Violence Against Women and Related Theories


Violence against women encompasses a wide range of abuse, including physical, sexual, and emotional abuse. It can take many forms, from domestic violence and sexual assault to workplace harassment and stalking (Krook, 2017). Many factors contribute to violence against women, including gender inequality, poverty, and a culture that tolerates or even encourages violence against women. Victims of violence often suffer from physical and emotional trauma, as well as social isolation (Andersen & Witham, 2011). There are various interventions that can aid reduce or preventing violence against women, including education and public awareness campaigns, legislative reform, and support services for victims. Ending violence against women is a critical step toward achieving gender equality and empowering women worldwide.

Violence against women topic is deeply related to gender and society. Throughout history, women have been seen as the property of men, which has led to a culture in which violence against women is tolerated. Moreover, the way society is structured similarly contributes to violence against women. For example, women are often paid less than men for doing the same work, and they are not given the same opportunities as men in many areas of life (Andersen & Witham, 2011). This leads to a sense of frustration and powerlessness that some men take out on their partners or wives. Until society addresses these underlying issues, violence against women will continue to be a problem. Communities need to create environments in which women are treated equally and with respect, and similarly without violence against women.

Similarly, it is related to gender and society because it is primarily women who are targeted for violence, and this is a reflection of the way that societies view women and their role within them. One of the key factors that contribute to violence against women is the prevalence of gender-based violence (Herrero et al., 2017). This means that violence against girls and women is seen as acceptable, or at least tolerated, within society (Andersen & Witham, 2011). This attitude can be seen in the way that female victims are often blamed for being assaulted or raped as if they were somehow responsible for what happened to them. Violence against women is a global pandemic and takes on many different forms, from physical and emotional abuse to rape and murder. The underlying causes are complex and vary from region to region (Krook, 2017). However, some of the key factors include a society’s attitude towards gender roles, power dynamics, and sexuality; the prevalence of alcohol and drug use; economic insecurity; and social isolation.

Topic Background

Violence against women is a global problem that affects women of all ages, races, and socioeconomic backgrounds. Violence against women is a serious challenge in many parts of the world, especially in Africa (Ba-an et al., 2022). In Africa, violence against women is especially prevalent, with many women experiencing oppression, suppression, and even being killed at the hands of their partners or other members of their community. There are a variety of factors that contribute to the high levels of violence against women in Africa. One major factor is the lack of access to justice for many African women. In many parts of Africa, traditional systems of justice are still in place, and these often favor men over women. This means that when a woman experiences violence at the hands of her husband or another man, she often has no legal recourse.

The effects of violence against women in Africa are devastating. They include physical and emotional trauma, broken relationships, increased risk of HIV and other infections, forced marriage and pregnancy, and mental health problems (Barker et al., 2019). Violence against women is a serious human rights violation. It occurs in every country in the world and affects women of all ages, races, religions, and socioeconomic backgrounds. In Africa, violence against women is exacerbated by poverty, insecurity, weak governance, and unequal social norms (Ba-an et al., 2022). African countries with high levels of violence against women tend to have lower-incomes, poorer health outcomes, and lower rates of female participation in the workforce. Violence against women likewise negatively impacts children who witness it or are exposed to it.

The Topic Connection to Course Materials and Related Theories

There is a clear connection between violence against women and gender roles in society. For example, research has shown that attitudes that support traditional gender roles are associated with more accepting attitudes towards violence against women (Herrero et al., 2017). This is likely due to the fact that traditional gender roles prescribe rigidly defined roles for men and women, which leads to inadequacy feeling when people do not conform to these traditional norms. This frustration often manifests as violence against those who are seen as violating these prescribed gender norms. These include women who choose to work or study outside the home or who dress in a way that does not conform to traditional notions of femininity. Likewise, gender inequality is one of the root causes of violence against women (Barker et al., 2019). In many societies, women are not seen as equal to men and are often discriminated against. This results in men feeling entitled to control and dominate their female partners, which results in physical or sexual aggression.

