Sociology Examples for Free - Page 2

The Race-Based Affirmative Action

Introduction The fairness of the practice of affirmative action, that is, a policy of increasing opportunities for historically disadvantaged groups in education and employment, has been debated for decades. When it comes to race-based affirmative action in particular, it is a popular subject of discussion currently due to what was...

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Impacts of Poverty on Educational Institutions

Abstract When a person or community lacks the resources necessary for a minimal standard of living, such a situation is called poverty. This issue impacts both industrialized and developing nations throughout the world. Depending on political alienation, educational institutions in the United States range from 10% to 21% of students...

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Neo-Racism in Contemporary Society

Introduction In American society, racism is hardly a brand-new phenomenon. However, the minority and immigrant populations have been the most affected. It is currently difficult for the affected group to exercise their rights and freedoms due to the incidence of racial discrimination charges. Neo-racism is a new form of racism...

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Intimate Partner Violence Impact on Mental Health

Introduction Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a common problem that affects millions of people across the globe. It includes abuse and aggressive behaviors in romantic or family relationships. About 30% of women report domestic violence as physical or sexual violence, stalking, isolation, economic coercion, or psychological aggression regardless of their...

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The Distinction Between Natural Rights and Legal Rights

Rights are morally correct entitlements to do certain acts that are justifiable and legally protected by the law. The debate on whether rights are natural rights has been an exciting topic, with Philosophers like John Locke and Thomas Jefferson feeling that natural rights differ from legal rights and are not...

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Social Worker’s Response to the Gender Role Construct

Introduction Globally, every society has its gender characteristics and the social construction of gender roles, behaviors, and expectations, which is an essential aspect of the current culture. While gender is based on biological variations between men and women, unlike sex, it is intentionally imposed and socially manufactured. Gender roles, actions,...

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Divine Command Theory and Natural Law Ethics

Divine Command Theory and Natural Law Ethics are ethical theories that govern human behavior. Both theories are based on the idea that an ethical system is a set of rules that govern human conduct. However, these two theories differ in several ways. Divine Command Theory states that God’s commands are...

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“Letter from Birmingham Jail” by Martin Luther King Jr.

Introduction The “Letter from Birmingham Jail” has King’s personal views and racial issues experienced in society. His argument is based on the assumption that Christians should support his course of fighting against injustices. However, King effectively used rhetorical elements to persuade the liberal clergymen to agree with his argument about...

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The Ideal Society from a Sociological Perspective

Introduction Different aspects come together to build a society, including concepts such as norms, values, and beliefs that shape how people behave in communities. Social groups are significant in promoting interactions between human beings. Social rankings and classes exist in a society that shows people’s differences. An ideal society is...

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The Influence of E-Cigarettes on Nicotine Addiction

The most widespread nicotine product among Americans is still tobacco cigarettes, although e-cigarette popularity has recently increased, particularly among former smokers. There are significant concerns that e-cigarettes will encourage more people to consume nicotine, especially young people. E-cigarettes serve as an entry point to nicotine use in adolescents by increasing...

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Barriers to Effective Communication

The process of passing information from one person to another, either verbally or non-verbally, is known as communication. Whenever a piece of information gets a different perception other than the intended, the communication is said to have hit a barrier. These breakdowns can be caused either intentionally or unintentionally, and...

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Substance Abusers: The Vulnerable Group

Introduction Vulnerable populations are found everywhere, and unluckily they are more prone to a hardship lifestyle because of medical situations. A vulnerable population, therefore, implies a group of people having similar features that propose the group members are at high risk of declined health status physically, mentally, and emotionally (Sullivan,...

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Sexual Behavior and Violence: The Role of Drugs and Alcohol

Few crimes are as discussed and reviled in contemporary society as sexual assaults are. Yet paradoxically, despite being one of the most infamous activities, sexual violence is not sufficiently addressed by criminal justice. In fact, sexual behavior is so difficult to properly characterize that many people cannot identify when it...

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Marijuana Legalization in Illinois

Marijuana arrests affect the lives of hundreds of thousands of individuals every year, the vast majority of whom are Black or Latinx. The war on drugs unfairly targeted people of color and had no intention of improving public safety. Marijuana is a major component of the War on Drugs (WOD)...

