The Importance of Gloves and Interesting Facts of Cinderella

Gloves…Such an ordinary object in our daily life; but have anyone thought about life without protective gloves? There were times when materials for producing gloves were very limited in their amount and quality, and could not offer the needed protection, and they’re even were times when gloves were not yet invented. Our story is about those times.

There lived a beautiful girl, Cinderella. Many people heard about her hardworking personality and her calm and pleasant heart disposition. Many people adored her, and not only people, but animals and birds, and even household pests were among her admirers. Only her wicked stepmother was seeking a way to hurt her. Cinderella worked day and night because her terrible stepmother thought it would take her beauty away, but it was a mistake – the girl only got better and better. Still, poor Cinderella had a terrible problem that resulted from her endless working pains. The problem was about her hands.

As the pitiable girl worked in the house and in the orchard for long hours, her hands were terribly damaged. They were all covered with numerous callosities, raw sores, and scratches. Every day the girl saw new wounds on her hands. When the old injuries were still seen in Cinderella’s hands, the new ones continued to come. Cinderella’s sufferings were great.

One day the Fairy Godmother came to visit the poor girl and saw her hands. She asked what was happening, and disappeared for a moment. After a while, she returned again, and Cinderella saw something miraculous in her hands. It was a pair of gloves. These gloves were unusual as they were of a miraculous medium that seemed convenient, firm, and lasting. Cinderella tried those dreamlike gloves on and saw that they did not restrict her from movements, and what was more important, they were able to protect her from all the dangers related to housework. Now Cinderella was happy. Of course, it was not the only miracle that Cinderella saw due to her kind Fairy Godmother…Here, our story ends, but the miracles that are possible due to protective gloves, such as Cinderella’s ones, are still possible nowadays.

Today, many ladies and not only ladies, but even gentlemen in the world are happy users of rubber protective gloves. These simple and unpretentious objects of the household make people’s lives around the world much easier. The scope of implementation of protective gloves is so wide that it is difficult to address all the ideas on their use at once, but a few major ways of using these useful objects will be shown below. First, protective gloves can be used while cleaning premises, where there is a lot of pollution, both bacteriological and mechanical ones. Examples of such premises are lavatories, a number of manufacturing facilities, boxrooms, larders, and many more. Second, the gloves may protect one’s hands from being injured by a variety of chemical joints that are used for cleaning and for any other purposes. For example, when a man needs to pour a harmful chemical joint into different containers, he may use protective gloves to avoid receiving chemical burns. Finally, the gloves may be of great help while working in an orchard because such tasks as digging and working with rakes may lead to mechanical injuries in case hands are not protected.

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Premium Papers. (2023, September 21). The Importance of Gloves and Interesting Facts of Cinderella.

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"The Importance of Gloves and Interesting Facts of Cinderella." Premium Papers, 21 Sept. 2023,


Premium Papers. (2023) 'The Importance of Gloves and Interesting Facts of Cinderella'. 21 September.


Premium Papers. 2023. "The Importance of Gloves and Interesting Facts of Cinderella." September 21, 2023.

1. Premium Papers. "The Importance of Gloves and Interesting Facts of Cinderella." September 21, 2023.


Premium Papers. "The Importance of Gloves and Interesting Facts of Cinderella." September 21, 2023.