Waterfall and Agile Methodologies


While there are many ways of developing projects, the commonly used methodologies are waterfall and agile. According to the literature, the methods have their weaknesses and strengths, and the choice depends on the type of project being developed. However, many scholars agree that waterfall is more traditional while agile is a newer and more sophisticated method (Khoza and Marnewick, 2020). However, the question remains, which one of the two is better? Therefore, this presentation aims at providing an in-depth comparison between the two methodologies to determine which one is better suited for CapraTek Project.

Waterfall Methodology

Waterfall methodology follows a sequential process through the different stages of project development. These stages, according to Thesing et al. (2021) are requirements, design, implementation, testing, and deployment. Each stage must be completed within a specified timeframe before another one starts. It is important to note that the success of this methodology depends largely on the amount of work done upfront. This method allows team members to work independently: they are not expected to provide status reports until each stage is completed. For instance, the requirement phase ensures all the information needed is captured in a specific document. Similarly, the design phase helps a lot in the identification of hardware and system requirements. The implementation phase, on the other hand, allows the system to be developed through small programs called units.

Agile Methodology

This methodology strives to ensure the quick delivery of a project within the specified timeframe. The team can deliver work “in small, but consumable, incremental” (Thesing et al., 2021, p.750). The team is allowed to divide tasks into several phases called sprints as opposed to creating tasks and schedules. Each sprint is allocated a specific duration with a specific list of deliverables, organized at the beginning of the sprint. This method is highly flexible: it allows tasks planned for every sprint to be rescheduled if they are not completed on time.

Philosophy and Emphasis

In terms of philosophy and emphasis, waterfall methodology as an approach to project development focuses more on structures. This method’s emphasis is on maintaining clear project planning as well as managing all tasks within the specified period (Stoddard et al., 2019). Its philosophy is that most of the information will be available at the start of the project. Agile methodology, on the other, emphasizes the need for individual and team members to interact over a specific process and tools (Thesing et al., 2021). Similarly, members must deliver working software as opposed to creating comprehensive documentation.

Defining Features and Requirements

The key requirement of the waterfall methodology is that members must have a clear understanding of all the requirements before the project starts. This method does not allow one to change the project requirement once the project has started. This is because the cost of change is high coupled with time constraints, and complex dependencies that exist between projects. The agile methodology, on the other hand, is flexible: it allows members to make changes to the project even after it has started (Stoddard et al., 2019). This same is applicable even after planning has been completed.

One of the features of the waterfall methodology is that every phase in the project development is approved by stakeholders before the team proceeds to the next stage. Here, the project outcomes must be set-out clearly at the start of the project and followed carefully to the end. The Agile methodology allows project managers to work on projects knowing very well that changes will be introduced with requirements expected to evolve. This method is ideal for those projects that might require overhauls in order to keep up with the constant changes in technology.

Project Phases

Waterfall methodology’s activities and tasks are divided into different phases. Firstly, in the requirement phase, the project manager focuses on having a clear understanding of all the project sponsors’ requirements. Secondly, in the design stage, software developers are concerned with coming up with technical solution to the problems identified in the project. Thirdly, is the implementation phase where coding takes place (Thesing et al. 2021). The developers rely on the information in the previous two phases to create a functional product. Lastly, the deployment phase is where the product is delivered to the users.

Agile methodology as discussed earlier, is iterative, team-based approach to project development. In this method, the project development phases follow an iterative approach. These phases are concept, inception, iteration, release and maintenance. Firstly, in the concept phase, the owners aim is to determine the scope of the project. Secondly, the inception phase is where the team work closely with stakeholders to identify the specific requirements. Thirdly, the iteration phase is where construction work is undertaken. Release phase allow members to test the system for normal functioning. The maintenance phase comes after the software has been deployed.


In terms of scoping, the waterfall methodology does not have a wide scope. Similarly, the approach does not involve customer participation: it is more of an internal process (Stoddard et al., 2019). Additionally, waterfall methodology is rigid: phases occur in sequence, one after another. In other words, the developers are not allowed to go back previous steps. The agile methodology, on its part, is concerned with satisfying its customers and, as such, involves customers in product development. However, the two methods aim at benefit the company as well as meeting the needs of its stakeholders.

