Jobs.” The New York Times, 2010. Web.

Griswold, Daniel. “As Immigrants Move in, Americans Move Up.” CATO Institute, 2009. Web.

Hinojosa-ojeda, Raul. “The Economic Benefits of Comprehensive Immigration Reform.” Cato Journal, 32.1 (2012): 175-199. Print.

Matthews, Christopher. “The Economics of Immigration: Who Win, Who Loses and Why.” Time, 2013. Web.

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DemoEssays. "The US Immigration Problem." February 21, 2022.