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Animal Rights: Logical Fallacies and Opinions

Introduction Animal rights are views or arguments with moral grounds aimed to determine if animals deserve the right to be free from exploitation, similarly to people. Millions of animals continue to suffer and are killed every year by people for the sake of satisfying various desires. The animals are reared...

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Abortion Rights: Thomson’s Arguments

The question of abortion appropriateness continues to bother millions of people across the globe. Many arguments support and oppose this idea, and the discussion offered by Judith Jarvis Thomson at the beginning of the 1970s deserves recognition. On the one hand, Thomson does not deny that a fetus is a...

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Discrimination Against Immigrants in the US

In most discussions about migration, the starting point is usually the growing statistics. Understanding changes in scale, emerging trends, and shifts in demographic indicators associated with global socio-economic transformations, such as migration, helps to realize the changing world and make plans for the future. According to estimates for 2019, there...

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Women’s Empowerment and Race in Modern Society

Introduction Women empowerment is a critical part of contemporary society to unravel the problems posited by past generations that kept females subjugated. While there are notable women that have achieved greatness in the past, they did so amidst widespread dissent and hardships. Women play an integral role in society and...

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Worldviews and Communication of Asian and African American Women

Introduction Class division and culture determine the worldview people form and the way they communicate. Piaget and Vygotsky emphasized the importance of language in the formation of a worldview. The Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis supports the claim that language has a significant impact on the formation of a person’s worldview (Trimboli, 2020)....

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Roe v. Wade: Overturning Abortion Rights

The discussion about women’s rights to abortion and the issue of the constitutional support of this right has been relevant for the last several decades. The current situation around the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade became the center of debate in American society. According to a draft...

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Poverty, Its Causes and Solutions

Introduction When an individual or group lacks the means and necessities for a minimal quality of life, that situation is referred to as poverty. It is when one’s level of employment-based earnings is too low that they cannot meet their fundamental requirements. Poverty comprises two parts: a measure of the...

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History of Social Work in the United States

Introduction The history of social work in the United States is marked by the adoption of English laws to adaptations designed to address novel social challenges. Social work developed out of the need to address the paradox of increasing inequality and poverty in the context of high productivity and economic...

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Migrant’s Reflection on Italian and Jewish Cultures

Introduction Migration seldom represents an easy decision, and its consequences always reflect on the migrated people. Having to adapt to a new environment, migrants inevitably face the question of accepting the established norms or keeping particular features unaltered. In this context, forced migration often motivates people to prefer the latter...

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Effects of Bullying on Adolescents

Introduction In contemporary realia, bullying remains a widespread phenomenon, as most adolescents suffer from this kind of violence on a daily basis. Adolescence is a stage of life during which there are many prospects for health, and subsequent adult health patterns are set. Bullying has a lasting effect on its...

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Domestic Violence: Cultural and Psychological Issues

Introduction Domestic violence is an issue that has had a significant prevalence throughout history. Alternatively called intimate partner violence or domestic abuse, it can devastate people both physically and mentally. As a whole, domestic violence can be identified as a means to control, manipulate and demean a person in a...

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The Ethics and Social Responsibility Relationship

Modern companies operate within the framework of a global community and are closely connected with the social environment. In particular, businesses are required to conduct activities in accordance with ethical standards. Organizations need to make decisions that prioritize the good of employees, customers, and society as a whole over their...

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Should Testing on Animals Be Banned?

Introduction In all countries worldwide, many animals are used in research activities by scientists. They are used for testing to develop various types of medicine and identify if they are safe for human consumption. Research activities occur in different institutions, such as commercial entities, medical schools, and universities. Discussion During...

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The Opioid Misuse and Overdose Crisis in Georgia

Introduction The present opioid misuse and overdose crisis has emerged as one of the most devastating and lethal problems the world has ever faced. Although the pharmaceutical companies in the 1990s reassured the medical community that the patients would not become addicted to the medications, healthcare practitioners began to overprescribe...

