Sociology Examples for Free

Sociology is the study of human social behavior, including the origins, development, and structure of societies. It is a social science that uses scientific methods to examine the effects of social factors on individuals and groups.

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Foot-in-the-Door vs. Door-in-the-Face Sales Techniques: Definitions & Examples

The Foot-in-the-Door Technique Foot-in-the-door sales technique involves starting with a small request or action, which is likely to be agreed upon and then following up with a more significant request or action. The goal is to get the person to agree to the more significant request using the initial agreement...

Words: 382 Pages: 2

The Significance of Queerness in Social Media?

Introduction People from all walks of life use social media platforms to engage, share knowledge, and grow their professional and personal networks. It refers to online tools and groups encouraging user-to-user interaction and content sharing. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok are popular social networking services. As a result of the...

Words: 2765 Pages: 12

M. L. King’s “Letter from a Birmingham Jail” Analysis

In the turbulent era of the 1960s, the United States grappled with the civil rights movement, which goal was to fight against segregation and establish equal rights for African Americans. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., a Baptist minister and community leader who was a devoted Christian and promoted nonviolent methods...

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Emirati Social Evolution: From Tradition to Empowerment

Introduction The United Arab Emirates’ rapid socio-economic development over the last four decades or so has resulted in changes in every aspect of Emirati society. The UAE has shifted from being a traditional Arab Muslim society defined by primary relations and familial kinship patterns based on Islamic principles to primarily...

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The Gender Pay Gap as a Current Social Issue

Introduction The gender pay gap is a measure of the position of women in an economy compared to that of men in terms of wages earned for similar work (Gautier & Munasinghe, 2021). It is a global workplace issue with both inclusion and diversity issues. Generally, a host of social...

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Ethical Relativism and Absolutism

Ethical relativism is a theory stating there is no absolute truth, which means that the truth is subjective and can depend on individual characteristics as well as societal expectations, beliefs, and value systems. Within the framework, there is no universally applicable moral principle; thus, there is no one true morality....

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Challenges and Support for Immigrant Families: Acculturation, Assimilation, and Socioeconomic Issues

Introduction Immigrant specific families usually have to meet particular obstacles that are different from those faced by native-born families. In this case, several areas are responsible for these differences: acculturation, assimilation, psychological issues, and social status, among others. This is important when developing effective support systems that can enhance their...

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The Evolution and Impact of the Animal Rights Movement

Introduction The Animal Rights Movement represents a critical shift in the moral landscape, advocating for the ethical treatment of animals across various sectors. Sparked by philosophical debates and rising awareness of animal exploitation, this movement challenges the perception of animals as mere commodities. The gradual shift towards recognizing animal sentience...

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Gender Inequality in Global Economies: Impact on Politics, Education, and Labor Markets

Introduction Inequalities in political representation, educational attainment, and labor market involvement are some of the ways that gender inequality persists in global economies. Women’s experiences in the real-world show that sexism and gender discrimination remain despite historical and legislative attempts toward equality (Caven et al., 2021). Structural disparities nevertheless impede...

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Cultural Practices and Gender Inequality: Impact on Global Gender Equality Efforts

Introduction Gender inequality is a widespread problem globally, seen in economic opportunity, political representation, health outcomes, and educational achievement. Although advancements have been made in several fields, substantial inequalities remain between males and females, stemming from enduring cultural traditions and behaviours. Cultural practices have a significant and complex impact on...

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The Structural Violence Notion Analysis

Introduction In structural violence, social systems or institutions harm people by prohibiting them from meeting their basic requirements. Although it is less evident, it is the most destructive type of violence since it results in unnecessary deaths that would not occur in more equitable societies. According to Galtung, regardless of...

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The American Civil Rights Movements

The concept of civil rights has an important difference from the related idea of civil liberties. Civil liberties encompass a set of personal freedoms that the government may not infringe upon, such as freedom of speech or free practice of religion (“Civil Liberties”, slide 3). Meanwhile, civil rights refer to...

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LGBT Rights Development in East Asia

Introduction Throughout the 20th century, most developed countries significantly advanced LGBT rights, allowing same-sex marriages and complete freedom of sexual expression. At present, nations in North America and Europe recognize sexual freedom as a fundamental human right, while some countries in Africa and the Middle East have death penalties for...

