Abortion: The Negative Consequences

Losing an individual’s life is one of the worst tragedies one might endure. The loss of one’s life hinders one of all the accomplishments and pleasures that would otherwise have comprised one’s future (McKinney, 2019). The fundamental growing dilemma in today’s society is when it is appropriate to take an individual’s life, precisely the existence of the unborn. People want to live because they value what life has to provide. Furthermore, the quality of life is not inferior to personal wishes, as is commonly assumed, but appropriate desires would rapidly replace the misery of dying prematurely. Thus, this essay addresses abortion, its negative effects, and the agonizing process that both men and women go through while deciding whether or not to end a pregnancy.

Moreover, it is critical to recognize that others value the existence of an unborn child, even if they are not in a position to value their possibility. Support for abortion is based on the premise that an individual does not have the right to exist until they need it for perpetual survival. Abortion will result in a variety of physical, economic, and social problems, as well as a wide range of repercussions on women’s health (McKinney, 2019). Most governments have outlawed the practice, but others have authorized it by claiming it has several advantages.

It ought to be recognized that abortion is physically and emotionally harmful to a woman’s life and her fetus and hence should be prohibited. Abortion raises a number of moral concerns and options, according to McKinney (2019). Firstly, it is essential for women who do not want children to abstain from sex or have protective intercourse. Secondly, if a woman becomes pregnant and does not desire the child, she must have the baby and leave it in the care of others, as some programs help find housing for children who do not have families or do not have suitable guardians. Thirdly, even though many families struggle with infertility, one could give birth and place the child for adoption. Thus, it should be mentioned that abortion is judged unnecessary for the reasons stated above.

Abortion can have a wide range of effects on women participating in it. It can have psychological as well as consequences because the approach is more focused on a person’s physical aspect and might produce issues with an unhealthy lifestyle and physique (Tanne, 2018). Humans should be guided by moral principles when deciding whether or not to have an abortion. Most scholars think that the world’s morality and ethical standards require each person’s first right to be considered to produce a peaceful and good life (McKinney, 2019). As a result, human rights abuses have become a significant concern today, with increasing negative consequences for people in society. According to theological grounds against abortion, God created each person and is the only one who has the ability to provide and remove life (McKinney, 2019). Therefore, killing another human is considered illegal and unacceptable in any culture.

Aborting a fetus that is developing into a newborn is also unethical and immoral since it is considered a kind of murder and violates the human rights to life as well as identity. Another crucial point to consider is that abortion is detrimental to most women’s bodies since it may lead to significant health issues such as mortality and infertility in the future (McKinney, 2019). Another ethical difficulty with the procedure is that everybody should take responsibility for their actions. Each person should recognize that a child, whether born or unborn, ought to have the opportunity to live so they can have a decent future (McKinney, 2019). The procedure poses a health hazard to women and might even result in life-long potential harm: thus, it should be shunned to the greatest extent possible.

Recognizing that abortion is killing can help women make good decisions for the baby as well as for themselves. Abortion, too, can have medical issues and should not be employed as a contraceptive. Furthermore, feticide causes a slew of difficulties. Many medical professionals identify pregnancy complications, miscarriages, pelvic inflammation, eventual infertility, and future preterm births as problems (McKinney, 2019). The challenges may cause long-term issues; thus, it is essential to avoid problems by urging females to choose different moral and ethical means of maintaining their pregnancies, birthing, and caring for their children.

People’s typical power to reason should always be founded on morality since humans may think ethically and morally, which makes them relevant. The philosopher, therefore, argues that all humans should be entitled to universal decency and respect (McKinney, 2019). His fundamental argument against abortion is that humans entrust their lives, which have remarkable inherent value, to others (McKinney, 2019). In light of the concerns raised above, it is clear that abortion is no different from any other type of murder since it robs a person of their future (McKinney, 2019). Infants have a destiny that makes murdering an adult person immoral. Miscarriage is immoral and can inflict physical, psychological, as well as emotional suffering; hence, it ought to be outlawed entirely and never done. Abortion violates the unborn baby’s inalienable right to life. As a result, there are always better options available than abortion.


McKinney, C. (2019). A good abortion is a tragic abortion: Fit motherhood and disability stigma. Hypatia, 34(2), 266–285. Web.

Tanne, J. H. (2018). Abortion is over-regulated in US, study says. BMJ. Web.

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"Abortion: The Negative Consequences." Premium Papers, 25 Feb. 2025, premium-papers.com/abortion-the-negative-consequences/.


Premium Papers. (2025) 'Abortion: The Negative Consequences'. 25 February.


Premium Papers. 2025. "Abortion: The Negative Consequences." February 25, 2025. https://premium-papers.com/abortion-the-negative-consequences/.

1. Premium Papers. "Abortion: The Negative Consequences." February 25, 2025. https://premium-papers.com/abortion-the-negative-consequences/.


Premium Papers. "Abortion: The Negative Consequences." February 25, 2025. https://premium-papers.com/abortion-the-negative-consequences/.