Discussion: Alcohol and Its Effects


Alcohol is a psychoactive drug that acts on the brain to change a person’s mood, perception, and behavior. Alcoholic beverages contain a specific type of alcohol, namely Ethyl alcohol. Fermentation of yeast, sugars, and starches is the primary way of making alcoholic drinks. Alcohol is absorbed into the bloodstream from the stomach and small intestine and then distributed throughout the body (Lees et al., 2020). The effects of alcohol depend on various factors, including how much is consumed, the strength of the drink, the person’s size and weight, whether they have eaten, and their general health.

When taken, alcohol affects the brain, kidneys, liver, and other body organs. Short-term effects of alcohol include impaired judgment, slurred speech, and slowed reaction time; these can lead to accidents, including car crashes, falls, and drowning. Liver damage, heart disease, and cancer are some long-term results of alcohol consumption. Alcohol use can also have psychological effects. These can include anxiety, depression, and psychosis (Lees et al., 2020). Alcoholism is a severe problem that can lead to job loss, financial issues, and relationship difficulties.

Physical Effects

The physical effects of alcohol refer to changes in a person’s body after drinking alcohol. Dehydration is a common physical effect of alcohol use, usually short-term. When alcohol is consumed, it causes the body to lose fluids through increased urination. This can lead to dehydration, which can cause several problems, including headaches, fatigue, and dry mouth. Another impact of alcohol consumption is gastrointestinal problems, affecting digestion by irritating the stomach and intestines (Lees et al., 2020). This results in nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and stomach lining inflammation, leading to gastritis.

Another potential effect is liver damage, which may occur due to long-term intake of alcoholic drinks. Alcohol is metabolized in the liver, and over time, this can lead to liver damage. Symptoms of liver damage include fatigue, nausea, weight loss, and yellowing of the skin and eyes. Alcohol consumption can also harm the cardiovascular system by raising blood pressure, putting someone at more risk of stroke or heart disease. One of the long-term impacts of long-term alcohol intake is cancer (Lees et al., 2020). Although the exact cause of cancer is unknown, people who frequently consume alcohol are at greater risk of cancer. The most common types of cancer associated with alcohol include cancers of the mouth, throat, esophagus, stomach, liver, and breast.

Psychological Effects

The psychological effects of alcohol are changes in a person’s mood, thinking, and behavior after alcohol intake. These effects can range from mild to severe and last for a short or long time. One of the most prevalent mental impacts of alcohol use is causing impaired judgment in its users. A drunk person is more likely to make poor choices than a sober one, as they feel more courageous and able when drunk (Lees et al., 2020). Many alcoholics engage in risky behaviors or activities they would not normally do. The alcoholic is hence exposed to being a danger to themselves and those around them.

Alcoholism also lowers inhibitions, meaning people tend to misbehave with others. A substantial number of people have engaged in violent acts and unprotected sexual interactions that they would have avoided when sober. The rates of rape and sexually transmitted diseases are more likely to happen in environments where people are drunk. Drunkenness also results in depression and anxiety among users (Lees et al., 2020). Worry and fear related to someone’s daily thoughts, probably due to their life issues, tend to increase when one is under the influence of alcohol. Over-anxiety robs people of peaceful and sound sleep and makes it difficult for someone to concentrate when needed. Depression also arises when under alcohol and can make people cry and lock others out of their lives, driving them to loneliness. When depression persists, a person could result in suicidal thoughts or eventually kill themselves.

Alcohol use can also lead to memory problems, interfering with the brain’s ability to store memories. Most drunk people are unable to recall the events they experience when overly drunk. This can make it difficult for individuals to remember things that happened while drinking. Memory loss due to alcohol use is typically temporary and will resolve once the individual sobers up (Lees et al., 2020). However, permanent memory loss can result from continuous heavy alcohol intake, which may be hard to reverse.

Drinking alcohol can lead to some different positive effects. Some people find that alcohol makes them feel more relaxed and friendly and can help to reduce anxiety levels. Alcohol is a known depressant, targeting the central nervous system, leading to feelings of relaxation and happiness (Lees et al., 2020). Alcohol can also increase dopamine levels in the brain, further contributing to feelings of pleasure. However, these feelings are usually short-lived and can be followed by feelings of anxiety, depression, and even aggression.


The physical and psychological effects of alcohol are both significant and well-documented. Alcohol consumption can lead to short- and long-term health consequences, including liver disease, cancer, and cardiovascular problems. In addition, alcohol abuse and dependence can lead to several mental health problems, including anxiety, depression, and schizophrenia. While the effects of alcohol vary from person to person, it is clear that the substance can have positive and negative consequences on one’s health.


Lees, B., Meredith, L. R., Kirkland, A. E., Bryant, B. E., & Squeglia, L. M. (2020). Effect of alcohol use on the adolescent brain and behavior. Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior, 192, 172906.

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"Discussion: Alcohol and Its Effects." Premium Papers, 11 Jan. 2024, premium-papers.com/discussion-alcohol-and-its-effects/.


Premium Papers. (2024) 'Discussion: Alcohol and Its Effects'. 11 January.


Premium Papers. 2024. "Discussion: Alcohol and Its Effects." January 11, 2024. https://premium-papers.com/discussion-alcohol-and-its-effects/.

1. Premium Papers. "Discussion: Alcohol and Its Effects." January 11, 2024. https://premium-papers.com/discussion-alcohol-and-its-effects/.


Premium Papers. "Discussion: Alcohol and Its Effects." January 11, 2024. https://premium-papers.com/discussion-alcohol-and-its-effects/.