116 Politics Research Topics & Essay Examples

📝 Politics Research Papers Examples

  1. Politics and Power in the Social Media Era
    Social media is a form of electronic communication that involves the use of online technology and internet-based softwares to enable people to interact and exchange ideas, opinions and feelings.
  2. Social and Political Issues in the Social Media
    In this study, the researcher will evaluate the ways through which political and social issues are represented in the social media. The case study will focus on USA and China.
  3. Religion and Politics in Durkheim's Theories
    Despite the supposed separation of secular and religious social processes, the early Durkheim could have had a point assuming the inseparability of religion and society.
  4. The Politics of International Human Rights Law
    Cultural specifics of the local residents coupled with the fear of changes are the key impediments to promoting the right to self-determination within the states in question.
  5. China's History, Politics, Economy, Global Role
    This paper will provide basic information on various aspects of China, including its history, politics, economy, and its role in the international community.
  6. Gender Discrimination in Education and Politics
    This paper shows that the issue of gender discrimination is overrated. It examines education opportunities, political empowerment, and gender wage differentials.
  7. Climate Change and Politics of Doubt Expert Opinion
    Mostly, scientists claim that the problem of global warming is progressing and the climate is changing for the worse.
  8. Post-Civil War Political, Economic, Social Changes
    The greatest achievements of the Civil War were the abolishment of the slavery, as well as, giving of equal rights to all American citizens.
  9. Social Media Influence on the UAE Political Processes
    The research was aimed at the determination of the extent of influence of the social media on the political process in the United Arab Emirates.
  10. Democracy: Evolution of the Political Thought
    First of all, for this essay, it is necessary to define the term Democracy. Democracy is a procedure related to decision-making, which is inclusive of all members of the society.
  11. Women in Politics: Case Study
    Women have been involved in politics for a long time but their presence in big offices has grown significantly both in the 20th and in the 21st century.
  12. Education, Inequality, and Politics
    Education results in the development of social classes in society and education levels are associated with social status.
  13. Marcus Garvery: A Cultural and Political Assessment
    As Leeuwen writes in Marcus Garvey and the Universal Negro Improvement Association, Marcus Garvey was a Jamaican born in 1887.
  14. Analyzing Terrorism and Political Violence
    Terrorism and acts of political violence are daily occurrences in the day today lives of many people around the globe.
  15. The Historical & Political Relation Between Anthropology & Human Rights
    A historic study of anthropology has contributed a lot in getting the understanding of how human beings evolved from primitive societies to the modern person that we have today.
  16. Religious Beliefs and Political Decisions
    When religion and politics mix up we can understand our society. Religion incorporates the man to God relationship while politics incorporates man to man relationship.
  17. World’s Economy and Politics Before WWI and After WWII
    The economic recession of 1918-1919 in America had an impact on the whole world since America was the leading economic power at the time.
  18. Nazi Propaganda: Art and Politics
    Hitler and the Nazi leaders brainwashed the common people of Germany with their propaganda tools and art was a weapon of extreme propaganda.
  19. Gender and Global Political Economy
    Direct response by feminists to the challenges they are subjected to by corporations is bearing fruit as the justification of women as workers in low-paid service jobs vanish.
  20. Jefferson and Hamilton Shaping the US Political Future
    This paper overviews the crucial roles of Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton in shaping the American social-political future and history.

