Global Warming Causes and Effects

Global warming refers to alterations in the globe’s surface temperature, which have been indicated by a rising in warmth for the last one hundred years. The climatic changes are linked with a diverse spectrum of climatic changes like snow capacity and rainfall intensity. The increase in temperature is a result of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide releasing from activities like deforestation or from burning remnant fuels.

The globe’s atmosphere has warmed by 1.5 degrees over the last one hundred years (Brown 2006). The rise in temperature of the earth’s atmosphere has resulted in a variety of impacts on the ecological unit. Global warming can also be referred to as air pollution, and carbon dioxide that gathers in the air ensnares heating from the sun.

The trapped heat consequently causes the globe to warm up (Carlo 2008). By the end of the paper, the learner should understand the causes of climatic changes that result in global warming over a given period of time.

The variation in the level of temperature changes in the various regions is due to human activities that take place in the areas. There are various results of global warming, including the rise in the level of sea water and incidences of tremendous weather events. The yield of crop changes, famine, and heavy rainfall as results of uneven temperature regime are also likely to occur.

There are significant causes of global warming with the principal cause being greenhouse gases resulting from human activities (Leipold 2007). For instance, the gases are from the incineration of fossil fuels in cars, power, and factories. Carbon dioxide is the main gas that is accountable for warming, followed by others like nitrous oxide, methane, gases from industrial procedures, and also from refrigeration procedures. Deforestation has also played an influential role in globe warming as forests would store large amounts of carbon dioxide for respiration. On respiration, forests would release oxygen, which is harmless to the environment.

The natural causes arise from nature, while the man-made causes are due to human beings activities. Man-made causes create bigger harm to the environment as compared to natural causes. Methane gas is an example of a natural cause, which is a greenhouse gas that traps heat in the globe’s atmosphere.

The trapped heat by the gas is the cause of warming also; the sequences of climatic changes that take place on earth are natural causes of global warming. Artificial causes are numerous, and they include pollution, which is a serious problem for the environment. Mining of oil and coal leads to methane gas to escape to the environment contributing to the formation of the blanket hence global warming.

The population of a given region is a vital man-made cause of global warming. This is because; in a high populated area, more transportation as well as agricultural practices takes place. As a result, methane gas increases in the atmosphere as combustion of fossil fuels continue, which causes global warming (Leipold 2007). People exhale carbon dioxide, which tends to accumulate in the highly populated areas leading to global warming.

Electricity production contributes to global warming due to the increase in the capacity of electricity usage as a source of energy. The increase in the agricultural practices leads to enhanced utilization of chemical fertilizers in the farms. The chemical fertilizers have replaced the usage of manure made by the animals, and the excess fertilizers in the farms are at times washed away by run-off to the oceans. The chemicals in water interfere with the normal evaporation and cooling effect of the water, hence warming of the atmosphere (Carlo 2008).

The expansion of the greenhouse effect is a result of humans activities that take place at a prolonged period. The warming eventually takes place as a result of ambiance ensnaring warmth radiating from the globe towards space. The gases in the environment avert heat from evading and thus lead to warming. The gases may remain in the atmosphere for a long duration without responding to climatic changes, thus forming the greenhouse.

There are a vast number of gases that contribute to the greenhouse effect with some responding to climatic changes while others do not. Water vapor is an example of these gases, but it responds positively to climatic changes that take place via precipitation (Brown 2006). Carbon dioxide is also an example which plays a prominent role in the greenhouse effect. Carbon dioxide does not disappear easily from the environment resulting in the formation of a blanket that prevents heat from escaping.

This eventually results in the greenhouse effect and finally to global warming. As a result, of human activities methane gas as a greenhouse gas that results from both artificial and natural cause increase in the atmosphere. Normally, there are two main outcomes of global warming that include a rise of sea levels and elevated temperatures on the earth. The weather events affected by these alterations include heat waves, famine, and floods.

Moreover, agricultural outputs end up reducing as a result of global warming as most of the crops do well in moderate temperatures. Areas experiencing drought have increased due to increase in the rate of evaporation hence global warming. The capacity of dissolved oxygen in sea decline posing a risk to ocean life, thus resulting in reduced marine organisms in the sea.

Migration result in overpopulation in some areas where agricultural activities can be done hence enhancing the probability of global warming (Gore 2006). More carbon dioxide flees to the environment as people exhale increasing the amount of greenhouse gas in the atmosphere.

Global warming also results in a decline in the globe’s economy as a result of low agricultural yields. This results in hunger as drought takes a large region in the farms that could otherwise be used for farming. Floods have also interfered with farming as this lead to erosion taking away the fertile portion of the soil proper for farming. Deforestation also increases the level of flooding hence reducing the chances of crop growth.

In conclusion, global warming is avoidable if the right measures leading to the warming taken. This is because the effects of global warming are numerous with negative out comes. The government ought to improvise measures that can help reduce the effects (Brown 2005).

In addition to this, people ought to be made to understand the causes of warming as well as their effects. With the knowledge, some of the causes can be avoided hence, the effects of global warming can be prevented. This can also lead to growth in the economy as more food could grow in the globe and as well as reduce migration.

Works Cited

Brown, Luis. The Effects of Global Warming, 4th ed. Columbus, Ohio State: University Press, 2007. Print.

Brown, Paul. The Results of Global Warming, 3rd ed. London: Oxford University Press, 2005. Print.

Carlo, Maxwell. The causes of Greenhouse Gases, Carbon Dioxide and Methane, 3rd ed. Chicago: Fortress Press, 2008. Print.

Gore, Peter. The Planetary Emergency of Global Warming and What We Can Do about It, 2nd ed. Britain: Bristol University Press, 2006. Print.

Leipold, Ronald. Global Warning: The Last Chance for Change, 2nd ed. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2007. Print.

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Premium Papers. (2022, April 8). Global Warming Causes and Effects.

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Premium Papers. "Global Warming Causes and Effects." April 8, 2022.