82 The Great Gatsby Research Topics & Essay Examples

πŸ“ The Great Gatsby Research Papers Examples

  1. "The Great Gatsby" Novel by Francis Scott Fitzgerald
    The main plot twist in the novel "The Great Gatsby" written by Francis Scott Fitzgerald is the reunion of Daisy and Gatsby, which is a quite controversial event.
  2. "The Great Gatsby" by F. Scott Fitzgerald
    One of the reasons the book has become immensely popular is the language and the type of narrative F. Scott Fitzgerald decided to use.
  3. Jay Gatsby vs. Tom Buchanan in Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby
    The plot of the book "The Great Gatsby" by Fitzgerald is grounded upon three protagonists in a love affair. Daisy is engaged to Tom Buchanan.
  4. The American Dream in "The Great Gatsby" by F. Scott Fitzgerald
    The American Dream in β€œThe Great Gatsby” becomes the embodiment of frustration in pursuing wrong values without moral guidelines and social justice.
  5. Dream of Upward Mobility through "The Great Gatsby" by F. Scott Fitzgerald
    The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald, is widely regarded as one of the most particular assertions of the American Dream in the 1920s.
  6. (Un)Reliable Narrator in Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby
    F. Scott Fitzgerald's "The Great Gatsby" is a novel recounted from the perspective of the main character, Nick Carraway. Nick's assignment is to relate the tale of Jay Gatsby.
  7. Inequality in "The Great Gatsby" by Fitzgerald
    "The Great Gatsby" by F. Scott Fitzgerald is a novel that explores the issue of social inequality in America through its central character, Jay Gatsby.

πŸ’‘ Essay Ideas on The Great Gatsby

  1. Analyzing the Disillusionment of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s Dreams and Ideals in “The Great Gatsby”
  2. Gatsby as a False Prophet of the American Dream
  3. Modernism and the Politics of Emotion in “The Great Gatsby”
  4. Sociological Criticism in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s “The Great Gatsby”
  5. Repetition, Race, and Desire in “The Great Gatsby”
  6. Nick Carraway in “The Great Gatsby”: His Narration and Sexuality
  7. Representative Symbols of the American Society in “The Great Gatsby”
  8. Queer Relations Between Love and Money in “The Great Gatsby”
  9. Exploring the Phenomenon of Onomatopoeia in “The Great Gatsby”
  10. Gatsby’s Passion: Evocation of Jesus in Fitzgerald’s “The Great Gatsby”
  11. Narrative Technique in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s “The Great Gatsby”
  12. Image Schemas in “The Great Gatsby”: A Cognitive Linguistic Analysis
  13. Exploring the Unreliable Narration in “The Great Gatsby”
  14. Myrtle in “The Great Gatsby” as a Pattern of Parallel and Double
  15. Denials as Defense Mechanism of Jay Gatsby in “The Great Gatsby” Movie
  16. Structural Analysis of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s “The Great Gatsby”
  17. Love, Jealousy, and Violence in “The Great Gatsby” From the Perspective of Evolutionary Psychology
  18. The Hedonistic Consumer Society of the Roaring Twenties in “The Great Gatsby”
  19. New vs. Old Money: Wealth in Building Relationships in “The Great Gatsby”
  20. The Role of Women in “The Great Gatsby”: Daisy and Myrtle
  21. Crisis of Humanism and Quest for Global Harmony in “The Great Gatsby”
  22. Daisy Buchanan’s Liberal Feminism in “The Great Gatsby” Novel
  23. Snobbism and the American Dream in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s “The Great Gatsby”
  24. Mortality and the Myth of Renewal in “The Great Gatsby”
  25. Analyzing the Language of Time in “The Great Gatsby”

