Wireless Technologies in the Contemporary Business World


Technology has changed the way people handle things, where, businesspeople are the greatest beneficiaries of the enhanced and computerized technologies. Technologies have evolved from the wired appliances to the portable wireless appliances that have brought the business world into a different phase. The growing use of mobile phones has lead to the ability to conduct businesses on the move (Dragani 2). Further, the wireless networks have enhanced the flow of activities such that businesses are able to reach customers from all over the world at any time.

Technologists work hard to ensure that they enhance any form of appliance or software to ease various business activities. The wireless laptops, Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs), and the mobile phones are the most important wireless devises that move the business world. The devises have enabled wireless commerce, where, businesspeople are able to run their errands from anywhere across the globe (May 115). They can do their businesses at any time of their convenience, and at any place of their convenience.

Other than the wireless technologies, the most prestigious assets that businesses cannot afford to lack are the Management Information Systems (MIS systems). The systems do all the manual work for the managers. They gather information in a systematic manner, process, and manage large volumes of data (Henderson, Rockart and Sifonis 20). Moreover, the management systems help in managing websites, controlling and processing payments, and in the dreary accounting role (Oz 336).

Nowadays, there are infinite numbers of emerging wireless technologies that have played a great role in facilitating wireless commerce. This paper will give a brief history of wireless commerce, a stringent analysis of the emerging technologies, and the pros and cons that the technologies have in the contemporary business world. Further, the paper will give an outlay of the extent in which the business world has changed because of the MIS systems and the wireless technologies. Lastly, the paper will give a summary of the findings of a research on wireless commerce and the emerging wireless technologies.


Wireless commerce is dependent on the wireless networks that were present since the 1940s. The current digitized wireless devises came up after several improvements were done on the wireless networks of the 1940s (Oz 111). By 1983, technologists had invented the Advanced Mobile Phone System (AMPS). The AMPS were analogue systems used for voice communication. After improving and upgrading the systems, the first generation (1G) cellular phones were formed. By 1990, the second-generation (2G) cellular phones were already in the market. Other than transmitting voices, the 2G cellular phones could offer short message services (SMS).

After some time, technologists established the 2.5G wireless networks that could transmit data at faster rates that the initial wireless networks. The technological transformations continued to third generation (3G) networks that could support videos and high quality audio. Gradually, the technologists computerized the cellular phones (De Corbiere and Rowe 562). At the same time, the communication protocols, WAP and i-Mode, were undergoing some evolution, and by 1997, WAP could enable networks communications, support graphics, and video. The current mobile phones, wireless laptops, and PDAs are upgrades of the wireless technologies of the 1940s.

It is about ten years since businesses adopted the wireless technologies fully (Kagan 2). Technologists did not tire, as they continued adding value to every thought that came up. The greatest beneficiaries of the wireless commerce are the businesspeople with international businesses. Networked computing is the key aspect in the management of international businesses. The MIS systems simplify the internal operations of every business process, whereas, wireless commerce facilitates communication across the globe.

Currently, the wireless environment facilitates millions of business transactions (Rouse 2). International business managers operate as if all their businesses are located in one country. Other than the voice calls, video calls and wireless networking of current communication devises, the enhanced PDAs can do everything that a computer PC ought to do in an efficient manner (Metz 1). Technologists are still upgrading the networks and wireless technologies to provide optimal capabilities for the entire world.

Methodology and research details

This research employed a quantitative research design. The research aimed at analyzing the dependent variable, business and government operations, and the two independent variables: (1) MIS systems, and (2) wireless technologies. With the quantitative research design, it was necessary to collect first hand information to make a decisive conclusion. In this case, randomly selected companies in the study region were involved in the study. To achieve randomization, there was a consideration of businesses from all industries.

MIS professionals from the healthcare sector, banking sector, media sector, high tech companies, retail companies, manufacturing companies, and even the gaming companies were considered. The target respondents comprised of managers and the MIS professionals from the selected companies. To take part in the study, the respondents were obliged to spare some few minutes of their time to fill a questionnaire that was the main data collection instrument. The questionnaires sought information of the extent to which wireless technologies have enhanced the business operations.

Moreover, the respondents were to give a clear outlay of the pros and cons of the emerging wireless technologies. The other group of respondents that took part in the study was a group of government officials who were to give information on how the government uses the MIS systems to provide enhanced services to the citizens. In various instances, interviews and observations were used to obtain some information that could not be captured in the questionnaire.

