Word Changer for Essays

Use this paraphrasing tool to quickly reword any essay, research paper, or article. Get a brand-new text for free.

Word Changer for Essays
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👍🏽 Word Changer: 5 Key Benefits

🏆 Top rewording qualityThe Word Changer’s title does not cover all the offered features. Yes, it replaces some words with synonyms, but the created paraphrase is much more profound. It is a professional rewording tool that creates a brand-new text with the same meaning.
🎓 Made for academic textsThe principal problem of many similar online tools is word choice. Many of them use a general vocabulary making the proofreading even more complicated. Word Changer is intended for scholarly texts and uses only appropriate language.
🕹 AdjustableYou won’t always need a new text generator. Sometimes, 30 to 50% of rewording suffices. In any case, our tool is adjustable in these terms.
🔢 Simple in useIt is so simple that you won’t even have to read the instructions. Copy-paste the passage into the blank field and press the button below. In a couple of seconds, enjoy the result!
💸 100% freeLast but not least, the price, or rather its absence. We don’t require our users to register or pay for the first, second, or 99th time they use our tool.

😍 How to Change Words in an Essay Ethically

The line between word changing and plagiarism is often indiscernible and blurred. The problem is that when the words or grammatical arrangement of your writing resembles the original content too much, it may be viewed as an attempt to appropriate another person’s intellectual property. Plagiarism is unethical, unprofessional, and sometimes illegal. Thus, here’s the difference:

  1. The first and foremost difference is the tangible change in the sentence structure and language. You can preserve the main ideas, but their rendering should be your own. If you don’t find it possible to transmit the concept without using the author’s wording, insert the passage in quotation marks. Meanwhile, a mechanical replacement of several words with synonyms counts for plagiarism.
  2. A thorough word changing includes a proper reference to the original. Not only do direct quotes require crediting the source. A citation should accompany any use of another person’s thoughts among yours. Still, you can ignore this rule with common facts (history years, physical axioms, etc.).

🔠 Essay Word Changing: Examples

Let’s take a look at some good and bad examples of word changing. Below you’ll find a fragment of an article by a famous physician and a best-selling writer Oliver Sacks. The article called The Mind’s Eye was published in New Yorker in 2003.

Original Passage

It is said that those who see normally as infants but then become blind within the first two years of life retain no memories of seeing, have no visual imagery and no visual elements in their dreams (and, in this way, are comparable to those born blind). It is similar with those who lose hearing before the age of two: they have no sense of having “lost” the world of sound, nor any sense of “silence,” as hearing people some-times imagine. For those who lose sight so early, the very concepts of “sight” or “blindness” soon cease to have meaning, and there is no sense of losing the world of vision, only of living fully in a world constructed by the other senses.

A Good Example

In his article on visual imagery in blind people, Oliver Sacks compares infants who become blind and lose hearing before the age of two. Their common feature is the absence of memories (visual and audial, respectively) in the later years. They don’t have visual elements in their dreams like the others don’t understand the sense of “silence.” Their world is built based on other feelings, and they don’t suffer the lack of one of them merely because they don’t remember how it felt (Sacks, 2003).

  • The paragraph structure has been completely altered;
  • The design of sentences is different;
  • Several phrases have been grouped into one to summarize;
  • The vocabulary has been thoroughly reworded.

A Worse Example

Some infants who eventually become blind during their first two years don’t remember any visual imagery. They don’t have visual elements in their dreams, thus becoming similar to those born blind. Their situation is close to that of the people who lost hearing before the same age. They don’t understand having “lost” anything and don’t demonstrate any sense of “silence.” For them, the notions of “vision” or “blindness” have no meaning, as they live in a world of other senses.

  • The example has no reference to the original;
  • The sentence structure is barely changed;
  • The logical structure of the paragraph is preserved;
  • Too many original words have been kept from the original.

🤖 How to Choose a Word Changer

Technology is popular nowadays since no student imagines life without web connections and writing tools. The negative side is that the available choice of instruments to avoid plagiarism is almost infinite. They range from intuitively clear and free ones to professional and sophisticated tools that cost several hundred dollars.

Depending on the assignment, the word changer you select should be different. Whether you’re working on a 5-paragraph essay or a research paper, you’ll need specialized software with carefully selected vocabulary. But in general, you can be guided by the following criteria in choosing the best paraphraser:

  • Quantity of maximum input words;
  • Uploadable source text and downloadable result;
  • Quality of paraphrasing;
  • Possibility to select the percentage of changes to be introduced;
  • Price.

Thank you for reading this article! We hope that this word changer is useful for you. You are welcome to try other free tools we offer: thesis statement helper, summarizer, title maker, and conclusion generator.

❓ Essay Word Changer: FAQ

❓ How to Change Paragraph Wording?

You’ll have to read the passage several times to change paragraph wording. Mentally note where the topical and concluding sentences are. Count the number of supportive evidence or arguments. Then, put away the original and rewrite the paragraph from memory or your notes.

❓ How to Change the Wording of a Sentence?

First, analyze its structure. If it is long and complex (with several subjects and predicates), break it into two or more simple sentences. Then, replace as many words with synonyms as possible. But check if the new wording fits in the context. Finally, read the result and check if its meaning matches the original.

❓ What Is a Paraphrasing Tool?

A paraphrasing tool is an online or offline software that analyzes the entered text and renders its meaning in different words. It is like a translation into the same language. Most such instruments use various forms of AI, allowing to change not only the wording but also the overall text structure.

❓ How Is a Paraphrase Similar to a Summary?

Paraphrasing and summary are technically similar but may differ depending on the assignment. For example, you may need to paraphrase a paragraph without condensing its length. In such a case, the two notions will differ. On the other hand, a summary always requires rewording. Thus, paraphrasing is one of summarizing methods.


🔗 References