Emotional and Cognitive Socialization Outcome


Parents should pay attention to the features of the formation of the psyche of their children and their socialization in society. Special approaches are used to develop the personality of the child. Emotional, cognitive, and socialization outcomes will be considered as a result of successful work on the formation of effective communication skills in society. Deviant behavior can be caused by a lack of parental attention and indifference to the behavior of children.

Emotional Outcomes

The formation of an emotional background largely depends on parents. If the child feels the support and confidence of adults, no negative skills develop. Otherwise, emotional pressure is fraught with the violation of the child’s psyche and closeness. All the additional feelings that the baby experiences in the family are also formed due to the parents who either encourage or condemn some manifestations of behavioral features. The lack of attention can lead to the formation of deviant behavior, which will be a significant disadvantage in the process of adaptation in the society.

Promotion of Emotional Outcomes

Emotional behavior that is formed in any child depends on the microclimate within a family and how parents relate to the expression of certain feelings. The reaction of adults is often the determining factor in the process of shaping the psyche of preschool children and serves for them as a guide. Those young people who are able to fully express their feelings can experience a wide range of emotions, in contrast to those who undergo pressure from their parents.

Cognitive Outcomes

Cognitive skills of children differ at each stage of development, and the role of parents in the formation of appropriate abilities is significant. In the process of socialization, the child adopts both positive and negative mechanisms of thinking. The environment and the degree of parents’ involvement are key factors determining the success of the adaptation process.

Promotion of Cognitive Outcomes

Encouraging the cognitive skills of development contributes to not only the rapid assimilation of any information but also socialization. The more active parents participate in helping children, the higher the chances are that necessary skills will develop faster. Parents’ help in solving everyday tasks and additional training can be effective measures to increase the motivation of children to mentally develop and strive to learn as much as possible about the world around. In case of deviations in cognitive perception are not identified in time, it can lead to the slowing of socialization and other negative consequences, for example, the retardation of mental development.

Socialization Outcomes

The process of socialization is always associated with the imitation of someone else’s behavior. Children usually copy either their parents or their peers. The environment as a whole plays one of the essential roles in the child’s adaptation to the society. Special attention should be paid to bad habits since children tend to adopt the manner of their parents’ behavior, including their daily activities. Different theories of socialization provide for various approaches and explanations for certain motives for behavior. Parental ignoring the child’s deviant behavior can significantly complicate the process of adaptation.

Promotion of Socialization Outcomes

The imitation of a certain model in the process of socialization can be both positive and negative, and the family’s task is to prevent the possible manifestation of deviant behavior. One of the reasons for the problems of social adaptation is the children’s unformed psyche, which can be corrected by consulting a psychologist. Nevertheless, the primary process of upbringing takes place among family members, and these are parents who should supervise the behavior of their child.


When considering emotional, cognitive, and socialization outcomes, it is essential to note the important role of parents in the process of children’s personal development. Any abnormalities can be caused by insufficient attention from adults and the lack of interest in the feelings of the child. The process of socialization implies adaptation to the environment, and if a particular behavior model is wrong, there is a risk of developing mental abnormalities. In order to avoid serious problems, it is significant not to allow them and to help the child timely develop.


Berns, R. M. (2015). Child, family, school, community: Socialization and support (10th ed.). Stamford, CT: Cengage Learning.

Flook, L., Goldberg, S. B., Pinger, L., & Davidson, R. J. (2015). Promoting prosocial behavior and self-regulatory skills in preschool children through a mindfulness-based kindness curriculum. Developmental Psychology, 51(1), 44-51.

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Premium Papers. (2022, December 29). Emotional and Cognitive Socialization Outcome. https://premium-papers.com/emotional-and-cognitive-socialization-outcome/

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"Emotional and Cognitive Socialization Outcome." Premium Papers, 29 Dec. 2022, premium-papers.com/emotional-and-cognitive-socialization-outcome/.


Premium Papers. (2022) 'Emotional and Cognitive Socialization Outcome'. 29 December.


Premium Papers. 2022. "Emotional and Cognitive Socialization Outcome." December 29, 2022. https://premium-papers.com/emotional-and-cognitive-socialization-outcome/.

1. Premium Papers. "Emotional and Cognitive Socialization Outcome." December 29, 2022. https://premium-papers.com/emotional-and-cognitive-socialization-outcome/.


Premium Papers. "Emotional and Cognitive Socialization Outcome." December 29, 2022. https://premium-papers.com/emotional-and-cognitive-socialization-outcome/.