Planning: Waterfall Methodology

In waterfall methodology, the process of developing projects follows an internal planning. The methodology permits a lot of record keeping and proper documentation of requirements (Thesing et al., 2021). From this, it is clear that waterfall requires long-term planning making it necessary for the team to ensure complete clarity in requirements. Planning in agile methodology is mainly on short term basis: the product is expected to be completed within 2-6 weeks. Similarly, planning in agile projects is iterative in nature and adapts to changes in requirements as well as technological advancements.


Execution, for the purpose of clarity, involves undertaking all the project’s activities in order to deliver the product to client. In agile methodology, the team is concerned with ensuring all the project requirements are undertaken as per the customer needs. In essence, it strives to ensure the end product aligns with the customers’ preferences. This method changes constantly in order to adapt to the dynamic needs of consumers. Since it is consumer based approach, the methodology allows the participation of all the project members and customers throughout the project development.

In terms of execution, the waterfall methodology focuses more on the project with the aim completing it within the specified timeframe. In other words, the team is concerned with ensuring the project development is concluded as intended. Participation in the project development is limited, specifically to the project team members tasked with the responsibility of completing it as planned. The execution team consists mainly of engineers and rely exclusively on careful planning, detailed documentation and consecutive execution. With its structured approach, the methodology makes it easier for the team to measure progress.


The one notable difference is that waterfall is a linear methodology which requires the team to work and complete each project phase before moving on to the next. In Agile methodology, the team focuses exclusively on working simultaneously on different phases of the project (Thesing et al., 2021). With its linear approach, waterfall is suitable to those projects that have a defined end goal. In fact, waterfall works well for project managers who have clear and specific vision of software. On the other hand, agile is suitable for projects that are likely to change.

Example of Appropriate Products

Waterfall methodology applies to products such Human Resource Management Systems (HRMS), Supply Chain Management (SCM) Systems, and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems (Engelhardt, 2019). Waterfall was the right method because the projects required a clearly defined structure. Similarly, since the projects involved large teams, this method was suitable in ensuring they work in harmony. On the other hand, agile methodology is suitable for projects such as Scrum, eXtreme Programming (XP), and Feature Driven Development (FDD) ((Chaouch et al., 2019). This is because, the projects were urgent and with significant complexity and novelty.

Waterfall methodology applies to products such Human Resource Management Systems (HRMS), Supply Chain Management (SCM) Systems, and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems (Engelhardt, 2019). Waterfall was the right method because the projects required a clearly defined structure. Similarly, since the projects involved large teams, this method was suitable in ensuring they work in harmony. On the other hand, agile methodology is suitable for projects such as Scrum, eXtreme Programming (XP), and Feature Driven Development (FDD) ((Chaouch et al., 2019). This is because, the projects were urgent and with significant complexity and novelty.

Waterfall methodology applies to products such Human Resource Management Systems (HRMS), Supply Chain Management (SCM) Systems, and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems (Engelhardt, 2019). Waterfall was the right method because the projects required a clearly defined structure. Similarly, since the projects involved large teams, this method was suitable in ensuring they work in harmony. On the other hand, agile methodology is suitable for projects such as Scrum, eXtreme Programming (XP), and Feature Driven Development (FDD) ((Chaouch et al., 2019). This is because, the projects were urgent and with significant complexity and novelty.

Waterfall methodology applies to products such Human Resource Management Systems (HRMS), Supply Chain Management (SCM) Systems, and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems (Engelhardt, 2019). Waterfall was the right method because the projects required a clearly defined structure. Similarly, since the projects involved large teams, this method was suitable in ensuring they work in harmony. On the other hand, agile methodology is suitable for projects such as Scrum, eXtreme Programming (XP), and Feature Driven Development (FDD) ((Chaouch et al., 2019). This is because, the projects were urgent and with significant complexity and novelty.

Waterfall methodology applies to products such Human Resource Management Systems (HRMS), Supply Chain Management (SCM) Systems, and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems (Engelhardt, 2019). Waterfall was the right method because the projects required a clearly defined structure. Similarly, since the projects involved large teams, this method was suitable in ensuring they work in harmony. On the other hand, agile methodology is suitable for projects such as Scrum, eXtreme Programming (XP), and Feature Driven Development (FDD) ((Chaouch et al., 2019). This is because, the projects were urgent and with significant complexity and novelty.

