81 Jesus Christ Research Topics & Essay Examples

📝 Jesus Christ Research Papers Examples

  1. Evangelical Theology: Jesus Christ
    Jesus Christ was the true epitome of a perfectly ethical human life, he is the “firstborn” in the sense that he provided an example of how humanity should co-exist.
  2. Gospel of Luke, Gospel of John and the Synoptics
    This study is a summary paper about the distinctive emphases of Luke, and the differences between the gospel of John and the Synoptics.
  3. The Period of Renaissance Review
    Florence was one of the most exciting places in Europe, located in Italy the city had a population of roughly about 60,000 people in the fifteenth century.
  4. Conceptions of Christ
    The discussion of the changing conceptions of Christ throughout the centuries, starting with the period of the Middle Ages and up to these days.
  5. El Greco’s Art: The Miracle of Christ Healing the Blind
    The Miracle of Christ Healing the Blind' is among the three major works of El Greco’s Italian period (1560-1576) and the painting had been done in three different versions.
  6. A Brief Introduction to the New Testament
    The themes in Luke's Gospel have been emphasized more than in any synoptic gospel, they include Jesus as the savior for all, the Holy Spirit, prayer, and praise.
  7. Christianity, Islam, Judaism and Hinduism Origins and the Eschatology Each Creates
    People all over the world engage in worshiping God, the world’s major religions which include Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and Judaism share their origins.
  8. Jesus & Mohammed: Comparison and Contrast
    Jesus and Mohammed are the two people who promoted the widely spread religions in the world. Jesus led to the spread of Christianity, while Mohammed initiated the Islam religion.
  9. Relation Between God, Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit
    The concept of the Trinity is the relationship between God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. This concept was only accepted in the third and fourth centuries.
  10. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam
    This paper examines the characteristics of these faiths and determines that despite their dissimilarities, they have resemblances that are based on their joint background.
  11. Gospel Essentials: The Christian Perspective
    This work focuses on the nature of God, humanity, and restoration, explaining the ideas behind the Christian worldview and evaluating it, and comparing it to the atheist perspective.
  12. Christianity, Judaism, and Islam Comparison
    Despite the seeming differences between Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, the three religions have a range of characteristics and perspectives in common.
  13. Who Is Jesus Christ Based on the King James Version Bible
    It was rare to find anyone who did not know about Jesus Christ. The focus is on Jesus Christ from when he was born based on the King James Version Bible.
  14. Exegesis Analysis of Mark 4:26-29
    This paper provides an exegesis of the parable of a growing seed as depicted in Mark:26-29 (NIV) about the kingdom of God based on contemporary aspects of life in Christianity.
  15. The Nature of God, Humanity, Jesus, and Salvation
    This paper explores the nature of God, humanity, Jesus, and Salvation to apply the acquired information to the analysis of Christian worldview implications.
  16. The Crucifixion of Jesus Christ
    The crucifixion of Jesus Christ on the cross is a topic that has sparked many controversies in the two main religions, Christianity and Islam.

💡 Essay Ideas on Jesus Christ

  1. A Comprehensive Review of Jesus Christ’s Miraculous Works
  2. Jesus Christ’s Teachings: The Impact of the Good Samaritan Parable
  3. Re-Establishing the Church of Jesus Christ as the Key Pillar of Influence of Any Society
  4. Jesus Christ and Exploring the Messiah in the Four Gospels
  5. The Quest for the Historical Jesus Christ
  6. Exploring Diverse Gospel Portrayals of Jesus Christ
  7. Jesus Christ’s Love: Exploring the Significance of His Crucifixion
  8. Historical Jesus Christ and His Message to the World
  9. Jesus Christ in Modern Scholarship Discussion
  10. The Peculiarities of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saint
  11. Jesus Christ: Christian Cults and Sects
  12. Narrating the Death and Resurrection of Jesus in the Gospels
  13. Jesus Christ in the Abrahamic Religions of Islam, Christianity, and Judaism
  14. The Miraculous Birth of Jesus Christ
  15. Christian Creeds on Jesus Christ’s Humanity and Divinity
  16. Jesus Christ as a Social Reformer
  17. Prayer in the Gospels and Jesus Christ’s Teachings and Practices
  18. The Mission of Jesus Christ and Its Implications for Humanity
  19. Jesus Christ: Suffering Servant to Glorious Eternal King
  20. The Pacifism of Jesus Christ and the Church’s Role in Social Justice Issues