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Prejudice and Discrimination in the US

Prejudice and discrimination are the roots of human atrocities because they facilitate immorality and breed hatred between strangers and people who do not know anything about one another. Prejudice and discrimination arise due to human differences and social identities that enable individuals to coalesce into groups that share similarities. Some...

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Aspects of Violence in Video Games

Introduction The original purpose of creating and developing computer games is to help people escape from everyday problems and relieve stress. All mechanics are developed in such a way as to provoke a dynamic surge of emotions in the player, which provides an emotional release. As a result, people have...

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Core Values of Social Work: Analysis

Introduction Social work involves standing up for human rights and justice for issues that society disregards. For instance, unheard or marginalized groups may need a social worker to help them push their agenda, boosting their well-being in one way or another. According to the US Bureau of Labor and Statistics,...

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The Work-Life Balance: Impact of Personal Traits

Introduction People who attempt to maintain a moral compass have integrity, a quality of deep responsibility for their actions. Thus, if individuals make certain that they do not harm others, the unpleasant consequences of their actions for others are minimized. Accordingly, character and virtue in the moral life are important...

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Gender Economics in Gilman’s Women and Economics

Introduction Gender relationships have never been simple and clear in human society because of inevitable inequalities and the intention to identify power sources between men and women. Many attempts were made to explain the quality of these relationships and their impact on interpersonal and economic development. Charlotte Perkins Gilman (or...

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Has Social Media Enriched or Impoverished Social Life?

Introduction The XXI century is the era of information, digitalization, and numerous technological discoveries which are changing people’s lives daily. Individuals increasingly use the latest scientific and technological progress achievements in everyday life: smartphones, personal computers, smart gadgets for the home, and other valuable advancements. People can no longer imagine...

Words: 2017 Pages: 8

Embryo Cloning: Ethical Implications

Problem Discussion Cloning is a highly controversial subject in the realms of healthcare and ethics. On the one hand, human cloning would allow to release the burden of people who cannot have children in traditional ways. On the other hand, cloning is still a relatively unexplored field, which raises concerns...

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Positive Racial Identity in Counsellor

Summary Positive racial identity means feeling good about oneself as a racial being. It reinforces the understanding that one is part of the immediate family and a large group of a certain descent. I have learned that kids around age three can categorize people by race, and many who are...

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Social Institutions as Cornerstones of Society

Introduction Modern human society is a complex system, the existence of which is possible only thanks to the presence of social institutions. They set the rules of behavior, dictate the norms of morality, prescribe to perform some actions and prohibit others (Opp, 2018). In addition, they are designed to regulate...

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User Involvement in Substance Use Care

Introduction It is said to be abused when a substance is utilized in a way, environment, quantity, or frequency that could be hazardous to the person or people around them (Selseng et al., 2021). It has been emphasized in several strategies, programs, and pronouncements that user involvement in drug use...

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The “Letter From Birmingham Jail” by Martin Luther King Jr.

Introduction The “Letter from Birmingham Jail” by Martin Luther King Jr. is a classic and impactful work of literature that discusses racism and prejudice in America. The letter, which was published in 1963, was King’s reply to a group of white clergymen who had opposed his nonviolent ways of protesting...

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Counseling Program: From Military to Civilian Life

Introduction The United States (US) has one of the best-trained, biggest, and most elite armies globally. The US army trains its troops to become warriors and defend their country’s freedom and national security. Veterans’ transition assistance is needed due to the challenges they experience after exiting the service in civilian...

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Drug Dependence: The Key Theories

Introduction Drug abuse is a menace to individuals and society in general. There has always been an attempt to explain why people develop an addiction to psychotropic drugs. In an attempt to do so, several scholars have come up with theories that might explain the phenomenon. These theories revolve around...

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Cultural Competence in Social Services

Introduction Cultural competence has always been the key to long-term, peaceful, and productive intercultural communication between two nations or ethnic groups. Specialists in humanities define it as “a set of congruent behaviors, attitudes, and policies that come together in a system, agency, or among professionals that enables effective work in...

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Elderly Population’s Needs in the US Prisons

Introduction The United States (US) has the most extensive detention system in the world. Gramlich (2021) states that in 2019 there were about 2.1 million prisoners across the 6,000 facilities in the country, translating to a detention rate of about 810 prisoners per 100,000 people. There has been a general...