Since the research sought very crucial information from the respondents, it was necessary to seek permission from the ministry of trade and industry before setting out to collect data. There was an assurance that the information gathered was purely for research purposes. The confidentiality message played a critical role in enabling the respondents to give articulate responses. Lastly, the quantitative research employed a descriptive statistics approach to make a scrutiny of the numeric data of the duly filled questionnaires. The Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software was used to analyze the data and give a clear outlay of the correlations and relationships of the dependent and independent variables.

Issues and points of view

From a critical view of things, it was clear that people are comfortable with the current wireless technologies that play a critical role in easing daily activities. The healthcare field, for example, articulated some contention in the way that networking help in the provision of medical services. Technology makes it possible for an inexperienced doctor to obtain instructions from an experienced doctor on how to handle patients. The businesspeople are also happy with the way business operations are simplified with the enhanced technological systems. Essentially, the emerging wireless technologies have made the world a global village as there is no need for one to commute from one place to another to have things done.

One of the issues noted was the threat that emerging technologies have on the existing businesses. Some business managers are threatened because of the emerging technologies that would create entry opportunities for businesses. This would be a great threat to the existing businesses as their products and services would be outdated. Some employees even felt that the emerging technologies would affect their employability in the future, as the PDAs will do most of the work. However, all factors considered, the vast advantages that come with the emerging technologies outweigh the drawbacks.


Wireless commerce and the emerging wireless technologies

As mentioned earlier, wireless commerce depends on the wireless networks that came into being in the 1940s. By 1980, the underlying technologies played a critical role in booming businesses in some of the developed nations. From the research findings, it was eminent that currently, the entire globe celebrates the “new media boom” that is characterized with digitization and networking components. The two components are indispensable in the wireless commerce era.

Essentially, digitization enables businesspeople to fuse processes and transmit enormous data. On the other hand, networking creates a cyberspace that enables the business people to network. The respondents from various businesses give tribute to the technologists who have enabled them to operate businesses across the globe with much ease. Emerging technologies are revolutionizing business structures across the globe. The emails and intranets have played a great role in linking the businesses with their customers across the globe. The networked infrastructures have enhanced the communication networks, which is very important in every business operation.

One of the most important aspects of the emerging wireless technologies is the ability of the digitized appliances to compress large volumes of data into bits that are stored in the computers. In the analogue era, businesspersons would hassle to keep and transmit cash, invoices, reports, blueprints, and receipts among other essential items. In the study, business managers attested that all their transactions are done online. They exchange information about the products or services through the network, have their payments through credit cards, and deliver the products at the doorsteps of their customers.

Large cities, large markets, and the busy people in the contemporary world have shifted the management role from land, labor, and capital to information networking. Essentially, the PDAs enable businesspeople to operate a business from anywhere across the globe without much hassles. The customers only need to connect to the internet through their personal computers to access the necessary information regarding the product or service of interest.

Interestingly, customers can even gang through the networks and employ strategies that would enable then to purchase products at a discount. Generally, the emerging wireless technologies are playing a great role in facilitating wireless commerce. The future of wireless commerce is very bright, as technologists continue inventing other ways of simplifying business operations.

Pros and cons of wireless commerce

Indeed, the emerging technologies are changing business opportunities across the globe. Businesses are recording an upward trend in the number of sales. The managers are contended with the speed at which the stakeholders are able to access information though the internet and make crucial decisions. Currently, networking has enabled businesses to outsource human resources from anywhere in the globe. In the interviews, it was very encouraging to meet a business manager who had outsourced 80% of the employees from developing nations.

Essentially, human resources in the developing nations are somewhat cheap than human resource in the developed nations. Other than the achievement to offer employment opportunities to the people in developing nations and enhancing their lifestyles, the manager was able to obtain considerably cheap labor that would transform into massive profits. Despite the massive number of employees, the MIS systems helped greatly in managing the accounting and payment systems for the entire workforce.

One of the commonest issues associated with technology is the insecure internet features. Mostly, businesspeople ignore the insecurity issues until they become victims of system hacking. Cases have happened where IT experts hack the business websites, tamper with the business transactions, and steal large sums of money (Chen, Ramamurthy and Wen 177). Although such incidences are rare, they do happen. Businesses have always suspected that some employees make some inside job arrangements to steal form the company. Although that fact is not discountable, it is worth noting that website hackers are a threat to the contemporary wireless commerce era.

Another threat in the current wireless commerce era goes to those individuals who intent to seek for employment opportunities in companies. As evident from the growth of direct sales, most businesses may require limited number of staffs to accomplish their deals. Companies may eliminate the intermediaries and some of the employees. The lengthened business procedures would have to be shortened, and many people would end up having no role to play in the company.

