The Rise of China and Its Effects on the US

This paper focuses on the main effects of the rise of China on the US/China relations. First, the rise of China promotes economic development in the US. In the last two decades, most US companies have joined the Chinese market. As a result, they have increased their profits and share of the global market in various industries. In addition, China is a major source of financing for the US government and private businesses.

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Second, the rise of China has a great influence on the foreign policy of the US, especially in the Asia-Pacific region. China has traditionally been involved in territorial disputes with its neighbors, such as Japan, the Philippines, and Vietnam (Hallinan, 2014). These countries are major allies of the US. Thus, China has always perceived any US military support to these countries as an indirect attack. In this respect, the US has had to maintain a foreign policy that promotes cooperation rather than direct confrontations in the Asia-Pacific region.

Third, China’s increasing military capability affects the national security strategy of the US (Hallinan, 2014). China is currently implementing a military modernization program that involves the acquisition of sophisticated weapons. Eventually, China is likely to establish a military that will be capable of challenging the US in Asia.

Rise of China for the US: Good or Bad

The rise of China can be viewed as both a good and a bad thing for the US. In trade, China is a large market that the US cannot afford to lose. Moreover, cheap labor in China enables US companies to reduce their production costs in order to remain competitive. However, the relocation of companies to China has significantly contributed to the loss of jobs in the US. In addition, the US trade deficit with China continues to grow rapidly (US Census Bureau, 2014). Thus, China seems to be the main beneficiary of the trade relationship.

China continues to work with the US to resuscitate the global economy, promote peace, and prevent climate change. These initiatives are good for the US since they create opportunities for trade, enhanced security, and prosperity. Nonetheless, China has taken advantage of the economic and diplomatic weaknesses of the US to establish a global strategic influence. For instance, China has replaced the US as the main trading partner and source of financing in Africa. In addition, China’s perceived cooperation with countries such as Iran, as well as its poor human rights record, casts doubts on its commitment to work with the US to promote global peace and security (Roskin & Berry, 2010).

The principal effects of China’s increasing prosperity on U.S./China relations

China and the US have realized that they have to cooperate and tolerate each other’s development agenda in order to achieve their individual goals in a peaceful manner. This perspective is supported by the efforts that the two countries have made to strengthen their relationships in the last four years. Specifically, the Obama administration has categorically stated that it welcomes the emergence of China as a prosperous country that has an influence on world affairs (Lawrence, 2013). Moreover, the administration has stated that the US does not intend to prevent China from becoming a great power. Similarly, China has promised to pursue its development agenda through a peaceful process (Lawrence, 2013). In this regard, the rise of China will be good for the US in the long run. For example, the military-to-military programs that have been initiated by the two countries will help the US to defeat terrorism and proliferation of weapons of mass destruction in the Asia-Pacific region. In addition, the US will have increased access to trade opportunities, thereby retaining its title as an economic power.

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Hallinan, C. (2014). Parsing the East Asian powder keg. Web.

Lawrence, S. (2013). U.S-China relations: An overview of policy issues. Washington, DC: Congressional Research Service.

Roskin, M., & Berry, N. (2010). The new world of international relations. Boston, MA: Pearson Education.

US Census Bureau. (2014). Trade in goods with China. Web.

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DemoEssays. (2023, January 4). The Rise of China and Its Effects on the US.

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"The Rise of China and Its Effects on the US." DemoEssays, 4 Jan. 2023,


DemoEssays. (2023) 'The Rise of China and Its Effects on the US'. 4 January.


DemoEssays. 2023. "The Rise of China and Its Effects on the US." January 4, 2023.

1. DemoEssays. "The Rise of China and Its Effects on the US." January 4, 2023.


DemoEssays. "The Rise of China and Its Effects on the US." January 4, 2023.