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Social Stratification and Inequality

Introduction Social stratification refers to how societies organize hierarchically based on factors such as social status, wealth, and power. It affects individuals’ access to education, healthcare, and job opportunities. In the United States, social mobility, or the ability to move up or down the social ladder, has decreased in recent...

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Limit Animal Testing on Developing New Drugs

Animal testing is used for experimentation in the development of new drugs and products worldwide. Many industries utilize animals to estimate the results of their products on humans, ranging from shampoos to foodstuffs and drugs. In the US alone, over 50 million animals are subjected to experimentation each year. Unfortunately,...

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Mass Murder Reduction in Georgia

Massive shooting in Georgia is causing concern among citizens. According to reports, in a most recent case, 14 people were murdered, and 21 were injured (Haner et al., 2019). According to a GVP University analysis, states with weak gun restrictions experienced 5% more mass shootings and 55% more shooting fatalities...

Words: 292 Pages: 2

Poverty and Homelessness: Strategies for Social Change

Introduction The homeless population in the US is growing at a steady rate, with 1.5 million men, women, and children experiencing homelessness every year. Statistics is an important tool in understanding the scope and impact of social problems such as poverty and homelessness and helps identify trends and patterns in...

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Elder Abuse Types and Ethical Dilemmas

Introduction It is important to note that elder abuse is a severe problem faced by people worldwide. Its main types are identified to detect them in time and reduce the suffering of the elderly. However, recently, euthanasia and assisted suicide have become popular and easy to implement, as they are...

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The Role of Women in Conflict: The Case of Myanmar

Introduction In 2000, the Asian Women’s Resource Exchange (AWORE) published a report entitled “Human Rights in Burma,” stating that women consistently give up their needs to give their children priority. The report also indicates that rural and urban Burmese women are suffering from a deteriorating economic climate in the State...

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Discussion: Substance Use and Drug Use

Substance Use and Abuse Substance abuse is the detrimental or dangerous use of psychoactive agents such as alcohol and illegal narcotics. Substance use disorders (SUDs) are most often associated with using some or many drugs in the United States: alcohol, opioids, stimulants, hallucinogens, cannabis, and tobacco. Alcohol and cigarettes kill...

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Risk Factors for Eating Disorders Among Transgender Individuals

Literature Review For a serious and objective approach to the purpose of the study, sources related to the topic of eating disorders in transgender people were examined. Currently, society is very much evolving in terms of tolerance and attention to minority issues, including gender-specific groups. Due to this factor, a...

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Animal Testing Issue: Pros and Cons

The question of the permissibility of animal experiments is a complex moral problem in the field of the relationship between humanity and animals, which humanity is trying and cannot yet solve. On the one hand, this is inhumane to them as they cannot give their consent or stop the experiments....

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The Veteran Homelessness Issue

Annotated Bibliography Crone, B., Metraux, S., & Sbrocco, T. (2021). Health Service Access Among Homeless Veterans: Health access challenges faced by homeless African American Veterans. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities. Web. Homelessness among veterans is a public health concern, particularly given the disproportionate incidence of minorities among homeless...

Words: 991 Pages: 4

A Person’s LGBT+ (Queer) Status and Discrimination

Introduction It is expected that people’s LGBT+ status can significantly influence how other individuals perceive these people. The given research is going to demonstrate that if a person’s LGBT+ status is revealed, then they would be likely to suffer from discriminatory attitudes. Discussion The article by Wahlen et al. (2020)...

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Advocating for the Rights and Well-Being of People with Disabilities

Introduction In modern society, people are treated differently based on many factors. Disability is one of the factors that can make an individual subjected to discrimination. It is important to remember that although many disabled people face discrimination, everyone handles it differently. Individuals with disabilities have a variety of influences...

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Workplace Violence and Prevention

Introduction Violence in the workplace is one of the significant problems experienced by various organizational stakeholders, especially employees. Although it is more popular today, the issue existed in the 1980s but received little attention. Both male and female workers experience workplace violence from their fellow employees, employers, and customers. The...

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Standard of Ethical Communication Plan

Introduction Ethical leadership involves the creation of ethical communication standards within and outside the company. Unethical behavior can lead to poor strategic decisions for a company and damage to its reputation. The plan for creating ethical communication standards for the company includes ensuring transparency of organizational operations based on three...

