Project Management and Organizational Goals

Statement of Work prepared by the project manager approved by the stakeholder’s is very important factor in project management helping the project manager handing his work on time. Explain this statement in details?

The statement of work that is approved by project stakeholders guides a manager to execute his duties more effectively. A project manager takes time to understand the unique requirements of the project he is handling and specific timelines he needs to observe to ensure all work processes run smoothly. In addition, this allows a project manager to plan and allocate resources for different stages of the project.

This ensures all teams working under a project manager are adequately facilitated to perform their duties without any hindrances (Gido and Clements 67). The statement of work enables a manager to institute quality measurement systems that monitor performance to ensure that results attained out of various tasks satisfy stakeholders’ expectations. This approach allows a manager a chance to review the feasibility study to establish if he is able to complete the project within the timelines that have been set.

More importantly, a project manager needs to relook at the project design to find out if there are other changes that need to be made before the project is executed. As a result, he will be able to allocate roles and responsibilities to different teams and professionals after assessing their skills (Gido and Clements 70). Moreover, a manager is able to familiarize himself with different technical aspects of the project, and this allows him to communicate his vision to all teams under him.

Therefore, the project manager will be able to come up with a comprehensive breakdown structure outlining how various activities are going to be done. Consequently, he will be able to develop an effective calendar of activities that will guide him as he performs different activities.

Project controlling and monitoring in project management are considered very important process in project management, how project manager gets the benefit of these factors during project life cycle?

Monitoring makes it possible for a manager to understand different issues that have an impact on the success of a project. A manager needs to monitor different variables that are related to the project he is overseeing, such as productivity, the cost to be incurred in different phases, and the exact amount of work to be executed. As a result, this allows him to compare different activities to find out if there are any difficulties being experienced by all teams under him (Gido and Clements 81).

This allows him to propose changes to the working plan to increase output levels. In addition, monitoring benefits a project manager because he is able to identify additional skills the project needs to move forward without any unnecessary hitches. As a result, he is able to identify different types of risks that slow down work and takes proactive measures to resolve them before they impact negatively on performance.

The controlling function during the life cycle of a project allows a manager to implement new strategies that improve the quality of output realized. In effect, a manager is able to correct different types of mistakes that occur during the work process to ensure they do not affect quality targets that have been set. At times, the scope of the work to be performed may change, and this may require initial designs to be altered to conform to new proposals.

However, during the controlling process, the project manager must stay focused on the original goals set during the planning phase to avoid unnecessary conflicts with stakeholders (Gido and Clements 86). Therefore, controlling allows a manager to make changes to improve the value of the project to ensure the end results justify the time and financial resources spent on the project.

Explain in details how the project manager can manage his team to ensure the compliance with the project goals and organization vision and mission?

A project manager needs to motivate his team to make them understand the importance of the work they are undertaking. During recruitment and selection, a manager needs to understand the talents and skills of all employees to ensure they are competent enough to perform their duties satisfactorily. It is important for a project manager to anticipate future challenges that may impact the ability of his staff to deliver.

Moreover, he needs to set priorities by deciding which specific tasks will be performed first, and his instructions should be clearly communicated to all workers on site. All workers must understand the importance of working within set budgets and deadlines to instill discipline and professionalism in them. A manager that has good leadership skills is able to inspire his subordinates to follow his vision as they perform their duties (Chen and Lee 544).

A manager must design flexible work schedules that conform to workers’ lifestyles. Moreover, good human resource management skills enable project managers to understand workers’ aspirations and how they either conflict with or conform to workplace expectations. In addition, a project manager must constantly communicate with all teams to find out if they are facing any problems in their tasks.

As a result, he needs to conduct regular meetings with all employees to remind them about stakeholders’ expectations and what they need to do to satisfy them. If possible, a manager should encourage his workers to extend their daily work shifts to complete all tasks they need to perform within the set time schedules (Chen and Lee 546). Consequently, a manager may be compelled to use different types of incentives to motivate all workers under him to attain positive results out of their duties.

As a project manager how do you evaluate the performance of the project team?

