Philosophical Views and Cultural Influences

Importance of Philosophy

Human beings are different by nature not only in character but also in logic. Therefore, a single issue can generate many arguments each with a different perspective. However, it is how one defends his or her own view that matters. Therefore, given the various interpretations that people might give to a single issue, it is the role of philosophy to try and find the truth. People need facts that can be relied upon and that is exactly what philosophy seeks to unravel. In this regard, philosophy will impart in a person the necessity of finding the truth in any given scenario (Bahuguna, 2009). This is in contrast to the general meaning that an ordinary person will give to such a scenario.

Major Philosophical Views and Their Approach to Questions

Philosophy is divided into different areas of inquiry all of which approach questions differently. To begin with, we have axiology. This is essentially the study of value. In this area of inquiry, philosophers try to understand not only the various types of values but also their modes of existence as well as their standards. In approaching questions, axiology will need one to understand whether whatever action is taken is morally right or wrong. It would also inquire how feelings come into play whenever answering a question (Bahuguna, 2009).

The second area of inquiry is an epistemology which studies human knowledge. It is this area of inquiry that seeks to understand the origin, makeup, and parameters of human knowledge. In its approach to questions, this area of inquiry will seek to put to the fore what can be understood and what cannot be understood given the confinements of human knowledge. Reason, truth, and experience play a vital role in answering any question here. Lastly, there is an area of inquiry that tries to separate real ideas from perceived ideas. This area is called metaphysics. Metaphysics approaches questions by seeking to give reasoning to categories where they exist (Soccio, 2012). On the same note, it tries to take into account the description concepts that are used in various scenarios.

Philosophy and Culture in Development of Thought

Culture is basically believed in traditions and the general way of life in a given society. It, therefore, determines what a given person will consider as being right or wrong either morally or otherwise. On the other hand, philosophy is about how to think in a given scenario taking into consideration what is real, human knowledge as well as values at question (Bahuguna, 2009). In this regard, philosophy and culture will determine how a person thinks in a given scenario. Similarly, the two will regulate what one will believe and what one will consider as being right or wrong in any given circumstance.


Bahuguna, B. N. (2009). Layman’s Introduction to Philosophy and Life. New Delhi: Mittal Publications.

Soccio, D. (2012). Archetypes of Wisdom: An Introduction to Philosophy. Stanford: Cengage Learning.

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Premium Papers. (2022, January 21). Philosophical Views and Cultural Influences.

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1. Premium Papers. "Philosophical Views and Cultural Influences." January 21, 2022.


Premium Papers. "Philosophical Views and Cultural Influences." January 21, 2022.