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Abortion Rights: History and Current Problems

Introduction The right to abortion is one of a woman’s reproductive rights and is fixed at the legislative level. Numerous international human rights treaties and other legal acts at the national level throughout the world protect it. I believe that it is fair and right if a woman herself and...

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Electronic Mediated vs. Face-to-Face Communication

Introduction Facebook is a social media platform that facilitates online interaction and information sharing among friends and family. Mark Zuckerberg, then a Harvard undergraduate, developed Facebook in 2004 with his fellow students in mind (Haupt, 2021). In 2006, Facebook opened its doors to anyone over 13 years with access to...

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Ethics in Pharmaceutical Industry

Introduction The pharmaceutical industry comprises biotechnology, drug manufacturing, distribution, and wholesale businesses dealing with pharmaceutical products on the market. The primary consumers of pharmaceutical products are patients with mild or severe illnesses aiming to alleviate their conditions. As a result, upholding ethical standards while dealing with consumers is paramount for...

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Abortion: The Negative Consequences

Losing an individual’s life is one of the worst tragedies one might endure. The loss of one’s life hinders one of all the accomplishments and pleasures that would otherwise have comprised one’s future (McKinney, 2019). The fundamental growing dilemma in today’s society is when it is appropriate to take an...

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Communication: Impact of Culture

Introduction Culture and communication have a symbiotic relationship where they influence one another. Culture is defined as the characteristics and knowledge that are unique to a particular group of people and includes things such as music, language, food, and religion, among others. The advanced definition of culture describes it as...

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Alcohol Dependence Treatment Program

Background Alcoholism is a serious problem for humanity, a disease whose development is caused by frequent consumption of alcoholic beverages and pathological cravings for them. All this is accompanied by the emergence of psychological and physical dependence(Yeganeh et al., 2022). Alcohol hurts the metabolic processes in the body, and the...

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Professional Roles of School Counselors

Process of Change and Resistance Change refers to alteration or modifications from a regular state. Change is common in society and organizations due to advancements in certain elements that affect normal processes. Society experiences change due to various reasons like demographic alterations, technological impacts, or even the recent COVID-19 pandemic....

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Veteran Social Welfare Policy and Human Services

Introduction The 20s began with a pandemic and continued with a local yet major military conflict in Eastern Europe. The likelihood of new high-intensity and violent armed confrontations between nations is exceptionally high; one should expect the number of veterans to increase globally. For American human services workers to be...

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Social Worker: Researcher and Mediator

As a social worker, one has to meet quite a range of responsibilities associated with meeting clients’ needs, which is why the job of a social worker involves playing a range of roles, the main ones being those of a researcher and a mediator. By focusing on evidence-based problem resolution...

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Ethical Dilemma of Euthanasia: Analysis

The issue of euthanasia is discussed practically in all areas related to medicine, and this topic will remain relevant for a long time. It is the practice of ending the life of a person suffering from an incurable disease and experiencing unbearable suffering as a result of this disease at...

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Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” Speech Delivery

Martin Luther King’s “I have a dream” speech is recognized as one of the best addresses of the twentieth century. The struggle against racial discrimination, segregation, and ignorance has filled America for most of the past century. To understand its authentic meaning, one must delve into U.S. history, into those...

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The Impact of Family Relationships on Adolescent Social-Emotional Development

Introduction A well-functioning family relationship is vital for an adolescent’s healthy social and emotional development. Long-term decisions, such as job choices, attitudes, and morality, are usually influenced by a child’s parents. This essay synthesizes three articles examining scholars’ perspectives on the impact of family ties on adolescents’ social and emotional...

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Race, Ethnicity and Relations in the United States

The issue of race and racial prejudices has stirred humanity since times immemorial. The notion itself, starting from the simplistic “skin color” underwent dramatic changes and was seen as lineage, genes, and geographic location at different periods of time. At present, race is seen more as a phenomenon imposed on...

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Barriers to Effective Communication at Work

Introduction In any organization, communication is essential for the smooth functioning of daily operations. However, there can often be barriers to effective communication, leading to inefficiencies and misunderstandings. There are many barriers to effective communication in an organization. One of the critical roles of HR managers is to ensure smooth...