✍️ Jesus Christ Essay Topics for College

  1. Parallels Between the Death of Jesus Christ and Julius Caesar
  2. The Contents of Jesus Christ’s Teaching in the Sermon on the Mount and Its Application Today
  3. A Look at Israel’s Mixed Culture During the Era of Jesus Christ
  4. Jesus Christ the Redeemer in Rio de Janeiro
  5. Analysis of the Family History of Jesus Christ
  6. Radical Ideology Between Jesus Christ and Muhammad
  7. Research of Whether Jesus Christ Have the Same Physical Body After His Resurrection
  8. Jesus Christ and Leadership in Christianity
  9. The Other Side of Jesus Christ That They Don’t Know About
  10. Denial of Jesus Christ’s Divinity by Arianism
  11. The Comparison and Similarities of Jesus Christ and Socrates
  12. Unique Portraits of Jesus Christ in the Four Gospels
  13. Jesus Christ’s Responsibility for the Division Between Messianic and Orthodox Judaism
  14. Perseverance and Determination as the Key Characteristics of Jesus Christ
  15. Effective Teaching Methods Used by Jesus Christ
  16. The Importance of the Personality of Jesus Christ in Christianity
  17. The Depiction of the Life of Jesus Christ in Testaments
  18. Jesus Christ and His Mission to the World
  19. Importance of the Old Testament in Understanding Teachings From Jesus Christ
  20. Challenges of the Christian Youth as a Disciple of Jesus Christ

❓ Jesus Christ Research Questions

  1. What Is the Current Situation of Historical Research of Jesus Christ?
  2. What Do Roman and Jewish Sources Tell Us About Jesus Christ?
  3. Was Jesus Christ Single, Married or Widower?
  4. What Was the Relationship Between Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene?
  5. Did Jesus Christ Really Mean to Found a Church?
  6. Is It Rational to Believe in the Miracles of Jesus Christ?
  7. Where in the Bible Does It Say That Jesus Christ Is God?
  8. Who Is Jesus Christ According to the Apostle John?
  9. Are Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit the Same?
  10. How Can Jesus Christ Be Both God and the Son of God?
  11. Did Every New Testament Author Believe in the Deity of Jesus Christ?
  12. Who Was Responsible for Jesus Christ’s Death?
  13. What Are the Strongest Biblical Arguments for the Divinity of Jesus Christ?
  14. Did Jesus Christ Really Rise From the Dead?
  15. Where Does the Old Testament Predict the Coming of Jesus Christ?
  16. Was Jesus Christ Really Born of a Virgin?
  17. Why Doesn’t the Bible Say Much About the Childhood of Jesus Christ?
  18. Could Jesus Christ Have Sinned?
  19. Why Are the Genealogies of Jesus Christ in Matthew and Luke So Different?
  20. What Does It Mean That Jesus Christ Is the Son of Man?
  21. Why Did Jesus Christ Have to Suffer So Badly?
  22. What Are the Last Seven Sayings of Jesus Christ?
  23. What Was Jesus Christ Like as a Person?
  24. Did Jesus Christ Fight Satan for the Keys to the Kingdom?
  25. Why Did Jesus Christ Command People Not to Tell Others About the Miracles He Performed?

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Premium Papers. (2025, February 16). 81 Jesus Christ Research Topics & Essay Examples. https://premium-papers.com/topics/jesus-christ-research-topics/

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"81 Jesus Christ Research Topics & Essay Examples." Premium Papers, 16 Feb. 2025, premium-papers.com/topics/jesus-christ-research-topics/.


Premium Papers. (2025) '81 Jesus Christ Research Topics & Essay Examples'. 16 February.


Premium Papers. 2025. "81 Jesus Christ Research Topics & Essay Examples." February 16, 2025. https://premium-papers.com/topics/jesus-christ-research-topics/.

1. Premium Papers. "81 Jesus Christ Research Topics & Essay Examples." February 16, 2025. https://premium-papers.com/topics/jesus-christ-research-topics/.


Premium Papers. "81 Jesus Christ Research Topics & Essay Examples." February 16, 2025. https://premium-papers.com/topics/jesus-christ-research-topics/.