Cloud Computing: Business Models and Deployment

Graduates are provided with vital educational programs to help them gain knowledge, skills, and also theories. They help them become good servant leaders in their disciplines and communities. Students can make ethical decisions in every situation they find their selves. In this text, I will take an example of cloud computing which involves the delivery of services via the internet. Cloud computing jeopardizes various services such as consumer services like Gmail and cloud backup of photographs on smartphones and services that allow major corporations to store their data. Cloud computing solutions today provide a wide range of possibilities, ranging from primary storage, networking, and computing power to machine intelligence and language processing, as well as traditional office applications. Almost every service that requires somebody to be physically proximate to the hardware resources that the users are using may now be delivered via the cloud. However, in the paper, a clear reflection is depicted on how the computing knowledge, skills, and theories are applied in the working environment by addressing fundamental challenges, designing information in an organization, among many others.

Cloud computing evolved from Cloud Storage to address the fundamental challenges and meet the requirements it could not complete due to actual physical hardware, software platforms, and applications worldwide. Cloud and Grid computing are kinds of cloud applications. Tasks may be dispersed through a weight balancing system and assigned to unused resources in parallel at runtime if necessary. Although workloads in Grid Computing must typically be defined in advance, Cloud Computing has presented the concept about the on. Resources may constantly be scaled-out and based on the current workload (Keerthana et al., 2020). On-demand services provide companies with the agility they need to manage abrupt and unpredictable increases or dips in business demand.

A complex community cloud will contain a variety of information. These will range from planning and design information to cloud setup information to near-real-time data. These distinct data sets were likely to be located in entirely independent domains and have different representations. Nonetheless, due to the cloud’s complexity and the rising level of technology in IT operations, various forms of cloud storage have been predicted to mix or, at the very least, become more accessible to management solutions as cloud computing evolves (Keerthana et al., 2020). When focusing on infrastructure facilities, one could be tempted to employ a complex CAD system to depict storage, servers, networking, power lines, and other physical equipment.

Cloud computing refers to the resources and programs that data centers worldwide make available to anybody with an Internet connection. It highlights a fundamental shift in service and resource delivery. Utility computing is reshaping the IT environment, from how IT systems are developed and utilized to how IT operations are distributed and configured. Instead of racking and uncrating devices in a storage closet, the cloud allows customers to access hardware and associated infrastructure digitally. As a result, the virtualized data center can be constructed in minutes with no technical knowledge and for a fraction of the cost of acquiring a single server.

In conclusion, because enterprises only spend for their assets, employing cloud services allows them to move more swiftly on testing ideas and initiatives without extensive procurement and expensive upfront expenses. Cloud proponents frequently cite this concept of business agility as a crucial advantage. The ability to supply new services without the complexity and time involved with traditional IT procurement would make things simpler to move forward with new applications more rapidly. And, if a functionality turns out to be a general application, the cloud’s flexibility makes it easier to scale it up fast.


Keerthana, N., Krishnamoorthy, S., Sengan, S., & Srinivas, M. (2020). Towards a taxonomy for cloud computing as business models and deployment: a technical review. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology. Web.

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Premium Papers. (2025, February 22). Cloud Computing: Business Models and Deployment.

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"Cloud Computing: Business Models and Deployment." Premium Papers, 22 Feb. 2025,


Premium Papers. (2025) 'Cloud Computing: Business Models and Deployment'. 22 February.


Premium Papers. 2025. "Cloud Computing: Business Models and Deployment." February 22, 2025.

1. Premium Papers. "Cloud Computing: Business Models and Deployment." February 22, 2025.


Premium Papers. "Cloud Computing: Business Models and Deployment." February 22, 2025.