Animal Experimentation: Key Benefits

Two contentious issues that have sparked unending discussions are animal rights and the morality of using them in experiments. Various ethical defenses have been made in favor of and against using animals in experiments. The existence of people as members of the animal world with rights akin to those of humans has been the subject of various ethical analogies within this debate. Generally, it is believed that the benefits to humans outweigh any proven moral objections to animal experimentation, which makes it justifiable.

The tremendous benefits and prospective advantages that animal research offers humanity make it justified. Animal testing helps develop medicines and cures that save lives. According to studies, alternative research methodologies are less trustworthy and do not accurately imitate persons and entire body systems (YourGenome, 2017). Animals make suitable research subjects since they share many traits with humans. Moreover, only a small number of animals, including mice and apes, are more likely to be physiologically compatible with humans during tests, meaning that not all animals suffer injury.

One of the main justifications offered by animal rights proponents for opposing experimentation is pain and suffering. Activism helped pass laws such as The Improved Standards of Laboratory Animals Act requiring the development of alternatives for practices known to cause animal suffering (“Animal rights,” 2021). However, it is crucial to remember that medical researchers also use the most compassionate technique while working with the animals in addition to just using a small portion of the animals. The primary argument for these claims is that animals have moral value since they can feel discomfort.

In brief, it is crucial to remember that the advantages of animal experimentation outweigh the drawbacks. Some benefits of animal research include the discovery of novel and possibly beneficial medications and other advanced pharmaceutical findings. Using animals in research has helped create effective drugs and other critical treatments for many infections. Overall, the use of animals in the medical profession has produced significant and helpful therapeutic advancements.


Animal rights. (2021). Gale Opposing Viewpoints Online Collection. Web.

YourGenome. (2017). Should animals be used in research? Web.

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Premium Papers. (2025, February 3). Animal Experimentation: Key Benefits.

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"Animal Experimentation: Key Benefits." Premium Papers, 3 Feb. 2025,


Premium Papers. (2025) 'Animal Experimentation: Key Benefits'. 3 February.


Premium Papers. 2025. "Animal Experimentation: Key Benefits." February 3, 2025.

1. Premium Papers. "Animal Experimentation: Key Benefits." February 3, 2025.


Premium Papers. "Animal Experimentation: Key Benefits." February 3, 2025.