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Bullying in Schools: Impact on Students

Brady, Caitlin M., et al. “Comparing the Impact of Bullying Victimization on Drug Use and Weapon Carrying among Male and Female Middle and High School Students: A Partial Test of General Strain Theory.” Deviant Behavior, vol. 41, no. 12, 2019, pp. 1601–15, Web. Summary: The research article by Brady and...

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Sexism and Gender Inequality in Language

Introduction The essay examines language and gender by exploring the definition of ‘gender’ and contrasting it with ‘sex.’ People only possess a limited amount of control over language. Lippi-Green (1997) emphasize that they may choose to be respectful or obtuse, to use forms of communication that flatter or offend, utilize...

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Black Men and Their Interaction with Police

Abstract American minority communities encounter many forms of discrimination from fundamental institutions, one of which is police brutality. It is defined as a civil rights violation where officers exercise undue or excessive force against a civilian (Brooks, 2020). According to statistics, the United States stands out among countries with leading...

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Barriers in Communication with Children

Introduction The main components of communication are language and information sharing through speaking, listening, writing, and reading. Children need to develop sufficient speech skills to succeed in various areas of life. Nevertheless, some children encounter problems and cannot build effective communication. Therefore, it is necessary to discuss communication barriers in...

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The Low-Income Population of the US

Introduction The study of the population provides an opportunity to gain an understanding of the condition of certain individuals and what measures can be taken to improve this aspect. In particular, this factor is useful for the healthcare field, in which accessibility and diversity are particularly critical. Thus, the low-income...

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Anne Moody in Fight for Civil Rights

Introduction The Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s was a watershed moment in American history when the battle for racial equality became a national debate. Anne Moody, a civil rights activist and writer who died in 1976, was a key figure in creating this movement. Coming of Age in Mississippi,...

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Abortion: Ethical Arguments in Defense

Introduction In the present day, the legal and social attitude to women’s right to an abortion may be regarded as a highly controversial and hotly debated question. Pro-life and pro-choice supporters provide multiple arguments in support of their positions. While pro-lifers believe that abortion should be prohibited as an unethical...

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The Link Between Pornography and Violence Against Women

Among the flow of information are publications, news, and reflections on the undeniable relationship of pornography consumption to men’s aggressive, violent and humiliating behavior toward women. The Internet is an important factor in the socialization of children and adolescents. As a positive phenomenon, it simplifies the process of obtaining valuable...

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Impact of War, Terrorism, and Crime on National Security

Abstract The 9/11 suicide bombings and hijackings were committed by 19 al-Qaeda members. The attacks on New York City and Washington, D.C., caused many casualties and considerable damage, igniting a massive U.S. anti-terrorism campaign. NYC had 2,750 deaths, the Pentagon 184, and PA 40. 9/11 was the bloodiest attack on...

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Family and Domestic Violence Policy Analysis

Introduction Family and domestic violence have been a significant concern for decades, and efforts to address the issue have involved many multiple environments of the public. According to Mayes (2020), “One in six women in Australia has experienced partner violence since the age of 15” (p. 3). Family Violence refers...

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The Drug Abuse Problem in Society

Introduction Any situation or event negatively affecting a sizable portion of the population is considered a social issue. Among the many social issues, today is teenage drug abuse. Young people have always had to deal with the consequences and causes of drug usage. The use of drugs that interfere with...

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Substance Abuse in Children and Adolescents

Introduction The typical teenager’s desire to take risks and seek thrills may be easily satiated in today’s society through drug and substance abuse. Drug abuse has become more prevalent among adolescents, and many children have their first drink before they even graduate high school. In 2017, the Youth Risk Behavior...

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Non-Profit Organizations in Saudi Arabia

The purpose of non-profit organizations is clear from the name, and they are engaged in activities not directly aimed at making a profit. Non-profit organizations in Saudi Arabia are most often engaged in educational and outreach activities, scientific work, and charitable projects. The main research questions for today are: What...

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Protests Against Police Brutality

One of the major protests against police brutality took place on September 21, 2021, in Boston. The focal point of the event was the police beating death of Tyre Nichols, a Black man who died while in police custody. Justice for Tyre Nichols and police accountability were what the demonstrators...

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Affirmative Action Programs and Reverse Discrimination

In his text “What is Wrong with Reverse Discrimination?” Edwin C. Hettinger lays his case concerning affirmative action programs and reverse discrimination. Hettinger contends that these programs are immoral, undercut meritocracy, and have the potential to exacerbate alienation and prejudice rather than promote equality and understanding. Instead of relying on...