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Racism, Race and Ethnicity of Latin Americans

Introduction Racism is a prejudice that targets people from a particular racial or ethnic group because of their origin. For instance, Hispanics in the U.S. may experience discrimination because of their race which is a form of prejudice. However, the level of discrimination may vary depending on skin tone, those...

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Risk Factors for Domestic Child Sex Trafficking

Summary The article expands on previous body of literatures on the problems caused by child sex trafficking within the United States by providing detailed information. Despite widespread opposition, human trafficking is a serious issue in the United States. Many individuals are aware of this issue, and efforts are made to...

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Cigarette Smoking Should Be Banned

Introduction Cigarette smoking is a behavior in which tobacco is ignited, and the ensuing gasses are inhaled to be experienced and absorbed into the circulatory system. Cigarette smoking is the most frequent tobacco consumption, accounting for more than 80% of the 1.3 billion tobacco consumers globally (World Health Organization [WHO],...

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The Gender Pay Gap in the Workplace

Introduction Pay is essential to compensate for time doing the work. Despite the critical need for pay, there is currently a problem with the gender pay gap. It is justified by the conditions of patriarchy, the enslaved person’s longevity, and the sexist system. Unfortunately, the situation does not seek a...

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Discussion: Alcohol and Its Effects

Introduction Alcohol is a psychoactive drug that acts on the brain to change a person’s mood, perception, and behavior. Alcoholic beverages contain a specific type of alcohol, namely Ethyl alcohol. Fermentation of yeast, sugars, and starches is the primary way of making alcoholic drinks. Alcohol is absorbed into the bloodstream...

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Political and Social Issues in Africa

Globalization, income, family size, and urbanization have influenced African political and social issues. These are the reason why these social and political problems are being experienced. Globalization triggers political and social issues due to the emergence of differences in people’s thinking, problem-solving techniques, and conceptualization, which occurs when individuals of...

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The Child Abuse and Neglect Issue and Its Causes

Introduction Child abuse is the inappropriate treatment of children under 18 years of age or inappropriate treatment. The social and psychological immaturity of children makes them utterly dependent on adults. This dependence, as well as the inability to protect themselves, makes them particularly vulnerable to various forms of violence. Child...

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The Social Work Practice: Key Issues

Introduction Social work refers to an academic and a practice-based profession concerned with meeting the fundamental needs of people, groups, families, communities, or society, aiming to enhance their personal and collective wellness. It draws from various fields, including community development, sociology, psychology, law, health, and economics, to engage with policies...

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Aspects of Racism as a Feminist Issue

Introduction Racism is based on the idea that individuals might be split into distinct groups on the basis of the superiority of a single group over another and their racial origins. Prejudice, discrimination, and hostility against people of a distinct ethnicity or race are examples of racial discrimination. Social conceptions...

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The Domestic Violence Impact on American Society

Introduction Domestic violence is an underestimated problem that negatively affects modern American society. Domestic violence is any action that harms a person’s physical and mental health. It creates conditions that interfere with the optimal life of all family members and create a risk for the normal development of the child,...

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Euthanasia: Death with Dignity

Introduction The problem of death with dignity refers both to the personal dignity of the dying person and to the dignity of society, which by all means must preserve the dignity of all. Firstly, death with dignity is a moral concern for the dying. Death with dignity is the right...

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Social Media and Digital Communities

Summary Social media platforms exist in online and offline forms comprising people and businesses. Because they share interests, objectives, and beliefs, the users become more receptive to people’s content. Social media gained power once the internet entered users’ lives, leading to the development of popular social networks like Instagram, Facebook,...

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Appeals in King’s “Letter from the Birmingham Jail”

Racial justice and equality are two main goals that Martin Luther King Jr. wants to achieve using the “Letter from the Birmingham Jail.” He focuses on the inefficiency of passive methods of facing racial segregation and social injustice based on the discrimination of the African American minority. He uses the...

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Cultural Influence on Family Functioning

Introduction Culture and cultural background may significantly affect certain aspects of family functioning, including parenting, home-school connections, marital stability, sibling relationships, and many others. Most world cultures are considered “mainstream” nowadays and are similar in many senses, but some are unique due to various circumstances, such as historical background. For...

