Children Language Acquisition


Communication is a basic component of people’s interaction with each other. Language is a tool that can help people to express their standpoints and exchange information, ideas, or emotions. The development and enhancement of communication via language is an intuitive process, as infants, arriving in the world, start to explore everything they participate in by imitating and mimicking everything they encounter.

The sound emulating method is typical for newborns, as, after their birth, they start to develop their five senses. Children repeat word patterns without a deep understanding of their grammatical structure, thus reproducing meaningful phrases their parents use. There is a significant difference between the language production, stimulated by neural circuits by brain performance, and a more complicated communication process with human beings.

The Development of Language via Interaction with Others

A sound imitating method predisposes a complex brain neural circuit for repeating such actions as giggling, smiling, a cry as a childish instinct. Roy (2021) identified this phenomenon as ” the embryonic stage of communication with the environment” (p. 2089) because infants in the development process correspond to the surrounding environment utilizing their senses. The first language acquisition acquires on a biological level, as it involves sound recognition, as children have already heard a particular set of sounds being an embryo. After their arrival, they can identify and use a majority of sounds in their micro-environment.

When it comes to complicated purposeful communication, the interaction with human beings plays an inevitable role in communication development. People surrounding an infant facilitate their aptitudes to use a language sensibly. Roy (2021) pointed out, that “an infant can respond to sound around ten weeks before birth, learning the mother’s voice and the sound pattern of her language prenatally through bone conduction” (p. 2090). After this biological sound recognition, infants can use sounds to express their emotions, and only then can they learn how to use words to express meaningful phrases.


The first language acquisition is a biologically determined process, as it is built on repeating and mimicking sounds from the embryo’s position. Infants use emulated sounds to express their instinctive emotions and desires. Being unable to form logical sentences, they relate to sounds and use them for further primary communication. After they excel in learning sounds, they begin refining their sociability through the expressive language used by their parents or trustees.


Roy, S. (2021). Analyzing language acquisition by a child’s brain. International Journal of English Learning & Teaching Skills, 3(2), 2086-2096. Web.

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Premium Papers. (2025, February 26). Children Language Acquisition.

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"Children Language Acquisition." Premium Papers, 26 Feb. 2025,


Premium Papers. (2025) 'Children Language Acquisition'. 26 February.


Premium Papers. 2025. "Children Language Acquisition." February 26, 2025.

1. Premium Papers. "Children Language Acquisition." February 26, 2025.


Premium Papers. "Children Language Acquisition." February 26, 2025.