Critical Analysis

In-Depth Analysis

In Africa, gender inequality is often cited as a root cause of violence against women. In many cases, traditional gender roles assign men the role of breadwinner and head of the household while relegating women to the role of domestic servants. This leads to frustration and resentment among men who feel that they are not able to provide for their families, which may lead to violence against their wives or female family members. Additionally, women in many African countries lack access to education and economic opportunities, making them more vulnerable to abuse. Many African women, in addition, face religious and cultural pressures to remain silent about abuse, making it difficult for them to seek help (Herrero et al., 2017). Ultimately, gender inequality creates an environment in which violence against women is normalized and accepted.

Conversely, poverty similarly contributes to violence against women because it leads to feelings of desperation, anger, and frustration among men who are unable to provide for their families. These negative emotions often boil over into physical or sexual abuse against women (Herrero et al., 2017). In addition, poverty likewise restricts women’s access to education, healthcare, and other essential resources, which makes them more vulnerable to abuse (Ba-an et al., 2022). Regarding culture, in many African countries, it is commonly believed that a woman is her husband’s property and that he has the right to beat her as he sees fit (Herrero et al., 2017). This belief leads many women who are abused by their husbands to feel ashamed, and they often do not seek assistance because they fear being shunned by their community or even killed by their husbands.

Gender and Violence Against Women Relationship

The relationship between gender and violence against women is a complex one. In Africa, traditional gender roles often dictate that it is the responsibility of the woman to take care of the family, while the man is responsible for providing for them financially (Krook, 2017). This can result in an imbalance of power in relationships and make it more difficult for women to leave abusive relationships (Barker et al., 2019). Additionally, in most cases, men are the perpetrators, and women are the victims. This is often due to the fact that men hold more power and authority within society than women do. They make most of the decisions regarding family issues, including violence against women; there are several reasons why this is a problem. First, it reinforces the idea that men are superior to women and can do whatever they want to them without consequence (Herrero et al., 2017). This leads to an acceptance of violence against women as a normal part of life. Second, it keeps women from having a voice within their families and societies.


In conclusion, violence against women refers to any physical or sexual act or threat of act perpetrated against a woman by a man with the intent to harm, intimidate, coerce, punish, or control her. There are many factors that lead to violence against women in Africa. One of the primary contributing factors is gender inequality. Women in Africa often have fewer rights and opportunities than men, which makes them more vulnerable to abuse. Additionally, poverty is another major factor that can lead to violence against women. Financial instability puts a lot of stress on families and relationships, which can sometimes lead to violence. Lastly, culture plays a role in violence against women in Africa. In some cultures, women are not seen as equal to men and may be viewed as property, which makes them more likely to be victims of abuse. All of these factors contribute to the unfortunately high rate of violence against women in Africa.


Andersen, M. & Witham, D. H. (2011). Thinking about women: Sociological perspectives on sex and gender (9th ed.). Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.

Ba-an, M. T., Dapilee, F., & Segbefia, S. K. (2022). Examining the factors that militate against women reporting domestic violence to DOVVSU amongst Talensi and Bolga in Northern Ghana. Journal of African Studies and Ethnographic Research, 4(1).

Barker, L. C., Stewart, D. E., & Vigod, S. N. (2019). Intimate partner sexual violence: An often overlooked problem. Journal of Women’s Health, 28(3), 363-374. Web.

Herrero, J., Torres, A., Rodríguez, F. J., & Juarros-Basterretxea, J. (2017). Intimate partner violence against women in the European Union: The influence of male partners’ traditional gender roles and general violence. Psychology of violence, 7(3), 385-394. Web.

Krook, M. L. (2017). Violence against women in politics. Journal of Democracy, 28(1), 74-88. Web.

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Premium Papers. (2023, May 8). Violence Against Women and Related Theories.

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Premium Papers. "Violence Against Women and Related Theories." May 8, 2023.