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Feminist Waves and Feminist Theories on Violence Against Women

There have been periods throughout history known as feminist waves. During these waves, feminists gathered together to struggle for women’s rights and aggressively advocated for feminist ideas and activities. As a result of the disparity that existed between men and women, these events were characterized by a series of social...

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Possibility of an Ideal Society from a Sociological Perspective

Background A perfect society is seen as the ideal type of society. It is one in which every aspect of daily life is as perfect as it is possible to make for every member of the community. However, because it has never happened, this kind of society will forever stay...

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Why Alcohol Abuse Is More Prevalent Than Drug Abuse

Recently, drug abuse cases have increased, with opioids taking the greater part of the news headlines. Many people in the U.S die as a result of drug abuse, posing a significant threat to society. Alcohol abuse is closely related to drug abuse; people who use drugs are likely to use...

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Supporting Women Emotionally in the Transition to Motherhood

Introduction An essential physiological, mental, social, and environmental life shift is a part of being a parent. During the transition to motherhood, the health of women depends on a variety of aspects. Additionally, it is noteworthy that parents frequently have mental health issues, which affect both the parent and their...

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Teenage Substance Abuse Issue

Introduction Teenagers frequently consume and abuse drugs and alcohol, which can have adverse effects. Adolescent substance usage can vary from occasional experimenting to profound substance usage problems. Teenagers who use any substance, including experimental substance consumption, run the danger of experiencing short-term issues like overdosing, fights, accidents, and inappropriate sexual...

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The Importance of Socialization in Culture

Introduction The professor started with a reading of a short emotional story about a little girl of around seven years old whose name was Danielle. According to the investigators, the girl was found alone in an inhabited home that was pathetic, infested with cockroaches, smeared with feces and urine, old...

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Sociology of Immigration in the United States

Overview There are 41 million immigrants in the US, which means almost one in twelve people is an immigrant (American Civil Liberties Union, 2022). Among 83% of all deported people are not given a court hearing in the presence of a judge (American Civil Liberties Union, 2022). Annually, the US...

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Environmental Racism Against African American Community

Introduction Throughout centuries of sociocultural interactions and the related developments within the American community, the concept of race means baked into every facet of U.S. society. As a result, race-related conflicts and disparaging attitudes toward ethnic and race minorities occur to this day (Fredman, 2022). What makes the phenomenon of...

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The Influence of Video Games on Family Bonding

Introduction There is no secret that the world of technology is getting more advanced with each day. Nowadays, many children spend their free time in front of a computer monitor, playing their favorite games, where the virtual world beckons with unlimited possibilities. However, there is an ongoing debate on how...

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African Americans’ Oppression and Health Disparities

Introduction The African American population in the United States has a long and complicated history, deeply rooted in slavery and discrimination. For centuries, African Americans were denied basic rights and freedoms, which has profoundly impacted their health and well-being. Today, there is a significant disparity between the health of African...

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Is America Ready for a Female President?

Introduction The political arena is now increasingly diverse, and the role of women is growing. In the American community, despite democratic gender movements, gender gaps in politics need to be bridged. There are debates over how much power should be given to women and whether they deserve this position. These...

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Comprehensive Sex Education in Modern Society

Introduction Sexual education at school causes a lot of controversy: some parents believe that sex education lessons will protect children from violence, prejudices about contraception, early pregnancies and other outcomes of domestic sex education. There is also an opinion that sex education lessons have a harmful effect on the psyche...

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The Differences Between Male and Female Emotions

Introduction In an era of struggle for sex equality, self-definition of gender identity, and changes in the understanding of concepts related to gender and sex, it is essential to examine the emotions of representatives of different genders. It is crucial to study emotions because there is a high level of...

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Communication Strategies in Online Courses

Learning techniques have adapted to students’ evolving needs by integrating online platforms that allow remote studying into the curriculum. Creating online platforms that deliver the requisite information and are functional requires instructional design strategies. These strategies ensure teachers interact with the learner through an accessible portal reinforced with constant feedback...

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School Gun Violence in the United States

The two discussion posts acknowledge the existence of the gun policy in the United States. However, the way this information is presented in the discussion differs significantly. The other student’s post only indicates that gun control and legislation are controversial without mentioning where it is contained in the constitution. My...

