A Person’s LGBT+ (Queer) Status and Discrimination


It is expected that people’s LGBT+ status can significantly influence how other individuals perceive these people. The given research is going to demonstrate that if a person’s LGBT+ status is revealed, then they would be likely to suffer from discriminatory attitudes.


The article by Wahlen et al. (2020) investigates whether medical students are aware of LGBT+ people’s specific needs and how it is possible to improve their awareness. For this purpose, 157 students were recruited and asked to attend a one-hour lecture discussing sexual orientation and health issues. In addition to that, the researchers asked the participants to complete the pre-and post-intervention questionnaires to analyze their attitudes toward LGBT+ people. This methodology allowed for identifying that most medical students had already had positive perceptions of LGBT+ people, while the one-hour lecture helped improve their knowledge of such people’s needs. This article demonstrates that when people know more about LGBT+ people, they tend to have positive attitudes toward this population group. However, one should highlight that this article only focuses on medical students, which denotes that other people should additionally be considered.

LGBT+ people are significant in the business world because these individuals are employees of many organizations, but Salter et al. (2019) stipulate that companies are still learning to be more diverse. The researchers have performed an extensive literature analysis and identified that a large part of LGBT+ employees suffer from harassment and discrimination, which deprives them of effective hiring and promotion opportunities. That is why Salter et al. (2019) identified that organizations typically required specific interventions to achieve higher inclusivity rates. This study is significant for my research because it reveals that LGBT+ people can face negative perceptions in the workplace. A limitation of this article is that it does not answer whether LGBT+ people would have faced different attitudes if their sexual orientation had not been revealed.

While many researchers demonstrate that LGBT+ people are discriminated against by representatives of the hetero-dominant culture, Parmenter et al. (2021) focus on perceptions within the LGBT+ environment. That is why the researchers recruited 14 LGBT+ young adults and organized semi-structured interviews and focus groups for them. This approach allowed Parmenter et al. (2021) to identify that the participants faced multiple discrimination types from representatives of the LGBT+ community. It is worth highlighting that this finding is relevant to the present research because the outcome reveals that LGBT+ people can face oppression from their peers. However, it is not clear from this study whether individuals’ sexual orientation was the primary cause of the negative attitude above. In other words, it is exciting to determine whether people’s perceptions would have been different if LGBT+ people had not disclosed their sexual orientation.

Research Design

For the given research, an experimental design seems the most appropriate because it implies manipulating a variable and randomly assigning individuals to intervention and control groups. A detailed discussion is presented below to demonstrate how the selected design can be implemented. Once the required number of participants is recruited, they should be randomly assigned to two groups. The two groups will watch five identical videos featuring five different individuals who will introduce their personal and professional qualities. After the videos, the participants will be asked to complete a short questionnaire and reveal their perceptions of people from the videos. In particular, the respondents will need to assess the heroes’ professionalism, their own desire to hire this person, and overall impression according to a 3-point scale (1 – negatively, 2 – neutrally, 3 – positively). The only difference is that the members of the intervention group will be told that all the people from the videos are representatives of the LGBT+ community. The selected design will help determine whether knowledge of a person’s sexual orientation can influence how others perceive them.

Statistical Analysis

Based on the discussion above, the research should rely on the independent samples t-test to make all the necessary calculations. This option seems suitable because this test allows for determining statistical differences between two groups. In other words, the independent samples t-test analyzes the groups’ means to identify whether the differences reach the previously stipulated significance level. The given test additionally seems appropriate because the research proposal satisfies its requirements. This statement refers to the presence of two groups, a categorical independent variable with two options, independent samples, and randomization. In other words, sufficient evidence demonstrates that the independent samples t-test is an appropriate statistical analysis method for this research.


All the information above reveals that the given research proposal is going to generate valuable knowledge because a high-quality and cohesive research process is offered. The annotated bibliography of three sources has commented on some literature gaps, and the given research plans find appropriate information to fill them. Furthermore, the research design and statistical analysis are aligned to meet the research hypothesis and answer the articulated question.


Parmenter, J. G., Galliher, R. V., & Maughan, A. D. (2021). LGBTQ+ emerging adults’ perceptions of discrimination and exclusion within the LGBTQ+ community. Psychology & Sexuality, 12(4), 289-304. Web.

Salter, N., Tamm, G. F. B., & Tripathy, S. C. (2019). Organizational implications of perceptions of LGBT employees. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2019(1), 18505. Web.

Wahlen, R., Bize, R., Wang, J., Merglen, A., & Ambresin, A. E. (2020). Medical students’ knowledge of and attitudes towards LGBT people and their health care needs: Impact of a lecture on LGBT health. PloS ONE, 15(7), e0234743. Web.

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Premium Papers. (2025, February 13). A Person’s LGBT+ (Queer) Status and Discrimination. https://premium-papers.com/a-persons-lgbt-queer-status-and-discrimination/

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"A Person’s LGBT+ (Queer) Status and Discrimination." Premium Papers, 13 Feb. 2025, premium-papers.com/a-persons-lgbt-queer-status-and-discrimination/.


Premium Papers. (2025) 'A Person’s LGBT+ (Queer) Status and Discrimination'. 13 February.


Premium Papers. 2025. "A Person’s LGBT+ (Queer) Status and Discrimination." February 13, 2025. https://premium-papers.com/a-persons-lgbt-queer-status-and-discrimination/.

1. Premium Papers. "A Person’s LGBT+ (Queer) Status and Discrimination." February 13, 2025. https://premium-papers.com/a-persons-lgbt-queer-status-and-discrimination/.


Premium Papers. "A Person’s LGBT+ (Queer) Status and Discrimination." February 13, 2025. https://premium-papers.com/a-persons-lgbt-queer-status-and-discrimination/.