📝 Sustainability Research Papers Examples
- Nutrition: Childhood Obesity and Sustainability Problem This paper is aimed at discussing the relationship between childhood obesity and sustainability. There are many problems that attract much attention of the mass media.
- Sustainable Energy & Environmental Studies Every sector of the economy requires energy for its daily activities. Manufacturing, transport, security and several other areas are heavily dependent on energy.
- Renewable Energy and Sustainable Development The consumption shows a notable increase in fossil fuel consumption, with coal registering the most significant increase compared with other sources of energy.
- The Sustainable Energy Future Possibility Sustainable sources of energy have received a lot of support from many people because they do not pollute the environment.
- Sustainability in the Construction Industry The following paper outlines the main approaches to sustainability in the construction industry and lists some of the materials used for the purpose.
- Environmental Sustainability and Consumption Management Environmental sustainability is utilizing the available resources for our current needs without affecting the needs of the future generation.
- Sustainability, Recycling, and Waste Management The waste reduction would not only help in environmental conservation but would also make good financial and commercial sense.
- Role of Green Building in Sustainable Building Technology Sustainability is motivated by realization that resources available for construction are becoming scarce day by day.
- The Use of Sustainable Energy in School Buildings in Saudi Arabia The main aim of the study is to establish the sustainable energy strategies that can be used for the construction of a new school in KAUST.
- Nuclear Power Future: Its Sustainability Issues and Challenges The paper investigates nuclear power as one of the solutions to the energy problem and several issues will be analyzed in terms of its sustainability.
- Is Nuclear (Fission) Power Sustainable? Nuclear power is generated through three main nuclear processes that include nuclear fission, nuclear fusion, and nuclear decay.
- Energy Sustainability and Use of Clean Sources There are many ways to generate energy using clean sources, and one of them is wind power. It is thought to be one of the cleanest ways and has been used for some time.
- Sustainable Transportation in the UAE The transport needs should be projected into the future so that sustainability can be attained. For example, sustainable transport should be viewed from a broad perspective.
- Tour Operators and Suppliers Relationship Tour operators in collaboration with their suppliers are focused on the satisfaction of customers and responsible for implementing strategies that reduce climate change.
- Enhancing the Building Rating System in Australia The present paper aims to develop proposals that could be employed in practice to enhance the Green Star rating system.
- “Sustainable Diffusion of Renewable Energy Technologies” The article “Sustainable Diffusion of Renewable Energy Technologies as an Example of an Innovation-Focused Policy” discusses the new and emerging renewable energy technologies.
- The Impact of the Great Barrier Reef in Australia in Sustainable Tourism The need for sustainable development of the Great Barrier Reef stems from the importance it holds both for the people living around it as well as Australia’s economy.
- Building Rating Systems in Australia This paper contains several resources the aim of which is to describe building rating systems in Australia, gaps, challenges, and important components in evaluation.
- Sustainable Tourism in New Zealand The paper explores the issues of sustainable tourism in New Zealand, by examining the existing correlation between sustainable tourism and the Resource Management Act.
- Tourism Policy & Governance The state has a duty of guiding the socio-economic system and relations between it and other policy actors in the tourism sector and other sectors.
- Solar Panels System and Sustainability The primary problem with solar power that has discouraged its use is the fact that its technology is still very expensive and unreliable.
- Evaluation of Current Project Management Practices This report focuses on a critical evaluation of the current project management practices in managing the project life cycle.
- Climate Change's Impact on Human Living Conditions Climate change is influencing human living conditions via sustainability approaches, possible future population movements due to natural disasters, and new technologies.
- The Soft-Path Approach for Sustainable Water Management The ultimate objective was to suggest potentially effective measures for water regulation in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi based on identified weaknesses.
- Resource Availability for Low to Moderate-Income Families in New York City The paper discusses community and government organizations’ efforts to leverage the problem through the articulation of central policies and policy proposals.
- Enterprise Digital Transformation and Innovation Open innovations have a competitive advantage since companies have developed ways of cutting costs and differentiated themselves from rivalries by advancing their portfolio line.
- Risks in Project Management: Sustainability The term “risk” in project management means a probable event that prevents the project manager and their team from achieving the goals of the project or its parameters.
