Computer-Assisted Language Learning Integration

“Unit 4 – CALL and Language Skills”, Linguistics Department of Stanford University, 2015.

CALL can be used in many activities connected to language learning such as listening (the use of punctuating presentation technique), speaking practice (the use of voice mail), reading (the use of electronic books, applications for training speed reading) and writing (the use of spell-checkers and online dictionaries). To continue, modern technologies can be successfully used to teach students to understand the peculiarities of grammar; it involves the use of online exercises, grammar books, and tests available online. Besides, computer equipment is used to train students’ pronunciation. There is a variety of multimedia players and speech generators that can be used for this purpose.

Okonkwo, U. C. “CALL Software: Evaluation of its Influence in a Language Learning Process”, 2011.

Language learning with the help of modern technologies is believed to be an effective method as it emphasizes learners and their needs. CALL implementation can show great results as it helps many students to overcome the shyness connected to their fear of making mistakes. Its numerous advantages are also connected to the fact that students can get immediate feedback from the program. Furthermore, the use of modern technologies and new programs makes the learning process more interesting because the materials can be visualized. Speaking about the limitations of CALL, the author claims that they are imperceptible if compared to the benefits that this method involves.

Payne, J.S. & Whitney, P.J. “Developing L2 Oral Proficiency through Synchronous CMC: Output, Working Memory, and Interlanguage Development”, 2002.

According to the source, the effectiveness of the CMC method is approved by scientific research. As it is clear from its results, the use of the method makes it possible to improve the oral proficiency of language learners through recreating spontaneous speech mechanisms. This fact significantly increases the opportunities of distance education as it proves that face-to-face communication with the instructor is not an indispensable condition for successful learning of a foreign language.

Madhavi, K. V. “Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL): Developing Writing Skills Using Study Skills Success Software”, 2014.

SSS approach implementation and the use of word-processing software are helpful in language learning as they encourage students to analyze their thoughts thoroughly before starting writing. For instance, the techniques used within the frame of the method include stepped analysis of different components of the composition and other exercises to prepare language learners for the writing process.

Lee, K. “English Teachers’ Barriers to the Use of Computer-Assisted Language Learning”, 2000.

CALL can be helpful in language learning in many ways. Despite all its advantages, there are certain barriers to its use; the latter include higher costs of the software, the availability of special equipment, the level of the teachers’ computer competence, and organizations’ unwillingness to keep abreast of the times.

Levy, M. “Culture, Culture Learning and New Technologies: Towards a Pedagogical Framework”, 2007.

New technologies appear to be very effective when it comes to overcoming culture learning challenges. According to Levy’s work, CALL technologies can be successfully used in students’ projects design, group discussions, and individual assignments. Implementing the concept of culture into the learning process becomes more effective with the help of computer facilities and the Internet.

Levy, M. “The Role of Qualitative Approaches to Research in CALL Contexts: Closing in on the Learner’s Experience”, 2015.

Qualitative data remains very important in CALL research as it makes the results of quantitative studies complete. Such data reveals the reasons for the CALL method’s importance and effectiveness and abundantly describes its possible limitations and disadvantages. What is more, paying more attention to qualitative data in the field of CALL development, the researcher becomes able to focus on the learner’s personal experience.

Quixal, M. “Technology-Mediated TBLT: Researching Technology and Tasks” (Book review), 2015.

TBLT and CALL technologies are used to develop students’ language proficiency with the help of special tasks including ones inspired by fandoms. In the discussed book review r, the author refers to numerous experiments described in the book that have shown the effectiveness of the method and its positive influence on students’ skills.

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Premium Papers. (2025, February 26). Computer-Assisted Language Learning Integration.

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"Computer-Assisted Language Learning Integration." Premium Papers, 26 Feb. 2025,


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Premium Papers. 2025. "Computer-Assisted Language Learning Integration." February 26, 2025.

1. Premium Papers. "Computer-Assisted Language Learning Integration." February 26, 2025.


Premium Papers. "Computer-Assisted Language Learning Integration." February 26, 2025.