96 Abortion Research Topics & Essay Examples

📝 Abortion Research Papers Examples

  1. Abortion, Its Pros and Cons
    An abortion that is done intentionally for the purposes of getting rid of pregnancy is known to be a therapeutic (also known as induced abortion) abortion.
  2. Ethical Theories on Abortion
    What ethical theory supports abortion? Find the answer in this free essay example. It explains the views of deontology, utilitarianism, and other ethical theories on abortion.
  3. Women's Rights Movement Impact on Education
    The women movement influenced their education throughout its development since 1849. Women got the opportunity to determine their children's education which was the role of men.
  4. Abortion Should Not Be Legal
    Pro-abortion proponents generally espouse that the rights of a non-living tissue that feels no pain are non-existent. This discussion exposes these untruths that have been reported and are widely perceived as facts.
  5. Legalization of Abortion: Discussion
    Procurement for an abortion is seen as a way to get rid of a problem but it is in fact a way to complicate ones life further.
  6. Moral Issues and Rights of Women
    Woman's rights are about the right to vote, the right to hold public office, the right to education, the right of religion and the right to serve in the military.
  7. Public Policy: Abortions – Analysis of the Issue, Supporting and Opposing Arguments
    This paper analyzes abortion as a public policy issue in the United States, providing the arguments of the opposing opinions, and accordingly recommendations for the policy.
  8. Should Abortion Be Legal or Illegal Essay
    Should abortion be legal or illegal? This essay aims to answer the question. It considers the reasons why abortions legalization is beneficial and harmful. Get inspired to write your essay on abortion with us.
  9. Reasons Why Abortion Should Be Illegal
    Abortion should be illegal because there is a risk of women not becoming mothers again; these women are killing a human being, and being a mother is the important thing for women.
  10. Women’s Reproductive Rights and Accomplished Changes
    This essay illustrates the discriminative nature of women’s reproductive rights and how it contributes to inequality.
  11. Abortion and Moral Status
    The theory of moral status postulates that a pregnant woman has an obligation to the fetus as a bearer of its moral status, which also eliminates the possibility of abortion.
  12. Abortion by Choice Should Not Be Allowed
    Abortion is the procedure for termination of a pregnancy, achieved by removing embryo and/or fetus along with the placenta from the uterus of the gravida or pregnant woman.
  13. Don Marquis and Judith Thomson's Views on Abortion
    The positions of both Marquis and Thomson will be assessed to help the woman to find the answer and support the argument that abortion will not be permissible for her.
  14. Abortion From Cultural and Ethical Perspectives
    Abortion is the act of terminating a pregnancy by removing the fetus or a developing embryo before it is due to be born.
  15. Women and the Right to Abortion
    The current legal discussions and changes surrounding abortion rights raise one of the most debated topics of who gets to decide whether a woman can have an abortion.
  16. Roe v. Wade: Overturning Abortion Rights
    The discussion about women’s rights to abortion and the issue of the constitutional support of this right has been relevant for the last several decades.
  17. Abortion Rights: Thomson's Arguments
    Thompson develops several thought experiments to analyze standard and revised arguments and strengthen her decision to defend abortion as a moral right of any woman.
  18. Abortion: Ethical Arguments in Defense
    The paper demonstrates that women should be provided with the right to an abortion, however, this privilege as an ethically right action is not available.
  19. Symbolism and Dialogue in Hemingway's 'Hills Like White Elephants'
    The paper analyzes three symbols in “Hills Like White Elephants” by Ernest Hemingway and includes the white elephant, the landscape, and the train station.
  20. Abortion: The Negative Consequences
    This essay addresses abortion, its negative effects, and the agonizing process that both men and women go through while deciding whether or not to end a pregnancy.
  21. Abortion Rights: History and Current Problems
    Abortion, although it can lead to negative consequences, should be a woman's inalienable right. It is essential to dispose of your body completely without any restrictions.

💡 Essay Ideas on Abortion

  1. Discussing the Moral Significance of Spontaneous Abortion
  2. The Impact of State Abortion Policies on Teen Pregnancy Rates
  3. Democracy, Laws, and Policy in Shaping Abortion Views
  4. Abortion Through the Prism of Hursthouse’s Virtue Ethics
  5. Effects of Public Opinion on Abortion Policies and Use in the US
  6. Legal Challenges in Expanding the Provider Base for Abortion
  7. The Insurance Value of Abortion and Support for Reproductive Rights
  8. Conflicting Beliefs About Abortion: Legal Approval vs. Moral Doubts
  9. Analyzing Men’s Roles in Women’s Abortion Trajectories
  10. Factors Affecting the Availability of Abortion Providers
  11. Abortion History Association With Current Modern Contraceptive Methods Use
  12. Abortion Law Reform in Britain During the 1930s
  13. Predictors of Attitudes Toward the Legalization of Abortion
  14. Association Between Abortion and Acceptance of Post-Abortion Contraception
  15. The Decision to Have an Abortion From Both Partners’ Perspectives
  16. The Impact of Being Denied a Wanted Abortion on Women
  17. Abortion From the Perspective of Different Religions
  18. Investigating the Practice of Using Medical Abortion Around the World
  19. Poststructural Understanding of Abortion and Social Class
  20. Advanced Practice Clinicians as Abortion Providers
  21. Social Myths and Risk Perception in Seeking Abortion Care
  22. Bio-Politics of Population Control and Sex-Selective Abortion in China
  23. The Psychological Complications of Therapeutic Abortion
  24. Medical Abortion: Issues of Choice and Acceptability
  25. Age Patterns of Unsafe Abortion in Developing Countries

