Virtualization and Cloud Computing

Virtualization is a technology that isolates the operating systems from the hardware. It functions to reduce the cost of hardware by minimizing the number of physical machines on the network. It refers to the creation of a virtual version of the server that receives the same shared information as the physical server. Virtualization aims to separate the material resources and make them available to the virtual machines accessible remotely (Bhardwaj & Krishna, 2021). Most modern operating systems contain simplified virtual systems, with each process running as if it were independent. For example, the CPU and computer memory are virtualized systems. Hosting web apps in the cloud and managing virtual systems make organization data available for easy access by users.

There are multiple benefits of virtualization and cloud computing to an organization. It reduces the cost of physical machines and the need for numerous hardware running on an infrastructure. Cloud computing protects the system from complete failure, a breakdown of one part of the system does not result in an entire system malfunction. System failures can take several days to fix; however, deploying VMs to replicate affected areas in a virtualized environment is easy. Virtualization also increases data transfer as one can easily send and receive information without a physical search in hard drives. Cloud storage of systems provides practical security benefits to organizations (Bhardwaj & Krishna, 2021). The virtual management system stays separate from the other system parts, making it a challenge for viruses and malwares to penetrate. Finally, virtual systems improve sustainability by reducing the number of physical components in a network. It is also a cost-effective way to manage data as it reduces the cost of electricity, waste, and maintenance on material components.

Planning the requirements for the new Windows Server 2019 is a task that requires absolute knowledge of IT. The requirements for setting up a server depend on the system configuration, application and installation features. However, there are set minimum requirements that all systems running windows Server 2019 must have, failure to which the product cannot install (Bhardwaj & Krishna, 2021). This case study shows that the server must be strong enough to run a 60-windows client network with sign-in features and host a third-party app. Below are the minimums requirements when planning the provisions of this new windows server 2019 system.

The system will require a 2.5 GHz 64-bit processor, which supports second-level translation, and CMPXCHG16b, LAHF/SAHF. The processor will be backed by 4GB of random-access memory with 2 GB disk space for server installation. If the server is running a virtual system, then a minimum of 1GB RAM is allocated to the virtual machine to avoid system failure (Bhardwaj & Krishna, 2021). The new server computer must include a storage adapter compliant with the architectural specifications. The storage devices on the computer must not be PATA, as windows servers do not allow PATA, ATA, IDE, and EIDE for boot. The minimum disk requirement for the hard drives should be 250GB ROM, and it is also necessary to have a display of 1920*1080. The system must be able to host a browser with a remote registry and a local admin option activated by default. Finally, the single sign-on (SSO) setting on the new server must be able to provide sign-in services with the machine having a DVD drive for operating system installation and the UEFI 2.3.1c-based system.


Bhardwaj, A., & Krishna, C. R. (2021). Virtualization in cloud computing: Moving from hypervisor to containerization—A survey. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 46(9), 8585–8601. Web.

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Premium Papers. (2025, February 26). Virtualization and Cloud Computing.

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"Virtualization and Cloud Computing." Premium Papers, 26 Feb. 2025,


Premium Papers. (2025) 'Virtualization and Cloud Computing'. 26 February.


Premium Papers. 2025. "Virtualization and Cloud Computing." February 26, 2025.

1. Premium Papers. "Virtualization and Cloud Computing." February 26, 2025.


Premium Papers. "Virtualization and Cloud Computing." February 26, 2025.