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Women and the Right to Abortion

The current legal discussions and changes surrounding abortion rights raise one of the most debated topics of who gets to decide whether a woman can have an abortion. Nations have adopted various legal and societal views on abortion, from decriminalization and medical support from the government to complete prohibition and...

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Homelessness in the Veteran Population

U.S. federal law defines homelessness as people who do not have a permanent, regular, and adequate nighttime residence. Determining how many are homeless remains a problem. Part of the difficulty is the relative invisibility of homeless people, who, for their safety, often choose to remain hidden to avoid criminal victimization...

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High Context and Low Context Cultures

High-context cultures include France, Spain, Italy, the Middle East, China, Japan, and Russia. For representatives of high-context cultures a lot of information is transmitted by non-language context – hierarchy, status, a person’s appearance, manners of his behavior, living conditions. The cultures of Germany, Switzerland, USA, Scandinavian and other Northern European...

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Gender Discrimination in the Workplace

Introduction The main goal of business organizations is the provision of quality goods and services to consumers at an affordable cost. All business organizations include the administration and the employees who work together to achieve the goals and targets of the organization. When selecting employees to work in an organization,...

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Gender Inequality in Workplaces

In a perfect society, inclusion and diversity would be embedded in daily life, and all individuals would be considered equal. Unlearning the social systems created through centuries of colonization, patriarchal cultures, and gender inequality is part of advancing diversity and inclusion. “Unlearning” is the process of deliberately recognizing one’s preconceived...

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The Latinos Ethnic Group Discussion

The Hispanic ethnic group, commonly known as Latinos, is the largest minority population in the United States. Census data from the United States shows that this group is distinct from the other ethnic groups in the country. To be classified as a Latino by the United States Census Bureau, a...

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The Rights Theory of Ethics and Its Application

Ethics contains four main ethic theories: deontology, utilitarianism, rights, and virtue. The theory of deontology concentrates on individual moral principles or beliefs; for example, one can make a decision based on the law, personal preferences, or attitudes towards certain situations or people. Utilitarianism concentrates on the outcomes or results of...

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Domestic Violence Against Children

Introduction As the social and political environment in the United States changes, so does the debate over violence against children, with successive administrations claiming to be more decisive in dealing with it. Recent policy circles have also raised concern about the growth in domestic violence (Heleniak & McLaughlin, 2020). Efforts...

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Campus Rape Cases in the United States

Discipline is not Prevention: Transforming the Cultural Foundations of Campus Rape Culture The campus is tailored to provide a favorable environment for students to achieve better grades and have moral life. Unfortunately, rape has taken over on most campuses, an issue that needs addressing. According to McCabe (2020), a typical...

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The Gender Pay Gap Issue Awareness

The gender pay gap is the difference between the average wages of women and men. This indicator is often used to analyze the position of women in the economy; it measures progress toward gender equality at the national and international levels. Boll and Lagemann (2019) note that if the gender...

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Violence Against Women and Related Theories

Introduction Violence against women encompasses a wide range of abuse, including physical, sexual, and emotional abuse. It can take many forms, from domestic violence and sexual assault to workplace harassment and stalking (Krook, 2017). Many factors contribute to violence against women, including gender inequality, poverty, and a culture that tolerates...

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Single Mothers’ Experiences of Relationships with Their Adolescent Sons

A generic qualitative design was applied in the study to investigate the experiences of single African American mothers and their relationships with their adolescent sons, to address a gap in the literature by providing a deeper understanding of single African American women’s experiences as mothers of adolescent sons, including their...

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How Feminist Scholars Question Mainstream International Relations Theories

Introduction Today, the need for a feminist philosopher’s voice is justified by their position in society. This essay explores the realism theory of international relations recognising the positive impact of the scholars studying feminism both as an intellectual commitment and a political force dedicated to achieving gender equality and the...

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Ethical Issues in Social Research

Introduction Social research refers to the methodology used by scientists to study people and societies in that they develop products or services that cater for distinct demands of people. There must be the use of a systematic plan that comprises quality and quantity observational metrics. When it comes to ethical...

