Tourism and Environment in Conflict


According to Bajwa and Kaur (2007), tourism and the environment are deemed to be in conflict with regard to pollution tendencies. In the modern world, the aspect of pollution stretches far and wide from air pollution from car exhausts, pollution of rivers from toxic wastes, traffic congestion, as well as the destruction of coastlines. In recent times, environmental ramifications have received critical attention with regard to the environment.

The demand for tourism has caused damage to the environment to create many tourist attraction sites. In addition, pollution to the environment has been experienced in tourism attraction sites because the natural ecosystem has been affected (Bajwa & Kaur 2007). This paper explores various researches about the conflict between tourism and the environment, as explained in Chapter 5 of the book. It is evident that there is an intense conflict between the environment and the growth of tourism.

One must be a scholarly article

According to Christensen and Beckmann (1998), there has been an immense growth in tourism. This has happened as a result of the growing demand for tourism globally. The rapid growth in tourism has affected man-made and natural systems. The authors of the article indicate that the environment has been ruined due to the expansion of the tourism zones. The authors propose that a balance should be created between the expansion of tourism sites and environmental safety.

The article shows that a lot of effort is required to contain the growth in tourism. Even though a lot of profits are made from tourism activities, there is a need to regulate the activities to protect the environment (Christensen and Beckmann 1998). Therefore, this article supports the argument in Chapter 5 that there is an intense conflict between tourism activities and the environment. The article explains that the conflict has affected the natural and artificial environments. There is a need to contain the situation to ensure the survival of the human race and other natural habitats of natural and artificial ecosystems.

One must be a trade journal or website

Holden (2000) opines that there is a conflict between skiing and the environment in Cairngorm, Scotland. The author shows that skiing has attracted many people to the country. It has been reported that there are negative environmental consequences associated with skiing in that the sport affects the natural ecological systems. Conservation groups have allowed conflict with ski developers because the events are accompanied by develo0ping mountains to perform the sport. The conflicts have been intensified to the extent that legal action has been sought to solve the conflicts between the two groups (Holden, 2000).

Therefore, tourism has experienced conflicts with environmental groups. This article supports the discussion provided in Chapter 5 in that it shows the conflicts between tourism and the environment.

One must be an opinion or news source

Navarro (2010) explains that the environment has been affected by tourism activities. The article shows that turtles have been affected in Puerto Rico. The turtles have increased in number, and the animals are hunted for their precious leather. In addition, environmental groups have complained that the growth of turtles in the region has affected the environment. The increasing population of turtles has reduced the space available to reserve the animals.

There is no enough space to keep the turtles, and this has caused environmental damage to the limited space. The conflict between the turtles and human beings has been experienced because the turtles have encroached the man-made ecosystems. On the other hand, people have hunted the turtles because the animals have increased in large numbers. The government has supported the expansion of the game sites to support the turtles. However, environmental groups have rejected the decisions provided by the government (Navarro, 2010). Therefore, this article shows that the growth in tourism has affected the environment.

Ethical tourism has been explained in the book authored by Fennell (2006). Fennell (2006) expresses that tourism has impacted the environment, and ethics should be installed to protect the environment. Even though tourism creates wealth and employment in a country, there are costs associated with tourism. The author shows that international bodies, such as the WTO, have been concerned about the impact of the growing tourism trade on the environment. Competition between tourism and society has been experiencing. This scenario has caused conflicts, and there is a need to develop strategies to resolve the conflict (Fennell, 2006).


It is evident that there is an intense conflict between the environment and the growth of tourism. The article analyses show that the demand for tourism has increased in the recent past. The increasing demand has created wealth and employment in countries with tourism attraction sites. However, the rapid growth in tourism has affected the natural and man-made ecosystems negatively. The increase in tourism has caused the destruction of natural scenes to expand the industry. Various environmental groups and activist organizations have campaigned against the expansion of tourism.

Legal action has been sought to protect the environment from destruction. Therefore, there is a need to protect the environment by introducing ethical tourism policies. The policies should encourage the expansion of tourism while protecting the environment.


Bajwa, J. S., & Kaur, R. (2007). Tourism management. New Delhi: A P H Pub.

Christensen, A M. & Beckmann, S. C. (1998). Consumers’ Perspectives on Tourism and the Environment. Department of Marketing Copenhagen Business School, Working paper no. 7. Web.

Fennell, D. A. (2006). Tourism ethics. Clevedon [u.a.: Channel View Publ.

Holden, A. (2000). Winter tourism and the environment in conflict: the case of Cairngorm, Scotland. International Journal of Tourism Research, 2 (4). Pp. 247-260.

Navarro, M. (2010). Turtles vs. Tourism in Puerto Rico. The New York Times, p. 1.

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Premium Papers. (2025, February 16). Tourism and Environment in Conflict.

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1. Premium Papers. "Tourism and Environment in Conflict." February 16, 2025.


Premium Papers. "Tourism and Environment in Conflict." February 16, 2025.