📝 Identity Research Papers Examples
- Chinese Hip Hop and Identity This paper examines how Chinese hip hop supports the socio-economic and political needs of many youths and what are the major issues associated with hip hop identity in China.
- Multicultural Competence and Cultural Identity The formation of cultural identity is influenced by cultural influences, adopted values, social expectations, and norms of behavior.
- Identity Formation in "Persepolis" by Satrapi The key to liberation according to Satrapi lies in the ability to independently engage in critical thought regarding matters touching on religion and politics.
- Biology in Gender and Sexual Identity Formation Biology plays a key role in the formation of gender and sexual identities. However, other factors, such as environment and socialization, play a significant role.
- Gender Identity and Behavior: Nature and Nurture Psychologists examined the extent to which gender identities, behaviors (such as similar-sex friendships), and roles are influenced by nature and nurture.
- Family, Cultural Legacies and Identity Formation People may feel differently towards who they are – some are proud of themselves, some are in love with their bodies and minds, and some seek out ways to change every single bit of themselves.
- Advertising and Fashion Shaping Social Identity People belonged to various social groups that they identified based on several socio-cultural and religious beliefs. A human being highly values a sense of belonging.
- Understanding Identity Issue The issue of identity has raised debates in various ways making states to improvise mechanisms of trying to identify their citizens.
- Social Media and Identity Construction Essay This essay explains how social media shapes our identity. Get inspired by the paper if you need to explore the issue of social media and identity construction.
- Network Society Effects on Time, Space, Identity In a study by Manuel Castells, the network society is what characterizes the social fabric of the information age, as practically proved by cross-cultural research.
- The Non‐Identity Problem and Future Generations The chapter “The Non‐Identity Problem” of the book “Reasons and Persons” by D. Parfit explains how our choices determine the quality of life and identity of future generations.
- The Self Is Social and Personal Identities Self is further attached to identities referred to as social identities. Social identities refer to the identities which deal with the intergroup relations.
- Suicidal Ideation, Risk Factors for Suicidal Ideation in Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Youth The main aim behind it the estimation of the risk factors for suicidal ideation among sexual perverts including gays, lesbians and bisexuals in the contemporary social set up.
- “A Raisin in the Sun” by Lorraine Hansberry The paper analyzes the play "‘A Raisin in the Sun" by Lorraine Hansberry that holds a record for being the first black woman whose drama.
- American Art and American Identity American art dates back to many years ago and it has traveled the road of adversity and disputes to be where it is. American art carries with it thematic issues that speak volumes about Americans
- Gender Identity in Orlando Whether gender affects the identity of a person. The transformation of Orlando’s gender into a female person clearly brings out this crisis between gender and identity.
- Elie Wiesel's Identity and Faith in Auschwitz The article is devoted to how the personality of Elie Wiesel and his attitude towards God changed during his stay in Auschwitz.
- Benefits of Learning a Second Language This paper will list the benefits of knowing a second language and discuss to what extend learning English has impacted my identity.
- Identity and Intercultural Communication Since every human exists in a society and inherently belongs to a particular social group, personal and collective identities merge into a cultural one.
🏆 Best Identity Essay Titles
- Canadian Identities in Their Diversity Canada has a complex identity that resulted from its growing process, and multiculturalism politics may be the only option to accommodate its particularities.
- Christian Religious Fundamentalism and Family Role Identities Christianity has a huge influence on marriage through its strong impact on family values and gender obligations.
- Gender Identity: Biological Perspective, Social Cognitive Theory This paper explores gender identity from a personal reflection perspective using various theories, such as biological perspective on gender identity and social cognitive theory.
- Social Networks, Self-Esteem, and Individual Responsibility The paper argues it is not recommended to allow children and teenagers to use their social media accounts on a daily basis.
- Social Media Dramatically Influences Social Identity The origin of social media usage and the initiatives leading a modern man to be a part of it have complex content and will be researched from each side.
- The Social Construction of the Self in the Era of Social Media Technology has changed how individuals engage in the social construction of the self. It has facilitated the modification of the functions of self-reflection, memory.
- Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Sexual orientation relates to a person's sexual inclinations, whereas gender identity refers to how a person perceives and expresses their gender.
- Low Value for Indigenous Americans Modern American people have significantly ignored and undervalued the identity and existence of the Native Americans.
- Black Women's Contribution to Intellectual Life This paper will analyze the poetry of Maya Angelou and Audre Lorde. Black women in the 1970s encountered various prejudices, which the black feminist movement sought to end.
- Kate Chopin's 'The Story of an Hour': Themes of Freedom and Identity In “The Story of an Hour”, Kate Chopin contrasts what it needed for men and women to show their disgust for patriarchy and gender-sex norms in the 1890s.
- Multicultural Psychology: Ethnic and Racial Identity Development The paper states that ethnic and racial identity development is significantly felt during adolescence when a person is experiencing growth.
