Cloud Solutions and Computing


This is most commonly used form of cloud computing solution for individuals. It is usually web based and comes in many forms since different companies have a specific name for the service such as Gmail for Google, Ymail for Yahoo and Hotmail for Microsoft. Thus, when an individual uses this service, they are not in charge of the mechanics involved in the hosting of the domain as well as the server. This solution makes it easy for an individual to access their email account as long as they have access to an internet connection.

Personalized Online Storage

This service provides individuals with a specific amount of space that they are able to store their documents on a cloud network. Thus, they are able to access them anytime and anywhere as long as they are connected to the internet. A good example of this service is Google drive which provides individuals with up to twenty-five gigahertz of personalized space.

Online Hosting of Documents

This service involves the ability to upload, store, edit, and access certain types of files that are stored on a particular hosting server. It is important to individuals since it enables them to have an easy access to particular documents online without the need to carry them in a flash drive. It involves services such as Google docs, Zoho office (Rhoton, 2009). Apart from documents, this service also enables one to upload and store pictures online, a good example is Picasa and Flickr. Thus, the owners of the photographs can access them anywhere and share them without the need of having a memory card.

Backup Services

This is the most vital cloud-based solution since it ensures the documents and files of a business are safe. It solves the problem where data is lost through a system crush, data breach, or physical damage. Security of the data is ensured since it is stored offsite from the business and thus events like fire or burglary cannot lead to a complete loss of the information. The service is offered using trade names such as Jungle Disk and Mozy by different companies (Puttini & Mahmood, 2013).

Data Storage

This service is available for business to store their data in an offsite location that can be accessed by all their employees at any given time. It is relevant for business since it lowers the cost of purchasing the physical hardware so as to store the data in their own servers. It is also faster and ensures the businesses save on space.

Virtual Offices

This service involves the connection of different branches of an organization so as to enable the employees to be able to communicate, perform tasks, and submit tasks their location notwithstanding. It also involves the accessibility of different programs such as Microsoft office suit online without physically installing it in each person’s computer (Rhoton, 2009). Thus, it is less costly and faster.

Cloud computing is not a suitable solution for every company since some companies hold very sensitive data that they cannot be able to use cloud services without compromising the integrity of the data (Puttini & Mahmood, 2013).

These companies can only use their own cloud services since storing such data in different servers is an invitation for cyber criminals and thus they cannot trust other people to look after their data. An example of such a company is the National Security Agency (NSA). Furthermore, the initial cost of setting up cloud computing is high due and startup business cannot be able to afford using the services. Cloud computing is also not suitable for the Emergency section of a hospital since during downtime they may be unable to access the desired information and thus leading to loss of life.


Rhoton, J. (2009). Cloud Computing Explained: Implementation Handbook for Enterprises. New York, NY: Recursive Press.

Puttini, R & Mahmood, Z. (2013). Cloud Computing: Concepts, Technology & Architecture. New York, NY: Prentice Hall.

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Premium Papers. (2025, February 22). Cloud Solutions and Computing.

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Premium Papers. 2025. "Cloud Solutions and Computing." February 22, 2025.

1. Premium Papers. "Cloud Solutions and Computing." February 22, 2025.


Premium Papers. "Cloud Solutions and Computing." February 22, 2025.