✍️ Abortion Essay Topics for College

  1. Internalized Abortion Stigma: Women’s Strategies of Resistance and Rejection
  2. Genre and Narrative Purpose of Abortion Stories on Television
  3. Accessibility and Availability of Abortion in European Countries
  4. Self-Managed Medication Abortion: Implications for Clinical Practice
  5. Social Actors and Discourse on Abortion in the Press
  6. Induced Abortion as an Independent Risk Factor for Breast Cancer
  7. Gender and Wealth in Policymakers’ Abortion Preferences
  8. Abortion Health Activism Before and After the Repeal of the 8th Amendment
  9. Psychological Perspectives on Abortion and Reproductive Freedom
  10. Black and White Women’s Attitudes About Abortion: A Comparison
  11. State-Level Policies on Access to the Abortion Pill in the United States
  12. Characteristics of Women Who Obtain Induced Abortion
  13. New Estimates and Trends Regarding Unsafe Abortion Mortality
  14. Factors Affecting the Outcome of Early Medical Abortion
  15. Relationship Between Restrictive Abortion Laws and Postpartum Depression
  16. Examining the Public Health Impact of Legal Abortion
  17. Pre-Abortion Counselling From Women’s Point of View
  18. Abortion Opinion in Emerging Democracies: Latin America vs. Central Europe
  19. Decriminalization of Abortion as a Human Rights Imperative
  20. Abortion and Maternal Mortality in the Developing World
  21. Proposing Strategies for the Prevention of Unsafe Abortion
  22. Misoprostol for Early Pregnancy Loss and Medical Abortion
  23. Abortion Attitudes: Demographic and Ideological Differences
  24. Modern Methods to Induce Abortion: Safety, Efficacy, and Choice
  25. Surgical vs. Medical Methods for Second-Trimester Induced Abortion

❓ Abortion Research Questions

  1. Why Do People Choose to Have Abortions?
  2. How Did Abortion Rights Become a Political Priority?
  3. Is There Still a Need for Abortion-Specific Laws?
  4. What Role Do Cultural Traits Play in Attitudes Towards Abortion?
  5. Do Restrictions on Abortion Reduce Abortion Rates?
  6. How Can People Avoid Misinformation About Abortion?
  7. Where Does Family Planning Advice Come Into Abortion Care?
  8. What Are the Advantages of Early Abortion?
  9. If a Woman Wants an Abortion, What Rights Does the Father Have?
  10. Why Does Abortion Stigma Matter?
  11. What Do Women Want From Abortion Counseling?
  12. Which Age Group Has the Most Abortions?
  13. Does Having Had an Abortion Influence Distress and Help-Seeking for Infertility?
  14. What Are the Equity Issues That Arise in Access to Abortion Care?
  15. Is There an “Abortion Trauma Syndrome”?
  16. What Are Some of the Risks of Abortion?
  17. How Do Human Rights Factor Into Abortion?
  18. What Happens When People Who Want Abortions Are Not Able to Get Them?
  19. Is Having an Abortion a Selfish Choice?
  20. What Are the Long-Term Side Effects of Abortion?
  21. How Are Those Who Oppose Access to Abortion Trying to Affect Change?
  22. Why Is Abortion Such a Controversial Issue?
  23. Does Abortion Affect Future Pregnancy?
  24. What Institution Should Decide Whether Abortion Should Be Legal?
  25. How Does America Compare to Other Nations in Terms of Abortion Law?

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Premium Papers. (2025, February 26). 96 Abortion Research Topics & Essay Examples. https://premium-papers.com/topics/abortion-research-topics/

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"96 Abortion Research Topics & Essay Examples." Premium Papers, 26 Feb. 2025, premium-papers.com/topics/abortion-research-topics/.


Premium Papers. (2025) '96 Abortion Research Topics & Essay Examples'. 26 February.


Premium Papers. 2025. "96 Abortion Research Topics & Essay Examples." February 26, 2025. https://premium-papers.com/topics/abortion-research-topics/.

1. Premium Papers. "96 Abortion Research Topics & Essay Examples." February 26, 2025. https://premium-papers.com/topics/abortion-research-topics/.


Premium Papers. "96 Abortion Research Topics & Essay Examples." February 26, 2025. https://premium-papers.com/topics/abortion-research-topics/.