👍 Good Politics Essay Topics to Write about

  1. Mass Media and Propagation of Political Rhetoric
    The new era “was heavily influenced by a procession of mass media communication that consequently led to change of both time and space.
  2. Political Geography. China's Interest in Sub-Saharan Africa
    In this essay, the author explores the factors that have led to China's growing interest in many sub-Saharan countries.
  3. Cleopatra’s Life and Political Impact
    Cleopatra depicts the woman's position in politics, her determination at first was taken positively by many people who never believed in women's leadership.
  4. Politics – Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
    Politics play an important part in the life of any American citizen. We exist within a system inhadruled by the Government, which we elect.
  5. The Ancient City of Tikal: Mayan Cultural, Social, Astronomy and Political Influence
    The paper argues on the emergence and growth of Mayan architecture in Tikal as influenced by social, political, cultural, and astronomical aspects of the Mayan people.
  6. Politics of HIV/Aids and Social and Cultural Prejudice
    The paper looks at how the politics HIV/AIDS have operated as a conduit for social and cultural prejudice because the its prevalence has been associated with society culture.
  7. The American Revolution and the Modern Political System
    The American Revolution is one of the pivotal events in the country's history, which has shaped the modern political system.
  8. Music in the Service of Social Movements
    Music is one of those mediums that is both highly culturally defined but at the same time can transcend all physical, cultural, and social borders.
  9. South Africa and the Apartheid System
    The main aim of the paper is to analyze how South Africa overpowered the apartheid system, the economic changes, the political changes, and how the countries react.
  10. How Feminist Scholars Question Mainstream International Relations Theories
    The essay explores how feminist scholars question realms theory in international relations, highlighting potential merit for such efforts.
  11. Is America Ready for a Female President?
    The American community is ready for a woman president because most voters can evaluate a candidate regardless of gender due to the work of policies already in place.
  12. The Evolution of Partisan Politics and the American Civil War
    The key issues that contributed to the Civil War were slavery, states' rights, and Western expansion. The economy in the South depended on agriculture.
  13. Relation Between Politics and Internet
    The paper discusses innovative technology as the Internet which can be particularly effective for the political sphere.
  14. Political and Social Issues in Africa
    Globalization, income, family size, and urbanization have influenced African issues. These are the reason why these social and political problems are being experienced.
  15. The Rise of the United States as a World Power
    This paper discusses the factors that contributed to the United States becoming a world power, and the importance of strong economic, external, and internal policy regulations.
  16. The US Politics from the 1930s to the 1950s
    The Great Depression, the Second World War, and the Cold War with Russia had significant implications on the political approaches the US adopts today.
  17. Society, Politics, and the Internet
    I have selected the topic of "Society, Politics, and Internet" to examine the impact of modern technologies on personal interaction and civic engagement in society.
  18. American History and Foreign Policy During the Late 1800s and Early 1900s
    Compared to the early 19th century, the late 1800s and early 1900 was a period of significant changes in the US social, political, cultural, and economic arena.
  19. Changes in American Foreign Policy in the 1890s-1950s
    US policy has always revolved around its internal politics. Its increasing role in foreign policy was largely perpetrated by its economic and military might.
  20. LGBT Rights Development in East Asia
    The development of LGBT rights in East Asia is positive due to active cooperation of the countries with Western nations, resulting in significant cultural and political influence.
  21. Gender Inequality in Global Economies: Impact on Politics, Education, and Labor Markets
    This study examines the structural barriers that hinder women's economic empowerment and economic efficiency, using comprehensive data and econometric analysis.

💡 Essay Ideas on Politics

  1. Learning About Politics From the Mass Media
  2. Political Turbulence in a Dominant Party System
  3. Social Movements in Changing Paradigms and Forms of Politics
  4. LGBT Politics and Its Contributions to Political Science
  5. Deconstruction at the Time of Post-Truth Politics
  6. Theoretical Approaches to the Study of the Relationship Between Politics and Economics
  7. Professionals in Politics vs. Professional Politicians
  8. Youth, Politics, and Activism in Contemporary Europe
  9. Foucault’s Politics and Bellicosity as a Matrix for Power Relations
  10. Political Normativity and the Functional Autonomy of Politics
  11. Analyzing the Persistence of Character in 20th-Century British Politics
  12. Celebrities’ Transition to Politics: Recent History and Main Patterns
  13. Prefigurative Politics Between Ethical Practice and Absent Promise
  14. Examining the Trade-off Between Political Trust and Participation
  15. Women Parliamentarians in Challenging the Frontiers of Politics
  16. Representing the Issue of Youth Participation in Politics
  17. Media-Politics Interactions From a Party and Issue Competition Perspective
  18. Terrorism and Security From the Perspective of Politics
  19. Perspectives on Inter-Temporal Trade-Offs in Policy and Politics
  20. The Relationship Between Black Religious and Political Beliefs
  21. A Bourdieusian Relational Framework for Urban Politics Research
  22. Musical Radicalism and the Entanglement of Music and Emancipatory Politics
  23. Examining the Politics of Reconciliation in Post-Genocide Rwanda
  24. Islam and Exceptionalism in American Political Discourse
  25. Transnational Politics: Contention and Institutions in International Politics