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Animal Experimentation: Key Benefits

Two contentious issues that have sparked unending discussions are animal rights and the morality of using them in experiments. Various ethical defenses have been made in favor of and against using animals in experiments. The existence of people as members of the animal world with rights akin to those of...

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Racism in the Healthcare Sector

Racism is an obstacle to equitable healthcare, as documented in studies showing unequal healthcare provision, access, and receipt across countries and health outcomes. One issue related to the race of patients is maternal and child health. Various studies show that African-American, American Indian/Alaska Native (AIAN), and Asian or Pacific Islander...

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Importance of Becoming a Global Citizen

Essentially, it is crucial to value diversity and social justice as well as to be a global citizen as the world becomes increasingly interconnected thanks to modern technology. Therefore, it is critical to address the topic of global citizenship to foster greater understanding, collaboration, and mutual respect among people from...

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Ethical Dilemmas in Milgram’s Obedience Study

Introduction Stanley Milgram, a psychologist at Yale University, conducted a study to examine the tension that exists between following orders and one’s conscience. Milgram executed his experiment in July 1961, a year after Adolf Eichmann’s trial in Jerusalem. The goal was to determine if Germans were unusually submissive to authority...

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Black Immigrants’ Human Rights Violations in the US

Summary of Human Rights Violations in ICE In the United States, black noncitizens face unequal handling and racially biased detention, immigration, and compliance frameworks. This includes racial profiling through immigration legal proceedings. Black immigrants are faced with excessive use of force, physical neglect, and unequal treatment by U.S. officers in...

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The Feminine Mystique by Friedan: Book Analysis

Betty Friedan is the author of the bestselling book titled The Feminine Mystique, which was released in 1963 and quickly became a roaring success as it resonated with many women around the world. It is a feminist work that challenges mainstream perceptions of women and femininity from the 1950s and...

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The LGBT (Queer) Status’ Impact on Employment

Abstract LGBT employees encounter a lot of challenges in their place work. Most of them are forced to adopt various tactics to aid with concealing their LGBT status. It is not easy for these individuals to live openly or honestly in the same way. Therefore, the goal of this research...

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Preschool Education and Communication Problems

Introduction Since the introduction of preschool in first and third-world countries, parents have been forced to adapt to this new learning mode. Children are now supposed to attend school at the age of three years. It is not necessarily formal learning but a foundation of a child’s education in school....

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Adolescent Substance Abuse: Causes, Effects, and Prevention Strategies

Substance abuse refers to the excessive intake of psychoactive drugs, which can lead to emotional, social, and physical harm. The most misused drugs include tobacco, cannabis, alcohol, and cigarettes. Due to poor parenting techniques, most youths find themselves using drugs without the consent of their parents. This leads to many...

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Analyzing the Trolley Problem Through Three Ethical Theories

Introduction The Trolley Problem is an ethical thought experiment that tests people’s moral judgment. It poses the question of whether allowing a trolley to continue on its course, killing five people, or diverting it and killing one person instead (Vsource, 2017). In this test, a bystander is supposed to be...

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Navigating Ethics and Regulations in Nursing Practice

Introduction In the ever-changing healthcare industry, healthcare professionals are expected to maintain high professionalism and stay up-to-date with the latest developments. Joining a professional organization such as the American Nurses Association (ANA) is crucial for those pursuing a career in nursing. The ANA advocates for registered nurses throughout the country...

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Thomas Jefferson and the Challenge of Living in a Slave Society

Introduction This article explores Thomas Jefferson’s legacy in American memory by examining his complicated relationship with slavery and his views on liberty. Bickford, a political science professor, and Hendrickson, a history professor, are experts in American political history, lending authority to their analysis. The article is intended for scholars, researchers,...

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How College Students Use Alcohol and How to Address This

Introduction Alcohol consumption is a significant concern in modern society since it has long revealed the negative consequences of addiction and excessive use. Among those largely influenced are minors who later face the consequences of both psychological and physical repercussions, along with increased mortality. Therefore, in order to decrease alcohol...

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Multicultural Psychology: Ethnic and Racial Identity Development

Introduction Multicultural psychology is a broad subject that covers a wide array of topics that focus on identity and social concepts. The subject helps society view culture as a major issue that facilitates understanding human experiences. Through multicultural psychology, the identity of different types of people enables assimilation and interaction...