Waterfall methodology applies to products such Human Resource Management Systems (HRMS), Supply Chain Management (SCM) Systems, and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems (Engelhardt, 2019). Waterfall was the right method because the projects required a clearly defined structure. Similarly, since the projects involved large teams, this method was suitable in ensuring they work in harmony. On the other hand, agile methodology is suitable for projects such as Scrum, eXtreme Programming (XP), and Feature Driven Development (FDD) ((Chaouch et al., 2019). This is because, the projects were urgent and with significant complexity and novelty.

Waterfall methodology applies to products such Human Resource Management Systems (HRMS), Supply Chain Management (SCM) Systems, and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems (Engelhardt, 2019). Waterfall was the right method because the projects required a clearly defined structure. Similarly, since the projects involved large teams, this method was suitable in ensuring they work in harmony. On the other hand, agile methodology is suitable for projects such as Scrum, eXtreme Programming (XP), and Feature Driven Development (FDD) ((Chaouch et al., 2019). This is because, the projects were urgent and with significant complexity and novelty.

Waterfall methodology applies to products such Human Resource Management Systems (HRMS), Supply Chain Management (SCM) Systems, and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems (Engelhardt, 2019). Waterfall was the right method because the projects required a clearly defined structure. Similarly, since the projects involved large teams, this method was suitable in ensuring they work in harmony. On the other hand, agile methodology is suitable for projects such as Scrum, eXtreme Programming (XP), and Feature Driven Development (FDD) ((Chaouch et al., 2019). This is because, the projects were urgent and with significant complexity and novelty.

Waterfall methodology applies to products such Human Resource Management Systems (HRMS), Supply Chain Management (SCM) Systems, and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems (Engelhardt, 2019). Waterfall was the right method because the projects required a clearly defined structure. Similarly, since the projects involved large teams, this method was suitable in ensuring they work in harmony. On the other hand, agile methodology is suitable for projects such as Scrum, eXtreme Programming (XP), and Feature Driven Development (FDD) ((Chaouch et al., 2019). This is because, the projects were urgent and with significant complexity and novelty.

Waterfall methodology applies to products such Human Resource Management Systems (HRMS), Supply Chain Management (SCM) Systems, and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems (Engelhardt, 2019). Waterfall was the right method because the projects required a clearly defined structure. Similarly, since the projects involved large teams, this method was suitable in ensuring they work in harmony. On the other hand, agile methodology is suitable for projects such as Scrum, eXtreme Programming (XP), and Feature Driven Development (FDD) ((Chaouch et al., 2019). This is because, the projects were urgent and with significant complexity and novelty.

Waterfall methodology applies to products such Human Resource Management Systems (HRMS), Supply Chain Management (SCM) Systems, and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems (Engelhardt, 2019). Waterfall was the right method because the projects required a clearly defined structure. Similarly, since the projects involved large teams, this method was suitable in ensuring they work in harmony. On the other hand, agile methodology is suitable for projects such as Scrum, eXtreme Programming (XP), and Feature Driven Development (FDD) ((Chaouch et al., 2019). This is because, the projects were urgent and with significant complexity and novelty.

Waterfall methodology applies to products such Human Resource Management Systems (HRMS), Supply Chain Management (SCM) Systems, and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems (Engelhardt, 2019). Waterfall was the right method because the projects required a clearly defined structure. Similarly, since the projects involved large teams, this method was suitable in ensuring they work in harmony. On the other hand, agile methodology is suitable for projects such as Scrum, eXtreme Programming (XP), and Feature Driven Development (FDD) ((Chaouch et al., 2019). This is because, the projects were urgent and with significant complexity and novelty.

Which Approach Is Appropriate for CapraTek

Agile methodology remains to be the most suitable for the CapraTec project for several reasons. As evidenced in the comparison part above, it is clear that agile methodology is a modern approach with regard to applicability. It is right to argue that agile is an improved version of waterfall approach. In fact, this methodology will prove helpful in developing the IOS, an interface software for Alfred! Project and other home appliances. This is because the project is prone to change anytime. In essence, flexibility of the method will be critical in the development of Alfred! Software.

