The Concept of Business Intelligence in Big Data Management


Nowadays, people have to process large amounts of data. This task can be challenging if you do not know how to organize the data effectively. The problem is particularly urgent in the business sphere. The firms try to implement the up-to-date software allowing processing and summarizing the data flow with minimum efforts to the user.

The Concept of Business Intelligence

The business intelligence has become the crucial aspect of management nowadays. The concept is the topic of research of many organizations and individual scholars. For example, Jayanthi Ranjan (2009) from the Institute of Management Technology in Ghaziabad, India, stresses that the term of business intelligence has a couple of meanings. One of them is “the human intelligence capacity applied in business affairs/activities” (Ranjan, 2009, p.60). At the same time, the concept of business intelligence may imply the “expert information, knowledge, and technologies efficient in the management” (Ranjan, 2009, p.60). Ralph Kimball is considered one of the founders of the business intelligence systems. The Kimball Group is the leading organization providing the consulting services in the field of business intelligence (About the Kimball Group, n.d.).

It can be said that the business intelligence represents a set of analytical and data processing tools used by the firms with the purpose of the effective data management.

Data Management Today

I believe everyone faces the problems with the data management. It is one of the modern issues requiring careful attention because the ineffective data management can lead to the leak of the important information. The special attention should be paid to the social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, and others. Although I use the opportunity that they provide for communication and entertainment, I think that they are inappropriate for the discussions of the work issues. It is a well-known fact that the “social networks store information remotely, rather than on a user’s personal computer” (Fact Sheet 35, 2013, par. 2). This means that if I share some data on social networking I cannot be sure that it is stored effectively and is not used by the third parties.

The e-mail is one of the information overload forms. The creation of categories at your e-mail account can help simplify the process of the e-mails management. I have created the following categories: Business, which is further divided into “important and requiring action”, “requiring a response”, and “FYI”; Personal, including such subcategories as “meaningful”, “family”, “friends”, and some others; Forwarded; Advertising; and Spam. I should admit that sometimes I have a problem with the delete function. When I delete the delivered messages, I may mistakenly remove some that can be useful in the future. The messages overload makes me miss the important information, while skimming the e-mails. Usually, I spend approximately an hour per day managing my e-mail.

Under the statement “the network is the computer”, I understand the set of links or the communication system that the computer technologies provide to us.


In summary, it should be said that the data management is the burning problem nowadays. The concept of business intelligence encompasses the tools and methods for the effective data management. The social networking can lead to the leak of the confidential data and does not provide the reliable storage of information. The e-mail is one of the examples of the modern communication media resulting in the data overload.


About the Kimball Group. (n.d.). Web.

Fact sheet 35: social networking policy: how to be safe, secure and social. (2013). Web.

Ranjan, J. (2009). Business intelligence: concepts, components, techniques and benefits. Web.

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Premium Papers. (2025, February 9). The Concept of Business Intelligence in Big Data Management.

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"The Concept of Business Intelligence in Big Data Management." Premium Papers, 9 Feb. 2025,


Premium Papers. (2025) 'The Concept of Business Intelligence in Big Data Management'. 9 February.


Premium Papers. 2025. "The Concept of Business Intelligence in Big Data Management." February 9, 2025.

1. Premium Papers. "The Concept of Business Intelligence in Big Data Management." February 9, 2025.


Premium Papers. "The Concept of Business Intelligence in Big Data Management." February 9, 2025.