According to the research survey, it was estimated that more than 20% of the currently employed population would no longer have a role to play in their various workstations. Unemployment would rise, and people would invent other strategies to earn a living. At that point, the possibility of introducing fake products in the market would be very high. Essentially, people will aim at copying the brand images of established companies, imitate their products and services, and struggle to obtain some market share. From this perspective, the enhanced technological advancements are admirable, but they threaten the existing firms.

MIS systems and the business world

Businesses have used the Information Management Systems (MIS) for more than two decades. The integrated computer-based information systems perform a combined role of man and the customary machines. MIS systems support users in the entire operations of the business, the management, and in the decision-making process (Abiodun 28). MIS systems help business managers to capture large volumes of data, process the data, and present it in an efficient manner.

The MIS systems assure the business managers of the validity of information. They keep clear records of all the transactions at particular dates, and they enable the users to access and retrieve information as and whenever it is needed. MIS systems process data into useful information that triggers the formulation of policies. Supermarkets, for example, will use computer databases to identify the high selling products.

Thereafter, the managers of the supermarket will make stringent decisions regarding the restocking procedures of the high selling product. The managers would employ strategies that will ensure that the high selling products do not run out of stock. The same information from the supermarkets will steer the manufacturing companies to maximize the productivity of the high selling products and even add value to the products.

In the contemporary world, end users are only obligated to input data into the computers and let the MIS systems do the thinking. The MIS systems are structured to analyze the data with regard to the management principles. The user can restructure the systems to fit their specific needs, and the MIS systems would help the users to make decisions. The systems are great tools that help in handling complex situations. They provide the users with the ability to make corrections and necessary adjustments depending on the business management needs.

Currently, majority of the people who are doing businesses use management information systems. It is noteworthy that the type of MIS system used does not really matter, as long as it simplifies their work. Management information system is a dynamic concept that accepts change from one time to another. The managers do not have to fear of the change in management process, as they only need to make a constant review of the MIS systems to ensure that they are at par with the current technology. Essentially, MIS systems have changed the contemporary business world, as everything is automated and machines do the thinking for the users.

MIS systems and the governments

It is worth noting that governments have greatly benefitted from the management information systems. Governments use the MIS systems to keep clear tracks of all the revenues collected from taxes. The management information systems help government officials to make a clear outlay of the inflows and outflows of goods and services across nations. The systems enhance transparency and accountability, as they are able to keep track of all the monetary transactions.

It is with the help of MIS systems that governments are able to processing payments and handle the dreary accounting role for the entire nation. MIS systems enable governments to allocate resources equally and offer better services to the entire population. Certainly, it would be almost impossible to manage enormous government data, or even provide enhanced services to the citizens without the help of MIS systems.


From the discussions, it is evident that indeed, wireless technologies facilitate competition in the contemporary business world. Business managers are obliged to have information of the newest technologies in their lines of operation. They have to fix old norms and adopt new ones that come with emerging wireless technologies. It is encouraging that customers are slowly adopting the digitized world. Nowadays, even the third world nations are becoming enlightened of the wireless technologies. Therefore, it is upon the business managers to work hard to find ways of reaching their intended customers with ease.

They have to employ all the necessary marketing strategies to win the trust of their customers in the competitive business environment. Although the emerging wireless technologies have some threats to the existing businesses, the managers ought to disregard the threats and work towards maximizing on the benefits associated with the emerging wireless technologies. The business world has a great future, and people should make maximum use of the emerging wireless technologies to make the world a better place than the way they found it.

Works Cited

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Premium Papers. (2025, February 21). Wireless Technologies in the Contemporary Business World. https://premium-papers.com/wireless-technologies-in-the-contemporary-business-world/

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"Wireless Technologies in the Contemporary Business World." Premium Papers, 21 Feb. 2025, premium-papers.com/wireless-technologies-in-the-contemporary-business-world/.


Premium Papers. (2025) 'Wireless Technologies in the Contemporary Business World'. 21 February.


Premium Papers. 2025. "Wireless Technologies in the Contemporary Business World." February 21, 2025. https://premium-papers.com/wireless-technologies-in-the-contemporary-business-world/.

1. Premium Papers. "Wireless Technologies in the Contemporary Business World." February 21, 2025. https://premium-papers.com/wireless-technologies-in-the-contemporary-business-world/.


Premium Papers. "Wireless Technologies in the Contemporary Business World." February 21, 2025. https://premium-papers.com/wireless-technologies-in-the-contemporary-business-world/.