A project manager needs to use different measurement criteria to evaluate the quality and quantity of output attained by all teams working under him. Technical competence is one of the most effective criteria which a project manager can use to find out whether results attained by his employees match the specifications of the project. Therefore, he needs to test all employees to find out if they understand all requirements they need to comply with as they perform their duties. Another parameter a manager can use to evaluate the performance of teams working under him is their adherence to set time schedules (Chen and Lee 548).

It is important for a project manager to measure the average time employees take to perform certain tasks assigned to them. As a result, the manager is able to understand the speed with which his team can execute different phases of the project.

A project manager needs to use accurate statistical and analytical processes to collect information on different aspects of the project to find out if his team has the ability to register positive outcomes. For instance, a manager can use an electronic card swiping system to record whether all employees arrive on site on time and to detect any incidents of absenteeism. As a result, he is able to implement appropriate strategies that instill discipline and work ethics in all employees in the organization.

A manager needs to find out which specific tasks are performed better by individuals and those that require teamwork (Chen and Lee 549). This approach allows him to review different work processes to determine their contribution to specific outcomes achieved. Moreover, a manager should measure the quality of materials delivered by suppliers to find out if they are appropriate for the project.

To ensure the continuity of the work progress in any project, the project manager must identify the problem areas in the whole project on regular basics, explain this statement in details

The continuity of a project mainly depends on the ability of a manager to anticipate various challenges that may affect performance. Therefore, a manager needs to plan how to overcome different problems that crop up during the execution of the project to save time and financial resources. A risk mitigation approach allows a manager to deal effectively with organizational, technical, and external risks that may have negative effects on the successful completion of a project.

For instance, delays in funding and approval may affect the initial budget and time schedules allocated to the project. As a result, the cost of completing different phases of the project may increase significantly (Lock 53). A manager needs to ensure that his contractual agreement with stakeholders has explicit clauses that stipulate how such issues should be handled by all parties involved.

In some cases, the project manager may be forced to deal with abrupt resignations of employees who may not be well prepared to deal with challenges at work. As a result, he needs to know how he can replace such workers on short notice without causing any unnecessary delays. Volatile weather patterns and poor quality materials delivered by suppliers are some of the external problems a manager should know how to resolve to ensure they do not delay work schedules. This may require a manager to extend daily working shifts to complete the project on time (Lock 56). Moreover, he may need to review all stages of the project to find out if they satisfy specific technical requirements.

Presenting the ownership in a new light to develop a tangible, workable, model that can significant help the project manager integrate and align project work into the organization, explain the above statement substantiating you answer with some factors supporting the ownership- model management

A workable project management model takes into account the cost of the project, its scope, and work schedules to be used during its execution. Ownership model management allows a project manager to liaise with the stakeholders of the project he is working on to ensure strict quality controls are implemented (Lock 63). This approach allows a manager to involve other technical arms of an organization to ensure both parties understand the benefits and risks that are likely to be experienced.

In effect, both parties are able to decide on appropriate risk mitigation procedures that should be adopted to reduce delays and resource wastage. In the long run, a manager is able to propose an accurate analysis of product specifications and cost variations that are likely to occur during the implementation of different phases of the project plan.

Collaborations between a project manager and the technical arm of an organization allow both teams to focus on other external factors that impact the success of a project. As a result, they are able to find out licensing, zoning, and planning laws that are enforced by different governmental authorities that either benefit or hinder the project from succeeding. Both parties should forecast on how to undertake different tasks that are related to the project to attain the goals that had been set in the beginning (Lock 67). Therefore, a manager is in a better position to provide timely reports to different project stakeholders to make they have adequate information about the progress being made. Consequently, this improves decision-making processes that are important to the success of the project.

Works Cited

Chen, Sheu Hua, and HongTau Lee. Performance evaluation model for project managers using managerial practices. International Journal of Project Management 25 (2007): 543–551. Print.

Gido, Jack, and James Clements. Successful Project Management. Mason: Cengage Learning, 2014. Print.

Lock, Dennis. Project Management. New York: Gower Publishing, 2007. Print.

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Premium Papers. (2025, February 25). Project Management and Organizational Goals.

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Premium Papers. "Project Management and Organizational Goals." February 25, 2025.