Methodological Analysis on Product

Agile methodology will help ensure the app is completed within the specified timeframe. In fact, agile model, as explicated in the study byTheming et al. (2021), has been known to deliver quality software in the shortest period of time. The successive iterations will be delivered quickly and at a stable speed. Since the methodology involves consumers in the product development, its quality will be assured. The team’s main role is to determine whether the application meet the need of consumers based on the face to face interactions with the developers.

Waterfall methodology will fail CapraTek project due to several reasons. First, there is a high possibility for customers to be dissatisfied with the delivered software. This is because the customer may fail to see what is delivered until the final stage of product development: all the deliverables are based on documented requirements. Another reason why this methodology may fail the project relates to the effectiveness of requirements (Khoza, and Marnewick, 2020). It is difficult for the team to gather and document the requirements in such a way that it valuable and beneficial to customers.

Methodological Analysis on Mission

It is clear that agile methodology will not fail the development mission. The product mission provides a clear description of why the product is made, who is it for, and what makes it unique. Since the mission strives to describe why the product exists, the team’s role is to ensure the product meets the customer needs. To achieve this requires them to have more room to input the necessary changes to the requirements at any phase of the development mission. On the contrary, the waterfall methodology is highly rigid which prevents it from introducing any changes.

Agile methodology is suitable in obtaining customer feedback during the development stage because it allows the close interactions between the final consumers and the developers of the system for consideration. On the other hand, waterfall methodology only engages the users during the final phase after the product has been developed and ready for deployed. In other words, waterfall’s failure to involve consumers throughout the process may hinder it from meeting the development mission. Overall, agile allows developers to make changes in line with technological landscape to ensure the product reflect the company’s mission.

Methodological Analysis on Stakeholders

Agile methodology is highly adaptable to influence by key stakeholders such as consumers/users and product owner. They are able to influence the product development throughout the different stages (Tam et al., 2021). In essence, agile allows feedback from stakeholders during sprint reviews. In fact, stakeholders will not be considered part of the CapraTec project team, but a vital group to the success of the team and the product. In the view of waterfall methodology, it is right to say that stakeholder involvement differs in the development lifecycle. The two phases are during requirement development and testing stage.


Chaouch, S., Mejri, A., & Ghannouchi, S. A. (2019). A framework for risk management in Scrum development process. Procedia Computer Science, 16(4), 187-192.

Engelhardt, N. (2019). Comparison of agile and traditional project management: Simulation of process models. Acta academica karviniensia, 19(2), 15-27.

Khoza, L. T., & Marnewick, C. (2020). Waterfall and Agile information system project success rates-A South African perspective. South African Computer Journal, 32(1), 43-73.

Stoddard, M. M., Gillis, B., & Cohn, P. (2019). Agile project management in libraries: Creating collaborative, resilient, responsive organizations. Journal of Library Administration, 59(5), 492-511.

Tam, C., da Costa Moura, E. J., Oliveira, T., & Varajão, J. (2020). The factors influencing the success of on-going agile software development projects. International Journal of Project Management, 38(3), 165-176.

Thesing, T., Feldmann, C., & Burchardt, M. (2021). Agile versus waterfall project management: decision model for selecting the appropriate approach to a project. Procedia Computer Science, 18(1), 746-756.

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Premium Papers. (2023, April 3). Waterfall and Agile Methodologies. https://premium-papers.com/waterfall-and-agile-methodologies/

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"Waterfall and Agile Methodologies." Premium Papers, 3 Apr. 2023, premium-papers.com/waterfall-and-agile-methodologies/.


Premium Papers. (2023) 'Waterfall and Agile Methodologies'. 3 April.


Premium Papers. 2023. "Waterfall and Agile Methodologies." April 3, 2023. https://premium-papers.com/waterfall-and-agile-methodologies/.

1. Premium Papers. "Waterfall and Agile Methodologies." April 3, 2023. https://premium-papers.com/waterfall-and-agile-methodologies/.


Premium Papers. "Waterfall and Agile Methodologies." April 3, 2023. https://premium-papers.com/waterfall-and-agile-methodologies/.