“Couleur du Temps” Painting by Agathe De Bailliencourt

“Couleur du Temps” Painting by Agathe De Bailliencourt.

  • Title: Couleur du temps;
  • Year: 2014;
  • Location: Art Plural Gallery;
  • Author: Agathe De Bailliencourt.

The first thing we notice looking at the picture is the strange mixture of colours and their blending. Being famous for her unusual choice of place and colours, French painter Agathe De Bailliencourt makes one more experiment. In this artwork “pale, watercolour washes on untreated canvas blend together into a placid gradient of soft colour”.1 The artwork is a part of the series of works based on the horizon theme. The colours convey the authors idea “a rhythmic repetition of blue and white that captures the intangible nature of the place where light and sky meet earth”.2 The impression of infinity seizes you, while trying to look in the depth of the picture.


  1. Heather Corcoran, “Where Sky Meets Earth: Agathe Bailliencourt’s Soothing Meditations On The Horizon,” Artsy Editorial, Web.
  2. Joining: Agathe de Bailliencourt,” Typology Projects, Web.

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Premium Papers. (2025, January 31). “Couleur du Temps” Painting by Agathe De Bailliencourt. https://premium-papers.com/couleur-du-temps-painting-by-agathe-de-bailliencourt/

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"“Couleur du Temps” Painting by Agathe De Bailliencourt." Premium Papers, 31 Jan. 2025, premium-papers.com/couleur-du-temps-painting-by-agathe-de-bailliencourt/.


Premium Papers. (2025) '“Couleur du Temps” Painting by Agathe De Bailliencourt'. 31 January.


Premium Papers. 2025. "“Couleur du Temps” Painting by Agathe De Bailliencourt." January 31, 2025. https://premium-papers.com/couleur-du-temps-painting-by-agathe-de-bailliencourt/.

1. Premium Papers. "“Couleur du Temps” Painting by Agathe De Bailliencourt." January 31, 2025. https://premium-papers.com/couleur-du-temps-painting-by-agathe-de-bailliencourt/.


Premium Papers. "“Couleur du Temps” Painting by Agathe De Bailliencourt." January 31, 2025. https://premium-papers.com/couleur-du-temps-painting-by-agathe-de-bailliencourt/.