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Drug Addiction: A Disease or a Choice?

Introduction The topic of drug addiction has always been a controversial one as it involves individuals making a choice to try addictive substances, resulting in them being unable to stop using them. Drug addiction is defined, in simpler terms, as a strong urge or compulsion to get access to and...

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Immigration in the United States

Historically, conditions for immigrants in the United States have not been problematic. It is mainly due to various social restrictions and pressures. The latter were exerted on immigrants by privileged and powerful groups of citizens, whose interests were largely violated by the arrival of people from other countries who wanted...

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The Disney Princesses and Gender Roles

For several decades, Disney has been running a princess line of characters depicting the role of young women in society. A princess, often understood as a highly valued person based on beauty and controlling power from her kingdom, is used to portray female characters in Disney movies. The essay by...

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Gender Inequality in the American Workplace

Introduction About four out of ten working women, almost 50% in the USA, testify that they face discrimination because of their gender. A new analysis of Pew Research Center survey data says that women report various forms of discrimination (Parker and Funk). The main ones are lower earnings than their...

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Substance Abuse in the Military

It is important to note that there are many problems when it comes to the United States military, such as veteran PTSD and sexual harassment issues. However, the most overlooked and under-addressed is substance abuse, especially in the U.S. Army. Therefore, it is critical to systematically and analytically approach the...

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Smoking Should Be Banned Internationally

Introduction How does smoking affect worldwide health, including lung cancer, cardiovascular disease, stroke, and breathing problems? Tobacco-related disorders account for 40% of illnesses worldwide despite attempts to reduce smoking (Chaloupka et al., 2019). Some jurisdictions have banned public smoking and tobacco promotion, but no unified international measures exist to prevent...

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The Issue of Human and Sexual Trafficking

Introduction Millions of people worldwide are impacted by the human rights violations of human trafficking. During their ED visit, victims could not be acknowledged, losing the chance to address their complicated needs (Tiller & Reynolds, 2020). We explain the establishment of an ED response strategy using a published toolkit based...

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The National Association of Social Workers’ Code of Ethics

Introduction The National Association of Social Workers (NASW) is an international organization for professional social workers. The institution operates to improve the professional development and growth of social workers by creating and maintaining operational standards and advancing good social policies. NASW was founded in October 1955 by Nathan Cohen and...

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Dr. Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” Speech Analysis

One of the most iconic moments in American history happened on August 28, 1963. On that day, Dr. Martin Luther King delivered his famous “I Have a Dream” public speech. King sent a rallying cry for freedom to over 250,000 supporters who joined the March on Washington, an anti-racist civil...

Words: 628 Pages: 3

Immigration to the United States of America

Abstract The U.S. has often been referred to as “a country of immigrants” following its long history of immigration. The nation has accepted a huge number of immigrants from various parts of the world during different periods. The economic effects of immigration remain critical and are increasingly becoming a contentious...

Words: 2017 Pages: 11

Future Society and Human Behaviors

Introduction From the sociology perspective, a society entails a group of individuals that live together specifically to help one another in living life and simultaneously enhancing their circumstances. In the past, a society mainly involved people living together; nonetheless, recent progression in human lifestyles and behaviors have played an essential...

Words: 2235 Pages: 9

Evaluation of the Veterans Program

Introduction The problem of ensuring the well-being of veterans is urgent for the United States, so the state directs forces to reintegrate these people into society. The primary purpose of this article is to focus on the relevance of the veterans’ counseling program and adaptation in the United States. The...

Words: 1470 Pages: 7

Constitutional Rights to Free Speech

The First Amendment The Constitution’s First Amendment protects the freedom of speech in the U.S. The law states that congress shall not create laws respecting the development of religion (The First Amendment, 1971). It shall not ban the free exercise, freedom of speech, or the press or the people’s right...

Words: 648 Pages: 3

Refugees’ Human Rights and International Law

Introduction The High Commissioner for Human Rights occupies the highest position in the United Nations in the civil rights field and broadly coordinates this area’s activities. The position is subordinate to the Secretary-General, which obliges the Commissioner to provide constant reports on the department’s activities. To effectively fulfill its role,...

Words: 3603 Pages: 14