An automobile has become an important aid to mankind in the present day society. It has become rather a necessity that one should own or have access to a car to make him/her mobile. The increasing competition of today’s business world demands swift physical movement of people from one place to another and in this context the contribution by cars cannot be undermined. A car provides freedom and mobility to the user and hence proves to be an incredible invention that helps people in many ways.
However there is an inherent destructive nature attached to this incredible innovation in that the automobiles cause air and noise pollution, depletion of fossil fuel reserves, and certain abnormalities in adults and children due to lead poisoning. Although presently a number of industrially developed economies depend largely on the use of gasoline-powered cars, I am of the view that the use of gasoline-powered cars should be limited because of their air and noise polluting nature and thereby causing deterioration to the environmental conditions. In the place of gasoline-powered cars I strongly suggest the use of electric-powered cars. This paper provides arguments and empirical data for supplementing the use of electric-powered cars.
Significance of the Paper
Today I believe that we have a serious problem with air pollution and it is facing in the world. So the electric cars decreases air emissions connected with usual internal burning cars, in that way lessening the emission of environmentally harmful products such as carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxides. As electric cars is produced from batteries and friendly with environment.
The push for zero emission cars increases serious worry about the environmental contacts of zero emission cars due to product and use. The number one giver to this wave is car emissions. We have all heard of the issues that are involved with air pollution including the depletion of the o-zone layer, the green house effect, and acid rain. The problem has been scoped from every imaginable angle, and now it is time to solve the problem. I choose this because it will be the start of cleaner air.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Electric Cars
Electric cars are vehicles that are run using electricity as the power source instead of internal combustion engines used by gasoline cars which consume fossil fuel for generating the required power to run the automobile. An electric vehicle converts electric power into mechanical power to run the machine. An electric car runs using the motor powered by electricity instead of a gasoline engine. The function of the electric motor in the electric car is regulated by the energy obtained from a controller. This controller regulates the quantum of power depending up on the use the acceleration by the driver. The electric car also called as electric vehicle (EV) draws power from the energy stored in rechargeable batteries kept in the vehicles. The batteries are recharged by electricity available from common sources.
Unlike hybrid model cars that are developed recently—which have the capability of getting fueled by gasoline and as well as by using a battery and motor to improve the efficiency—an electric car uses exclusively the electric power. Historically, EVs were not preferred because of the limited range of driving capabilities due to the necessity of recharging the batteries frequently and therefore they have not been very popular.
The auto makers were also reluctant in manufacturing these types of vehicles due to low demand and customer preferences. This situation is changing presently with options extended towards electric cars because of the economic and environmental advantages. With the rapid development in the battery technology which has the effect of simultaneously improving the energy storage and reducing cost, the attitude of major automobile manufacturers are expected to change towards committing to produce large volumes of new generation of electric cars and introduce them in the market.
The major advantage with electric cars is that there is no production of tailpipe emissions. They also drastically reduce our dependency on fossil fuels apart from being cheaper to operate. However the production of electricity may also lead to emissions from the upstream production facilities having smokestacks at the locations producing electricity; but controlling emissions at one point than in millions of cars can be considered easier.
The technology for producing electric vehicles has been around since the beginning of the nineteenth century. However due to the dominance of gasoline-powered vehicles, this technology has not been given focus and slowly it faded. The future looks bright for the electric cars due to the environmental awareness and the damage being caused by the gasoline-powered cars to the environment. The impact of electric cars has been significantly seen not only from the environmental point of view but also from the economic point of view because of the lower cost of running the electric vehicles as against the cost of using gasoline for running automobiles. Several leading automobile manufacturers have developed their own versions of electric vehicles and are promoting them. With the electric cars people have the option of choosing an environmental friendly form of transportation which will also prove to be a saving in the cost of maintaining an automobile.
Carbon dioxide emissions from gasoline cars have made a serious impact on the ozone layer and have been one of the causes for global warming. The release of carbon dioxide by the cars after burning the fossil fuel for their energy consumption has the ability to deplete the ozone layer which ultimately would lead to erratic weather conditions and climate changes because such emissions contain greenhouse gas. The greenhouse gas has a devastating effect resulting in global warming.
There are certain distinct advantages resulting from the use of electric vehicles. First, the electric vehicles are quite without producing any noise and therefore avoid noise pollution (getstuff, 1998). It is possible to maintain these cars clean without any extra effort. The electric cars also offer a fume-free and smooth driving experience. Since there is no need to run the motor while the electric vehicle is at a stop, there are no “idle” noises. Since no fuel or oil is running through the engine parts mostly the electric vehicles have lesser wear and tear than the gasoline cars. The electric vehicles are able to provide a faster acceleration making the driving experience different than driving a gasoline car. The faster acceleration is possible since the electric vehicles deliver power instantly to the wheels. By providing higher torque at lower speed levels, turning the cars in sharper bends becomes easier and therefore the electric cars can be maneuvered easily.
Another factor that needs consideration is the convenience that the electric cars offer.” In one trip to the gas station, you can pump 330 kilowatt-hours of energy into a 10-gallon tank. It would take about 9 days to get the same amount of energy from household electric current.” (Hybridcars, 2009) The important point here is that recharging batteries for the electric cars can be done in hours and it does not require many days, since it is a more efficient power source. An additional advantage is that the batteries can be charged at home, taking away the strain of going to a gas station for filling up the fuel and there is absolutely no maintenance of the cars required in the form of oil changes, emission checks which are the necessities in gasoline-powered cars.
“An electric motor is very efficient in comparison. Because so little heat is produced, there is no need for engine oil, coolant, radiator or a radiator fan.” (WeatherImagery, 2007)
Analysis of Cost with Electric and Gasoline Cars
From the following calculations which are self explanatory it can be observed that the cost of running an electric car is much cheaper than running a car run by gasoline.

While the cost of running a car with gasoline is estimated at $ 0.121 per mile, it is only $ 0.059 per mile which is more than 50% cheaper. Apart from the environmental reasons, the economic reasoning of lower costs also suggests the use of electric cars instead of gasoline-powered cars.
In view of the environmental and economic advantages resulting from electric cars as discussed in this paper, I recommend the use of electric cars in the place of gasoline-run cars. It is imperative that everyone living on this earth has to contribute something to keep it green and clean so that our future generations can have a hassle-free life and enjoy their living in the earth. For this purpose, the use of electric cars can contribute to a large extent. Apart from saving the resources of fossil fuel which can be put to alternative productive purposes, the use of electric cars provides cost advantages to the individual and therefore I strongly feel that the use of gasoline-powered cars should be eradicated gradually and in that place electric cars should be introduced.
This project enabled me to realize the superiority of electric cars over the gasoline-cars based on the efficiency and environmental friendly nature of the electric cars. It has also made me realize the importance of new, cleaner and more efficient energy sources so that the environment can be saved from further depletion and deterioration. I could also learn about the damages being caused by the gasoline-powered cars to the atmosphere and the economic advantages of using electricity as the power source for running the automobiles. Most importantly I am sure that the distinct driving comfort with a noise and pollution free automobile will improve the lives of everyone.
CCDS. (n.d.). Gas / Electric Vehicle Cost Comparison. Web.
getstuff. (1998). How Electric Cars work. Web.
Hybridcars. (2009). Electric Cars: A Definitive Guide . Web.
WeatherImagery. (2007). Electric Vs. Gasoline Vehicles: Which is better?. Web.