Aspects of the Social Interaction in School


The concept of social interaction in school is important due to the fact that a student, having crossed the threshold of a school, becomes a public subject. Performing academic duties is an important factor for a student to achieve success in the eyes of parents, teachers, and classmates. This concept is inextricably linked with other sociological concepts, such as functional-role relationships, emotional-evaluative relationships, or personal-semantic relationships. All these aspects of emotional intelligence are successfully formed solely as a result of social interaction. The determining factor in achieving the learning goal is the independent activity of the child, but this quality will manifest itself only if the student can freely communicate with their peers, carrying out social interaction.


Social interaction is a system of socially determined individual or group actions. They are connected by mutual causal dependence, in which the behavior of one of the participants is both a stimulus and a reaction to the behavior of the others. The interaction process has two sides. Its objective side is these connections that do not depend on individuals or groups, but mediate and regulate the content and nature of their interaction. For example, this is the content of the educational process at school. The subjective side is a conscious, often emotional attitude of individuals to each other, based on mutual expectations of appropriate behavior (Gardner, 2019). For example, it can be the attitude of a student and a teacher, or classmates to each other.

An example of social interaction is how actively schoolchildren respond to all types of joint activities. Social interaction is also manifested in the desire to help each other and to focus on the interests of the team. The interaction of the student with the personality of the teacher, who introduces the child to educational activities, is significant (Gardner, 2019). At the first time of learning, the child perceives classmates through the teacher’s opinion and pays attention to them when during lessons the teacher evaluates them and emphasizes successes or failures. Thus, multilevel social interaction with peers occurs through the prism of interaction with the teacher.

At a time when most families are concerned about solving the problems of economic and sometimes physical survival, the tendency of parents to withdraw from the issue of education and upbringing of the child has intensified. Another negative trend is that many parents, do not have sufficient knowledge of the age and individual characteristics of the child’s development, and sometimes carry out education intuitively (Gardner, 2019). Therefore, a very important influence on the socialization of a child outside of school in the real world, for example, in the family, is influenced by social interaction at school. The success of the educational process depends on how the relationship between teachers, students, and parents develops. Thus, a close relationship is formed between the concept of social interaction within the school and in the real world.


The concept of social interaction at school is important because, in difficult modern conditions, the family needs systematic and qualified assistance from the school. The process of interaction between the family and the school should be aimed at the active involvement of parents in the educational process, in extracurricular leisure activities, cooperation with children and teachers. The contradiction between the need for parents to participate in the child’s school life and the parents’ self-exclusion from solving parenting issues actualized the problem of finding effective forms of socialization for students. Social interaction within the school has become such a form, which explains its importance. Teaching a student social interaction has always been an integral and important part of the school’s activities. A modern school needs to form flexible communication skills in children in relation to peers and teachers. This will serve as a basis for creating a successful functioning of the individual in the real world outside of school.

Work Cited

Gardner, R. (2019). Classroom interaction research: The state of the art. Research on Language and Social Interaction, 52(3), 212–226. Web.

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Premium Papers. (2024, January 31). Aspects of the Social Interaction in School.

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Premium Papers. 2024. "Aspects of the Social Interaction in School." January 31, 2024.

1. Premium Papers. "Aspects of the Social Interaction in School." January 31, 2024.


Premium Papers. "Aspects of the Social Interaction in School." January 31, 2024.