✍️ Politics Essay Topics for College

  1. Mediated Politics and Citizenship in the 21st Century
  2. Global Politics of Climate Change: Challenge for Political Science
  3. Political Change and Underdevelopment in Third World Countries
  4. Social Media and Citizens’ Participation in Politics in a Multicultural Society
  5. The Role of the Arts in Politics: The Negritude Movement
  6. Emotions in Politics: Contemporary Perspectives and Trends
  7. Generational Shifts in Political Ideology: The Evolution of Political Thought
  8. Global Civil Society: The Progress of Post-Westphalian Politics
  9. Kant, Derrida, and the Relation Between Ethics and Politics
  10. Tensions in Young People’s Conceptualization and Practice of Politics
  11. Discussing the Concept of Politics in Contemporary US Journalism
  12. The Co-Existence of Singular Affiliation Politics and Pluralism
  13. A Realistic Concept of Politics: Conflict, Order, and Political Realism
  14. Religion and Local Politics in Southern Europe
  15. Women’s Presence in Politics and Male Politicians Commitment to Gender Equality
  16. The Impact of Celebrities’ Political Beliefs on Young People
  17. Minority Politics in Amsterdam and Los Angeles: A Comparison
  18. National and Local Politics of Climate Change Adaptation
  19. Essential Characteristics of Media Political Discourse
  20. Thatcher, Blair, and the Politics of Public Expenditure
  21. Economic Perspectives on the Politics of Regulation
  22. Complexities of Competing African-American Political Identities
  23. Theorizing the Impact of Micro-Politics on Policy Generation
  24. Xi Jinping as the Game Changer of Chinese Elite Politics
  25. Party Polarization in Politics: Characteristics, Causes, and Outcomes

❓ Politics Research Questions

  1. Who Enters Politics and Why?
  2. Has the Study of Global Politics Found Religion?
  3. How Morality Politics Determine Morality Policy Output?
  4. What Qualities Make a Good Political Leader?
  5. Do Sexual Minorities Participate More in Politics?
  6. Is Left-Right Conflict Necessary for the Development of New Politics?
  7. How Is Environmentalism an Important Factor in Politics?
  8. Should Political Leaders Be Held to Higher Ethical Standards?
  9. Why Do Elite and Mass Politics Differ?
  10. Are Citizens in Court Impairing Representative Politics?
  11. Can Prefigurative Politics Replace Political Strategy?
  12. Is War a Form of Politics, or Politics Is a Form of War?
  13. Can Political Beliefs Be Influenced by Family or Friends?
  14. Should Climate Change Be Addressed Politically?
  15. How Is Big Data Proving to Be a Game Changer for Modern Politics?
  16. Does Politics Take Over From Rational Calculation Sometimes?
  17. What Is the Difference Between Economic and Political Power?
  18. Should Educational Institutions Take Political Positions?
  19. Does the Media Have a Political Bias?
  20. How Does Political Dominance Define Marginalization?
  21. Can Scholars Who Study Politics in Their Country Be Impartial?
  22. What Is the Role of Art in Political Movements?
  23. How Did Anti-Intellectualism Become Entrenched in Politics?
  24. Should Political Systems Be More Open to Third Parties?
  25. Have Social Media Become an Effective Tool to Gauge the Performance in Politics?

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"116 Politics Research Topics & Essay Examples." Premium Papers, 28 Feb. 2025, premium-papers.com/topics/politics-research-topics/.


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Premium Papers. 2025. "116 Politics Research Topics & Essay Examples." February 28, 2025. https://premium-papers.com/topics/politics-research-topics/.

1. Premium Papers. "116 Politics Research Topics & Essay Examples." February 28, 2025. https://premium-papers.com/topics/politics-research-topics/.


Premium Papers. "116 Politics Research Topics & Essay Examples." February 28, 2025. https://premium-papers.com/topics/politics-research-topics/.