Women’s Suffrage in Egypt and the United States


Women’s suffrage has been systematically downplayed throughout the history of mankind (Afary, 2004). It is essential to mention that the ideology behind women’s rights may be interpreted in various dimensions such as the right to work in the military, fair treatment at the workplace, control of reproductive health as well as the right to vote.

Most of the women’s movements that have come forth to champion the rights of women have faced myriad opposition (Palley, 1991). As such, it has been quite cumbersome for women to win much-needed equality in society. On the same note, women’s movements have been boosted by various human rights advocates who argue that both men and women should have equal chances in voting (Allison, 1998; Ellen, 1998). It is against this backdrop that this paper offers an incisive look at the women’s voting rights in Egypt and the United States of America.

Research objectives

The research objectives of this paper include:

  1. The history of women’s suffrage in Egypt and the United States.
  2. Religion and women’s suffrage in both Egypt and the United States.
  3. The comparative freedom and rights of women both in the United States and Egypt.
  4. The modern women’s suffrage movements in the United States
  5. The contemporary women’s suffrage movements in Egypt
  6. Conditions for and against women’s suffrage movements in both the United States and Egypt.

Research questions

This research paper will seek to answer the following research questions

  1. How did the modern suffrage movements among women begin?
  2. How did the United Nations Human Rights Commission influence women’s suffrage?
  3. Discuss the composition of the women’s suffrage movements in the United States
  4. Discuss the design of the women’s suffrage movements in Egypt
  5. What were the similarities and differences between these two movements?
  6. What was the role of religion in women’s suffrage movements?
  7. Has women’s right to vote been denied in Egypt?
  8. Has women’s right to vote been streamlined in the United States?

Literature review

The earliest known women’s rights movements took off at a languid pace due to societal resistance to offer support. For instance, it took almost a whole century before women could be partially permitted to vote. In the case of the United States of America, women’s suffrage was attained at a languid pace. Women were earlier not allowed to vote at the national level. In 1848, the Seneca Falls Convention made another significant boost to women’s suffrage. Due to the emerging differences among various groups on how women’s democratic space could be improved, the National Women Suffrage Association was formed. This association fought for the women’s right to vote at the national level. It also agitated for property rights among women. The amendments that were carried out in the U.S constitution during the early 20th Century was a significant milestone for women’s suffrage (Allison, 2010).

These amendments allowed all American citizens to exercise their right to vote irrespective of gender. Today, several modifications that have been implemented in the constitution allow women to vote at the local, state, and federal levels. Women can also seek any elective position in the same way as men (Allison, 1998).

On the other hand, it is imperative to mention that the right of women to vote in Egypt has been sidelined for a considerably long period of time. Historical records indicate that Egyptian women have had minimal chances of participating in elective posts, mainly due to cultural and religious hindrances. The fight for equal voting rights in Egypt is still underway, although women have been participating in rigged polls since the 1950s (Ellen, 1998).


From the above discussion, it is evident that women’s right to vote has had a long history of both success and setbacks since the 18th Century. However, women’s suffrage in the United States was attained earlier compared to the Egyptian case, which is still in a state of stagnation.


Afary, J. (2004). The Human Rights of Middle Eastern & Muslim Women: A Project for the 21st Century. Human Rights Quarterly, 26 (1), 106-125.

Allison, S. (2010). The New Suffrage History: Voting Rights in International Perspective. History Compass, 8(7), 692–703.

Ellen, C.D. (1998). Woman Suffrage and Women’s Rights. New York: NYU Press. Palley, M.L. (1991). Women’s Rights as Human Rights: An International Perspective. New York: Sage Publications.

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Premium Papers. (2024, January 12). Women’s Suffrage in Egypt and the United States. https://premium-papers.com/womens-suffrage-in-egypt-and-the-united-states/

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"Women’s Suffrage in Egypt and the United States." Premium Papers, 12 Jan. 2024, premium-papers.com/womens-suffrage-in-egypt-and-the-united-states/.


Premium Papers. (2024) 'Women’s Suffrage in Egypt and the United States'. 12 January.


Premium Papers. 2024. "Women’s Suffrage in Egypt and the United States." January 12, 2024. https://premium-papers.com/womens-suffrage-in-egypt-and-the-united-states/.

1. Premium Papers. "Women’s Suffrage in Egypt and the United States." January 12, 2024. https://premium-papers.com/womens-suffrage-in-egypt-and-the-united-states/.


Premium Papers. "Women’s Suffrage in Egypt and the United States." January 12, 2024. https://premium-papers.com/womens-suffrage-in-egypt-and-the-united-states/.