American Revolution and Independence

The United States of America that people know today came to be as a result of the efforts of many people. Born as a colony of the British empire, America grew into itself over time and paid for its independence in blood, sweat, and tears. This includes both the process of becoming independent from the crown and the subsequent establishment of a unified nation. However, the question of what exactly helped the American colonies to defeat their oppressors is often ignored. It should be noted that statistically, the British Empire significantly outnumbered the United States forces, had better equipment, training, and a breadth of experience under its belt. However, it still lost, allowing the US to separate itself from the UK and develop in the way it wanted. This work will discuss some of the reasons American revolutionaries have managed to overcome the odds and win.

First, it should be noted that the nature of change and socio-political development that occurred in America was alien to the British mainland. A prolonged state of living under oppression, combined with a storied history of anti-establishment action, has prepared US to face structures of power and work against a stronger opponent. Britain did not share the same amount of concern, or knowledge, about America. Considering it just one of its many colonies, there was no particular reason to pay more attention to the American colony. The crown saw its territory as inferior and inherently worthy of being exploited (Wenger). Similarly, the idea of unified coordinated resistance was alien to Britain, who only thought of expanding its interests as far as possible. The colonizers took advantage of that fact, allowing themselves to be especially well-prepared for the upcoming conflict.

Another large problem in this process was that Britain was already engaged in a number of wars with other countries, including France, Spain, and the Dutch Republic. Furthermore, the effects of previous wars were still showing, making the British empire particularly vulnerable in the face of internal conflicts (Wenger). The constant warfare spread resources thin, deprived the American colonies of attention and significantly weakened the US. Without the ability to focus on one avenue of growth, the nation had to adapt as well as it could possibly manage, leaving significant gaps in its understanding of the enemy.

The ability of the American front to unite, bolster support and monetary assistance played a large role in its success. By framing the conflict as a fight for independence, European countries and other world powers were involved in the process. Their participation could potentially guarantee them a new ally in fighting the British empire, without mentioning the trade and monetary benefits. Speaking in military tactics and supply discussions, the British army was not able to establish a working logistics system in order to deliver provisions to the battlefield.

In this case, the size and scope of the British military effort served as its main weak point. Being ineffectively and expensively managed, the process did not do a sufficient job at coordinating war action while also draining resources (Wenger). Political actors and people in decision-making roles were often inept, or incapable of supporting a serious war effort. In addition, corruption within the military sector, combined with the bad conduct of some specific actors misappropriated the war funds without being able to deliver results. After its victory, the United States grew and developed through decades of tumultuous and eventful history. One notable part of this process was the creation of the constitution. The earliest version of the document many Americans are proud of to this day appeared in 1787. The previously established articles of confederation were ineffective in supporting a centralized federal government, or regulating the disjointed American territories. Creation of the constitution drew a unified through line for every state, based on the stared values and ideas of the American people.

Work Cited

Wenger, William V. “How the Americans Defeated the British in the Revolutionary War.” The Past – History / Archaeology / Heritage / Ancient World, Web.

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Premium Papers. (2025, February 7). American Revolution and Independence.

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Premium Papers. 2025. "American Revolution and Independence." February 7, 2025.

1. Premium Papers. "American Revolution and Independence." February 7, 2025.


Premium Papers. "American Revolution and Independence." February 7, 2025.