Information System Management for Business Operation

In order to reveal the portfolio application matrix, information technology infrastructures are analyzed as a component of the scorecard. After the evaluation, the scorecard is then used to compare functionality within budget constraints and needs of MDCM. Reflectively, from the findings, website infrastructure is most likely to benefit the company and succeed within the shortest time possible. Information technology projects depend on the cost, sustainability and efficiency. MDCM has to incorporate IT infrastructures such as data warehousing, networking, messaging system, website, and standard computing software and hardware. To evaluate the best and most appropriate infrastructure, a scorecard is designed and incorporated in decision making with regards to short, midterm, and long term goals as shown in different portfolio balance matrix. Thus, this reflective treatise attempts to relate different information technology infrastructure as a component of the functionality of a business operation. Besides, this essay analyses different infrastructure in terms of the score in a hypothetical scorecard where the assumption of normalcy in distribution is generalized as a constant function.

Information Technology Infrastructure

Among the major information technology infrastructures include networking, data warehousing, messaging system, and standard computing software and hardware, and a website.


On this facet, the project aims at incorporating the functionality of the internet and other networking variables to facilitate information sharing within and without subsidiaries. Reflectively, on the essence of merits, networking improves product quality since it facilitates information sharing among different interdepartmental sections of the company and consequently contributes to value addition on services and products a company provides.

Computing software and hardware

Reviewing system operation, it is vital to substantially resonate that software and hardware systems such as UNIX, AIX, Windows 2000, and Windows NT which functions simultaneously to cut down support and maintenance costs are a vital component needed to complete the IT operation. Consequently, this will facilitate optimal functionality within a competitive advantage parameter. I order to achieve this; the existing forms should be upgraded to introduce multiple operating system models such as Microsoft windows which are compatible with communication and networking within and without the company.

Data warehouse

Data storage reassures safety and future use in a company. In order to properly achieve this, the standardized and procedural database is a necessity. Besides, it is essential to incorporate data retrieval cursor alongside reliable storage customization. In a business environment, data storage infrastructure is necessary for streamlining operations and monitoring the inter and intra communication command prompt.

Messaging System

Messaging system is essential in differentiating systems of communication. Therefore, a standardized model of the same should be adopted in order to facilitate sharing of subsidiaries. For instance, POP3 model would be necessary as it is appropriate and relevant to service delivery aim. In addition, this model is quite compatible with production efficiency, especially when the communication channel is evenly arranged.


As a functional part of company operation, website directly contributes to value addition for products and services offered by a company. Besides, it is an active social site where orders and inquires can be made online. In the short and long term, this infrastructure substantially reduces costs of transactions as customers can access the product online without having to show up physically. Thus, the concept of self-service improves efficiency and cut down overhead costs associated with a bureaucratic business orientation. In addition, the reliability of the supply channel can be guaranteed, especially when such a site has an option of permitting the customers to purchase goods online.

Scorecard Evaluation

Established by Kraft, a scorecard evaluates projects on their scale of likely hood to be successful if implemented. In the process, the major reasoning behind this criterion is an in-depth reflection of value addition and financial gains. Therefore, it targets that IT infrastructure capable of value addition through increasing technological efficiency, supply chain, and work balance for competitive advantage. The element of success is directly controlled by organizational projections against risks and uncertainties in the business environment.

Numerical values representation of the scorecard as percentages for various IT infrastructures is distributed as follows on the basis of likelihood to succeed scale: Scope and capacity-25%, Business alignment-22%, Management capability-12%, Capability, Skills, and Training-10%, and Technical standards-10%

In value addition scale, these IT infrastructures would generate the following percentages on the likelihood to succeed scale.

IT infrastructure/Quantifiable business elements score (%) A B C D E F G H I J K
Networking 10 5 10 10 1O 10 10 10 10 5 10
Computing hardware and software 10 15 10 20 20 20 30 30 20 5 30
Date warehouse 20 10 10 20 20 20 10 20 10 20 10
Messaging system 15 20 30 20 15 10 20 10 10 20 20
Website 45 50 40 30 35 40 30 30 50 50 30


  1. Technical standards
  2. Skills and compatibility
  3. Business alignment
  4. Risks
  5. Management capability
  6. Financial returns
  7. Customer and consumer concern
  8. Supply chain benefits
  9. Technological efficiency
  10. Knowledge advantage
  11. Work balance


From the generated table, the website infrastructure has the highest score, with an average of 40% on every component of the business cycle. Compared to the other five projects, website infrastructure would directly impact on the survival of the business both in the short term and long term. Reflectively, it has the highest value addition capacity since the analysis reveals that it increases the overall financial returns as it attracts from the market segment, different customers. Besides, it impacts heavily on the efficiency of the supply chain in the process of attracting customers since it a reliable market forecasting tool. Also, website functionality improves management operations and efficiency of the production line among the sub-departments of the business organization. As technical standards align with the productivity efficiency angle, website functionality surrounds the magnitude of the leap. This is due to the fact that determines the future relevance and sustainability of the organization. In the aspects of technological standards, networking commands a strong lead due to its simple model, which is essential in aligning standards of the business and risk management. However, the messaging system is the lowest on both measures due to the fact that its success depends on the literacy level and adaptability of the employees. In fact, the employees must undergo continuous training on any messaging model introduced to facilitate compatibility.

Conclusively, the analysis presented above reflects on the likelihood to succeed component of technological adoption in a business organization on the basis of value addition and complexity. In the findings, it is apparent that website as an IT infrastructure controls supply chain comparability, profitability, advertisement, and customer sustainability and should be the first project.

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Premium Papers. (2025, February 21). Information System Management for Business Operation.

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"Information System Management for Business Operation." Premium Papers, 21 Feb. 2025,


Premium Papers. (2025) 'Information System Management for Business Operation'. 21 February.


Premium Papers. 2025. "Information System Management for Business Operation." February 21, 2025.

1. Premium Papers. "Information System Management for Business Operation." February 21, 2025.


Premium Papers. "Information System Management for Business Operation." February 21, 2025.