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The Belmont Report: Ethical Principles and Guidelines

Introduction The Belmont Report focuses on ethical guidelines and principles concerning protecting human research subjects. According to the report, primary ethical principles underlie the conduct of behavioral and biomedical research studies, which entail human subjects. In addition, the report acts as a guideline through which such kind of research should...

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How Early Laws in America Contributed to the Legitimacy of Intimate Partner Violence

Introduction The legitimacy of intimate partner violence was impacted by the introduction of early laws in America. Before introducing the laws on intimate partner violence, women were allowed to be beaten for corrective purposes. Some courts in America, for instance, in North Carolina, failed to acknowledge violence caused to women...

Words: 557 Pages: 3

Abortion From Cultural and Ethical Perspectives

Introduction Abortion is the act of terminating a pregnancy by removing the fetus or a developing embryo before it is due to be born. The community views this act as morally wrong and inhuman while, in some cases, it is seen as biologically fit. However, some philosophical and cultural approaches...

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Police Use of Force and Violence

Due to the nature of the work, police officers are afforded a considerable measure of discretion. Officers are confronted with a variety of dangerous scenarios that need them to react fast yet responsibly. They have the capacity to infringe on any citizen’s right to freedom, and they must make effective...

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Why Euthanasia Should Be Legal

Introduction The issue of euthanasia has gained popularity across the globe due to various social development and legal. It influences human interests such as spirituality and mortality and thus provokes emotions. Euthanasia, also known as physician-assisted suicide, is a debatable concept that has attracted much attention. It is an alternative...

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Intimate Partner Violence on Men

Introduction Intimate partner violence is a form of domestic abuse that can include physical, emotional, sexual, or financial abuse. It can happen to anyone regardless of gender, race, class, or sexual orientation and is a complex issue with many factors at play. One of the contributing factors is the socialization...

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The Equal Rights Amendment to the Constitution

The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) was supposed to ensure equal rights between men and women though it has not been added to the Constitution. The Fourteenth Amendment guarantees equal protection of the laws for all citizens regardless of gender. The initial indent of the Fourteenth Amendment was to provide formerly...

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Racial and Ethnic Disparities in the United States

Racial and ethnic minorities constitute a substantial part of the population of the United States, and the government should adopt policies that reflect their needs. Specifically, the U.S. government should promote the advancements for minorities in spheres such as education, economics, and health and offer timely solutions which address disparities....

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Why Animal Rights Should or Should Not Be Upheld

Meat consumption and other forms of animal exploitation have led to many ethical concerns in the US and other parts of the world. As human beings have human rights, animals deserve to be respected and protected in society. Actions such as exploiting animals for meat, fur, foie gras, and veal...

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Effects of Playing Fighting Video Games on Children

Introduction It is hard to disagree that video games have moved to another, more advanced level with the development of sophisticated interactive narrativity, modern technologies, high-definition graphics, and increased real-life simulation possibilities. By exquisitely engaging players of all ages, computer games are now played worldwide. As noticed by Goodson and...

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Coffee Retailers and Social Issues

Coffee Coffee is a product consumed by millions of customers globally. Today, it is a part of mass culture, meaning that people have numerous rituals associated with its use (Cailleba & Casteran, 2011). For this reason, the retail business is on the rise nowadays. Thus, statistics show that the retail...

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Human Trafficking: Sexual Exploitation

Human trafficking is characterized as the illegal act of transferring or coercing someone for the purpose of profiting from their labor or service, usually through forced labor or sexual exploitation. Sexual exploitation, forced labor or involuntary servitude, and economic slavery or debt bondage are the three most frequent categories of...

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The Role of Gender in Interaction via Social Media

Both men and women are now actively using social media for interaction. However, there are gender differences that play a role in the formation of the subject of interaction, information search and sharing, decision-making, and well-being. First of all, gender influences the subject of social interaction in social media. Rollero...

Words: 288 Pages: 2

Effects of Social Welfare Policies on the US

Introduction Social welfare policy may be described as a government’s response to basic needs such as food, housing, healthcare, and other necessities. Historically, the U.S social welfare policies can be traced back to the New Deal programs of the 1930s which were meant to counter the effects of the Great...