- Positive Racial Identity in Counsellor Whether adults say anything or not, the children will develop their own ideas about race, shaping the person they become in adulthood.
- "Everyday Use" by Alice Walker: Heritage, Dignity, and Cultural Identity To examine how heritage shapes identity and dignity, Alice Walker’s "Everyday Use" contrasts Dee’s and Maggie’s views on preserving family traditions.
💡 Essay Ideas on Identity
- Exploring the Sociology of Ethnicity and National Identity
- Identity and Ideology in Political Violence and Conflict
- Dissociative vs. Associative Responses to Social Identity Threat
- Advancing Identity Theory: Activated Identities and Behavior in Different Social Contexts
- Professional Identity Development of Teacher Educators
- Identity Construction in the Context of Migration
- The Co-construction of Empathic Identity in Psychotherapy
- Ethnic Identity Development in Early Adolescence
- A Sociological Analysis of the Cultural Identity Phenomenon
- Linking Depressive Symptoms to Sexual Orientation Identity Change
- Prominence and Salience Effects on Identity Nonverification
- Confusion as a Corruptive Belief in False Identity
- Identity Development Across the Transition From Primary to Secondary School
- The Role of Self-Competence in Strengthening National Identity
- Identity Transition During Pregnancy: The Importance of Role Models
- Rethinking Public Service Motivation Through Social Identity
- Motivated Forgetting in Response to Social Identity Threat
- Ethnic Identity Formation in Biethnic People: An Ecological Theory Application
- Impact of Social Stereotypes on Women’s Identity
- Entrepreneurial Identity Construction Among Communitarians
- Comparing Reflective and Situated Approaches to Identity Development
- National Identity Contestation in the Foreign Policy Arena
- The Influence of Digitalization on Religious Identity: Socio-Political Context
- Examining Identity Centrality in Social Media Entrepreneurship
- Relationship Between Ego Identity and Hedonistic Lifestyle in Adolescents
✍️ Identity Essay Topics for College
- Identity as a Manifestation of the Wholeness of Personality
- The Benefits of Generation Identity Over Age Identity in Older Adults
- Teacher as a Factor of Forming Students’ Socio-Cultural Identities
- Youth Social Activity in the Expression of Identities and Their Consistency
- Exploring the Role of Spirituality in Identity After Trauma
- Self-Regulatory Role of Affect in Identity Theory: The Role of Self-Compassion
- An Identity Control Theory Approach to Managing Career Identity
- Multiple Identities and Sources of Reflected Appraisals in Identity Theory
- National Identity as a Means of Reducing Ethnic Negativism
- Antecedents and Consequences of Intrapersonal Identity Conflict
- Gendered Paths in Ethnic Identity Exploration Between Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood
- Discussing the Fluidity vs. Fixedness of Racial Identity
- Processes of Parental Identity at Different Stages of Parenthood
- Identity Formation at the Intersection of Race, Gender, and Sexual Orientation
- Political Identity: A Perspective From Cultural Identity
- Mobility and Identity in a Wider European Union
- Identity Development Concerning Time Beliefs in Emerging Adulthood
- Using Identity Regulation to Promote Health: Pros and Cons
- Individual Freedom and Responsibility Within Social Identity
- Culture and Cultural Identity in Chinua Achebe’s Novels
- The Influence of Socio-Structural Variables on Identity Management Strategies
- Identity Development From Adolescence to Adulthood
- Conceptualization and Measurement of Ethnic Identity
- Establishing the Role of Representations in Identity Construction
- Collective Identity in Social Movements: Central Concepts
❓ Identity Research Questions
- What Is Ethnic Identity and Does It Matter?
- Why Is a Person’s Gender an Important Part of Their Identity?
- How Does Social Support Affirm Identity in LGBTQ Adults?
- Do Shared Values Underpin National Identity?
- Why Do Identities Change Over Time?
- Is There Assimilation in Minority Groups’ National, Ethnic and Religious Identity?
- Why Is Identity Achievement So Elusive?
- Can Traumatic Experiences Redefine One’s Identity?
- What Is the Difference Between Self and Identity?
- How Does One Overcome Identity Crisis?
- What Roles Do Other People Have In Shaping Our Identities?
- Does Every Person Really Have One Fixed Identity or Multiple?
- How Does Language Influence Ethnic Identity?
- Is Identity Something We Choose or Something We Possess Naturally?
- What Impact Does Social Media Have on Identity Exploration?
- How to Build a Healthy Self-Identity?
- Why Is It Important for Adolescents to Explore Their Identity?
- Are Identity Politics Inherently Bad?
- In What Ways Is Identity Influenced by Societal Expectations?
- How Important Is Authenticity in Expressing One’s Identity?
- Can Identity Ever Be Truly Stable, or Is It Always Evolving?
- What Role Does Memory Play in Shaping Our Identity?
- How Does Profession or Career Impact Identity?
- To What Extent Is Identity Defined by Successes and Failures?
- How to Deal With the Effects of Identity Diffusion?