Cloud Computing and Its Key Characteristics

Resource Pooling

One of the most significant cloud computing characteristics is resource pooling, as it allows to manage computing resources efficiently. It is achieved by sharing resources of the cloud service provider between multiple clients. Hence, maximum efficiency is achieved, and hardware downtime is reduced as much as possible (Jones, 2020). Moreover, as only the provider is responsible for the maintenance of hardware, a more professional approach is introduced. As with any other type of division of labor, cloud computing leads to the development of high specialization and the establishment of rational management.

On-demand and Self-service

The on-demand and self-service characteristics of cloud computing are also vitally important as they allow the client to monitor the server uptime and network storage at any time. Cloud computing allows the client to control and adjust the computing abilities with significantly higher rates of flexibility than other types of computing.

Easy Maintenance

As already mentioned, shifting the maintenance-related responsibilities towards a highly specialized organization provides high-quality maintenance. Such organizations may efficiently optimize the workflow and reduce downtime to almost zero. Moreover, cloud computing providers are able to benefit from the economy of scale and consequently may update hardware and software more frequently, introducing top-notch services.

Scalability and Rapid Elasticity

Cloud computing is also highly beneficial in terms of scalability and flexibility. It allows adjusting the number of needed computing powers flexibly without growing financial costs. Moreover, cloud computing may provide access to large computing powers for a short period of time (Bidgoli, 2021). Therefore, cloud services are highly beneficial and cost-efficient for companies with big and non-permanent computing workloads. Furthermore, digital areas tend to develop rapidly, and hence high scalability and elasticity are essential.

Economically Beneficial

A combination of the above-mentioned characteristics makes cloud computing economically beneficial for both the provider and clients. First, the economy of scale allows the provider to reduce costs significantly. Consequently, it may be cheaper to use cloud computing than physical computing. Second, provision plans, as well as tariffs, are highly flexible, allowing the client to adjust the consumption in accordance with the needs and minimize downtime. Such opportunities are essential in terms of reducing costs and improving economic efficiency.

Resiliency and Availability

High maintenance efficiency is closely related to another key characteristic of cloud computing. Rational hardware management and constant supervision significantly reduce the probability of any disruptions. Moreover, providers hire highly qualified workers, which may recover the system quickly in case of any problems. The remote nature of cloud computing also increases its availability as there are no geographic berries or limitations related to using these services (Jones, 2020). Conclusively, high resilience and easy access allow the client to utilize the computing power without any disruptions.


Cloud computing is incomparable in terms of data security, which is one of its key characteristics. Remoteness, resiliency, and data backup make cloud computing significantly secure and reliable (Bidgoli, 2021). In addition, in some cases, there are multiple servers, which store data copies providing the opportunity to recover it in case of any problems. Such an approach is particularly effective if multiple users need to work with the same file increasing the probability of corrupting or damaging the file.

Large Network Access

Ubiquity is an inseparable part of cloud computing as users may access data regardless of their location. A digital device and internet connection represent sufficient instruments needed to use any data from the “cloud.” In addition, cloud computing provides access to a wide variety of operating systems and devices, improving data accessibility.


Bidgoli, H. (2021). Mis: management information systems. Cengage Learning, Inc.

Jones, T. (2020). 8 key characteristics of cloud computing. SearchCloudComputing.

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Premium Papers. (2025, February 22). Cloud Computing and Its Key Characteristics.

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"Cloud Computing and Its Key Characteristics." Premium Papers, 22 Feb. 2025,


Premium Papers. (2025) 'Cloud Computing and Its Key Characteristics'. 22 February.


Premium Papers. 2025. "Cloud Computing and Its Key Characteristics." February 22, 2025.

1. Premium Papers. "Cloud Computing and Its Key Characteristics." February 22, 2025.


Premium Papers. "Cloud Computing and Its Key Characteristics." February 22, 2025.