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Contemporary Quebec Cinema Social Problem of Child Abuse

Child abuse and neglect have been an issue that has occasionally gained attention and measures to address them. It involves not only physical harm but also psychological and sexual abuse. In general, it consists of failing to do something or do something that harms or puts a child at risk....

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Prejudice, Racism, and Unjustified Internment of Japanese Americans

Introduction Following the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, American skepticism and disdain for the Japanese swiftly turned to outright hostility. It was widely considered that all people of Japanese ancestry might be spies. In reality, many Americans believed that Japanese-Americans living on the West Coast and...

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The Issue of Poverty and Income Inequality

Introduction Rising income disparity has ignited a burst of investigation and replication on the roots and consequences of these tendencies. Several critics have stated that inequality does not merit all of its attention, saying that concentrating on inequality can shift the focus away from the primary problem of poverty. On...

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Reducing Tobacco Usage Among the Single or Never Married Males

Tobacco use entails the habitual application of the tobacco plant leaf or its products. The use of tobacco and its products can be broadly classified into two categories: inhaled tobacco and smokeless tobacco. Inhaled tobacco encompasses the tobacco taken via pipes such as hookah or through cigars and cigarettes such...

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Ethical Relativism and the Case of Edward Downes

The suicide case of Edward Downes — a renowned British composer and conductor — and his wife Joan was covered in the media due to the conflicting opinions about their decision. In their later years, Downes and his wife had a difficult life. At the age of eighty-five, Downes lost...

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Resource Availability for Low to Moderate-Income Families in New York City

Executive Summary Low-income families living in urban regions have always struggled to maintain their quality of life on a decent level. Often escalated poverty levels have led to higher costs of living and increased competition for resource availability. Strains on available resources are attributed to overpopulation due to suburban-to-urban migration...

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Muslim Culture and American Negativity

Introduction Americans have failed to differentiate between the Muslim religion and Muslim people. It also brings the analogy of Islam perspective because the terms seem equal to them. The contrasting attitude from the Americans to Muslims and Islam became paramount in 9/11. The negativity arose during 9/11 from 40% to...

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Unauthorized Immigrants’ Path to Citizenship

Gaining legal status would likely mean three things for the people living in the United States undocumented. First, they would no longer be subject to deportation solely because they are in-country without authorization. Secondly, they would be authorized to work, thirdly, they would have the right to travel in and...

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Do Violent Video Games Contribute to Youth Violence?

The vast majority of people would agree that video games promote critical thinking. Although individuals also believe that violent video games promote aggressive and violent behavior in real life, there is minimal research available on this issue. Recently, there have been many victims of terrorist attacks and murders of peaceful...

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Resource Availability for Low to Moderate-Income Families in New York City

Policy Analysis As indicated in previous papers, the research key area is resource availability for moderate-income families in New York City. Before this paper was an analysis plan that gave a foundational element of what the analysis will cover as far as the capstone project is covered. The evaluative criteria...

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Shakespeare’s “Othello” as a Racist Play

Racism in William Shakespeare’s Othello is crucial in establishing the play’s plot and the characters’ behavior. Even though racism is not Othello’s core theme, it practically impacts everything in it. Iago exploits Othello because of his skin color, and he is also seen as inferior (Shakespeare 65). Othello’s dark skin...

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History of the Abolitionist Movement

Abolitionists: Reformers or Agitators The abolitionist movement contrasted itself with the historic roots of the first fighters for freedom in the American nation. American anti-slavery society (1833) stated that, unlike their predecessors, who were driven to wage a bloody war for freedom, they rejected the use of weaponry. Moreover, they...

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Negotiating and the Negotiation Process

Negotiation is the process by which people communicate to establish a mutually acceptable agreement on an issue. When faced with several options, individuals are expected to carefully weigh the pros and cons to make the best decision possible for themselves and the organizations they represent. Rational negotiators are those who...

Words: 598 Pages: 3

Scientific Management, Welfare Capitalism, and Organizational Culture

Introduction The emerging information society predetermines a new order of social management, built on the active participation of subjects in broad information about all aspects of management activities, assuming the presence of feedback. A characteristic feature is social technologies in the management system: their essence, forms, and components. This type...

Words: 1989 Pages: 9