💡 Essay Ideas on Sustainability
- Sustainability as a Driver for Corporate Economic Success
- Motivation as a Tool for Sustainability in Education
- Classifying Companies According to Their Sustainability Performance
- Implementation of Sustainability in Human Resource Management
- Factors Influencing Local Government Sustainability Efforts
- Sustainability Crisis: A Critical Evaluation of Green Energy Policies
- Determinants of Sustainability Maturity in Family Businesses
- Global Education Policies and Their Influence on Environmental Sustainability
- Analyzing the Ecological Sustainability of Local Food Systems
- Transportation Sustainability in the Urban Context
- Geographical Dimensions of Environmental Sustainability
- Exogenous and Endogenous Dynamics of the Sustainability of Cooperation
- Sustainability Transformations as Shifts in Worldviews
- Discussing the Impact of Smart Cities on Sustainability
- Theoretical Underpinnings of Regenerative Sustainability
- Environmental Sustainability Assessment of Urban Development Indicators
- Potential Integration of Sustainability Into a Marketing Strategy
- Ensuring Sustainability of Cultural Heritage Through Public Policies
- Sustainability Practices in Emerging Markets: Overview and Trends
- Innovative Approaches in Management to Support Organizational Sustainability
- Democratic Deliberation for Sustainability Transformations
- Applying Stakeholder Theory in Sustainability Management
- Governance of Organizational Sustainability Management
- Business Models for Sustainability From a System Dynamics Perspective
- Strategies and Arguments of Ergonomic Design for Sustainability
✍️ Sustainability Essay Topics for College
- An Ecological Perspective on Sustainability as a Megatrend
- Organizational Size and Ownership Effect on Sustainability-Related Behaviors
- The Role of Leisure in Integrated Community Sustainability Plans
- Public Participation in Local Sustainability Plan Implementation
- Linking Resilience and Sustainability in Township Planning
- Transparency, Accountability, and Empowerment in Sustainability Governance
- Strategic Approaches to Sustainability in Fashion Supply Chain Management
- Capabilities for Transformative Sustainability Management in Cities
- Society-Nature Co-evolution: Interdisciplinary Concept for Sustainability
- Resources and Cultural Complexity Implications for Sustainability
- Sustainability as a Motive for Leisure-Time Gardening
- Contributing to Sustainability as an Environmental Impact Assessment Practitioner
- Integrating Nonproliferation Into Corporate Sustainability
- The Ecological Footprint From a Systems Perspective of Sustainability
- A Sustainability Approach for Selecting Maintenance Strategy
- Sustainability Understanding: News Media vs. Businesses vs. Consumers
- Practical Sustainability Criteria for Decision-Making
- Community Perceptions of the Parks’ Contributions to Sustainability
- Additionality and Implementation Gaps in Voluntary Sustainability Standards
- Knowledge Management for Sustainability in Operations
- Sustainability Performance Efficiency in the Banking Sector
- Challenges and Recommendations for Research on Sustainability in Marketing
- Conceptualizations of Sustainability in Carbon Markets
- Sustainability as an Emerging Mandate in Higher Education
- Tourist Sustainability of Destination as a Measure of Its Development
❓ Sustainability Research Questions
- What Does Sustainability Mean to a Water Utility?
- How Do Corporations Embed Sustainability Across the Organization?
- Can Clean Energy Policy Promote Environmental Sustainability?
- How Do Startups Drive Innovations Towards Sustainability?
- What Are Some Examples of Sustainable Living?
- Is Environmental Sustainability an Economic Burden?
- Can Sustainable Technology Help Save the World?
- Does Sustainability Generate Better Financial Performance?
- What Are the Main Principles of Sustainability?
- Is Leisure Research Contributing to Sustainability?
- What Role Does Politics Play in Environmental Sustainability?
- Why Is Corporate Sustainability Important?
- How Can Humanity Craft Cultures of Sustainability?
- Does the Global Reporting Initiative Influence Sustainability Disclosure?
- What Are Some Government Policies Related to Sustainability?
- Is Sustainability a First World Problem?
- What Sustainability Certifications or Frameworks Exist?
- Do We Need Sustainability as a New Approach in Ergonomics?
- What Is the Role of Sustainability in Post-Fossil Regional Transition Processes?
- How Can Sustainability Help in Addressing Climate Change?
- What Does Resilience Have to Do With Sustainability?
- Why Do People Ignore Issues of Sustainability?
- Is It Essential for Humans to Become More Connected to the Environment to Move Towards Sustainability?
- Which Countries Struggle With Sustainability?
- Why Is It Difficult to Achieve Sustainable Development?