✍️ The Great Gatsby Essay Topics for College

  1. Network Analysis of the Narrator and Characters in Fitzgerald’s “The Great Gatsby”
  2. America in the Interbellum as Depicted in “The Great Gatsby”
  3. Color Palette Perception in Fitzgerald’s “The Great Gatsby” and Its Coloristic Realization in the Film Adaptations
  4. Analyzing “The Great Gatsby” From the Perspective of Western Marxism
  5. Syntactic Presupposition Triggers in Narration About Gatsby and Daisy’s Characters in “The Great Gatsby”
  6. Power Relations and Discourse in “The Great Gatsby”: A Foucauldian Reading
  7. Dystopian and Utopian Parallels in Fitzgerald’s “The Great Gatsby”
  8. Men and Women Registers: Cooperative Principles in “The Great Gatsby” Movie
  9. Syntactic Markedness as a Stylistic Feature in “The Great Gatsby”
  10. Mirror Society and Social Function of Literature in “The Great Gatsby” Novel
  11. Historical Context: “The Great Gatsby” and the Jazz Age
  12. Interpreting “The Great Gatsby” From the Perspective of Existentialism
  13. The Symbolism of the Green Light in “The Great Gatsby”
  14. Analyzing Capitalism in “The Great Gatsby”: A Sociology of Literature Approach
  15. Critical Reception of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s “The Great Gatsby”
  16. The Burden of the Past: “The Great Gatsby” vs. “The Sound and the Fury”
  17. Representation of Social Class and Economic Inequality in “The Great Gatsby” by F. Scott Fitzgerald
  18. Homeric Influences and Narrative Bias in “The Great Gatsby”: Nick Carraway as Telemachus
  19. Establishing the Elements of Popular Culture in “The Great Gatsby”
  20. Love and Belongingness Need Reflected in “The Great Gatsby” Novel: A Humanistic Approach
  21. Buying Into Money Equals Happiness Fails for the Characters in “The Great Gatsby”
  22. Analyzing Major and Minor Characters in “The Great Gatsby”
  23. Psychological Analysis of Jay Gatsby as Seen in Fitzgerald’s “The Great Gatsby”
  24. The Importance and Presence of Time in “The Great Gatsby”
  25. Fitzgerald’s Distinctly American Style of Writing in “The Great Gatsby”

❓ The Great Gatsby Research Questions

  1. What Is Important About the Title of “The Great Gatsby”?
  2. How Do Literary Devices Add to the Dimension of Depth or Texture to “The Great Gatsby” Novel?
  3. What Role Does Daisy Play in Gatsby’s Downfall?
  4. Why Is “The Great Gatsby” Controversial?
  5. How Does “The Great Gatsby” Relate to Current Society?
  6. Does Fitzgerald’s Novel Have Villains and Heroes?
  7. Can Gatsby Be Considered a Self-Made Man?
  8. How Does Fitzgerald Reveal Character in “The Great Gatsby”?
  9. What Do Gatsby’s Uncut Books in His Library Symbolize?
  10. Why Is Gatsby Unable to Put the Past Behind Him?
  11. How Is Nostalgia Important to “The Great Gatsby” Novel?
  12. Is Gatsby a Good Portrayal of Achieving the American Dream?
  13. Who Is the Most Destructive Character in “The Great Gatsby”?
  14. What Does ‘Foul Dust’ Symbolize, and Why Is It Important?
  15. How Did Fitzgerald Use Weather to Reflect the Mood of the Story?
  16. What Lessons Can Be Learned From “The Great Gatsby”?
  17. Why Was Nick Chosen as the Narrator in “The Great Gatsby”?
  18. What Literary Theories Can Be Applied to “The Great Gatsby” Novel?
  19. Why Is the Car Swap a Crucial Plot Point in the Novel?
  20. Is “The Great Gatsby” Appropriate for All Ages?
  21. What Are the Differences Between “The Great Gatsby” Book and Movie?
  22. Is Tom Buchanan in “The Great Gatsby” Really Superficial?
  23. What Is the Best Film Version of “The Great Gatsby”?
  24. Why Does Gatsby Throw Weekly Parties in “The Great Gatsby”?
  25. What Alternate Endings Could You Imagine to “The Great Gatsby”?

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Premium Papers. (2025, February 21). 82 The Great Gatsby Research Topics & Essay Examples. https://premium-papers.com/topics/the-great-gatsby-research-topics/

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"82 The Great Gatsby Research Topics & Essay Examples." Premium Papers, 21 Feb. 2025, premium-papers.com/topics/the-great-gatsby-research-topics/.


Premium Papers. (2025) '82 The Great Gatsby Research Topics & Essay Examples'. 21 February.


Premium Papers. 2025. "82 The Great Gatsby Research Topics & Essay Examples." February 21, 2025. https://premium-papers.com/topics/the-great-gatsby-research-topics/.

1. Premium Papers. "82 The Great Gatsby Research Topics & Essay Examples." February 21, 2025. https://premium-papers.com/topics/the-great-gatsby-research-topics/.


Premium Papers. "82 The Great Gatsby Research Topics & Essay Examples." February 21, 2025. https://premium-papers.com/topics/the-great-gatsby-research-topics/.