Ethical Issues of Artificial Intelligence

Ethics of Artificial Intelligence (AI) concerns how technology has affected and will continue to influence our political, social, and moral lives. On the other hand, AI is a tool that uses cutting-edge technology to create new business models, enhance customer experiences, and optimize corporate processes (Li et al., 2021). The increasing capabilities of these machines might one day lead to a world that is both faster and more effective. Jean-Henry et al. (2020) are concerned about how these technologies, simultaneously disrupting and enhancing human existence, may affect human ethics and Society’s morality. Artificial intelligence, an outward reflection of human intelligence, delivers many things in an amplified form that can be either good or bad. Because so much is at stake, we must consider the ethical issues surrounding the transition to AI technology or risk doing more damage than good.

The Roles of AI in Maintaining Human Safety

Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to a collection of concepts and approaches for creating sophisticated computer systems that can replicate some aspects of human intellect. Any technology capable of doing complicated tasks or tasks that entail complex processes, which might be considered intelligent, is considered an example of artificial intelligence (Bartneck et al., 2021). In the current world, non-human systems can handle tasks that previously could only be handled by humans. These automated systems can do tasks sometimes even more effectively than humans. In the 1980s, AI was strengthened via machine learning, neural networks, and evolutionary computing (Yigitcanlar et al., 2021). During this period, AI was used in robotics, computer vision, natural language processing, and robotics. Artificial intelligence can now play games, translate languages, detect cancer, imitate human speech, and beat competitors. AI devices are capable of completing tasks that were never thought could be possible. The capacities of non-human systems will keep growing as technology continues to advance.

AI is mainly based on very complex machine learning algorithms, which enable computers to acquire data to improve their performance in performing tasks without being explicitly taught for each one. These approaches allow AI to be constructed from the ground up. According to Yijia et al. (2019), a perfectly and correctly functioning AI can bring forth various benefits, depending on the application for which it was designed, such as accuracy, speed, convenience, efficiency, quality, and quality destruction. These benefits can be derived from the AI’s ability to work perfectly and correctly. On the other hand, fears have been expressed about the possibility that these digital technologies may not work as anticipated. Artificial intelligence technologies, like any other kind of technology, need to be tested several times throughout their development to ensure that they are both practical and reliable. In any case, it is a complex task to thoroughly cover all aspects they are expected to execute in the real world.

AI significantly influences our civilization and facilitates the automation of several labor-intensive and time-consuming jobs, allowing individuals to do more with less. It also enhances decision-making, ranging from medical diagnosis to stock market forecasts. AI is also being utilized to enhance customer support service. Face recognition and cyber security technology, AI, are finally being utilized to secure our physical and digital security (Yigitcanlar et al., 2021). Hence, Yijia et al. (2019) contend that just like human intelligence, there is a possibility that artificial intelligence could also fail. Imagine that a self-driving car traveling at high speed fails to apply the brakes because of an error in the system or unheard-of bugs. There will be many deaths and losses among the passengers of such a car and some other innocent people traveling on the same road. As a result, several different ethical concerns have been raised regarding these failings and the destructive functionalities of specific artificial intelligence systems.

AI that Has Been Manipulated or Used Maliciously, and the Repercussions

One of the most significant advantages of artificial intelligence is the capacity of today’s AI technologies to efficiently blend a computer-based program with the data that is provided to it. Such functions confer many advantages on human life; nevertheless, they risk introducing bias into the system and manipulating it in unintended and perhaps destructive ways (Lund & Wang, 2023). In the most recent cases, a research study documented certain alarming cases of algorithmic manipulation and bias, most notably in photographic captioning and criminal sentences. These cases were reported to have occurred in the most recent cases. These prejudices and manipulations have significantly damaged human life, particularly for those individuals who have been the targets of such biases. It has also occasioned a loss of faith in the organizations, governments, and businesses that use such skewed and falsified data.

Consequently, the real issues associated with the use of artificial intelligence and the development of AI include algorithmic manipulation and prejudice, as well as the malicious exploitation of AI technology for personal gains and objectives. In addition, this is only one of the numerous dangers of the development of deadly autonomous weapons such as killer robots. AI right now, if these problems are not resolved fast, they are likely to go on into the future; as a result, it is a wake-up call to strive and produce AI technologies or products that are superior to humans. Imagine the potential damage that might be caused by AI-based computer hacking (Smith & Miller, 2022). There is a high probability that significant losses may be incurred due to the possibilities described above, including the loss of human life, the invasion of personal privacy, and the reduction in the data’s level of safety.

AI and Human Spirit

As noted from the preceding discussion, all the investigated areas of interest can highly impact how humans live, their perceptions of life, and their relationship. The impacts raise substantial existential problems. If all the ancient philosophers’ beliefs are true, humanity’s identity and purpose relate to human intelligence (Bartneck et al., 2021). Therefore, by making an external reflection of intelligence through AI technologies and improving them beyond our intelligence, are humans making themselves lesser beings to their creation? Such a question as to AI cuts across the center of all humanity. It expresses fears about what might happen to people if they are outshined in almost everything by the same creatures they made (Floridi et al., 2019). Hence one can argue that intelligence is not crucial to human identity as they may have assumed, or losing human intelligence to computers can help them understand this.

The alarming possibility that technological advances in artificial intelligence (AI) could one day be superior to human intelligence provides a grim picture of the future for all of humanity. Recent studies have shown that robots equipped with artificial intelligence (AI) are now capable of performing tasks at the same level as the cognition of humans. It is crucial to place emphasis on the manner in which large corporations, commercial entities, and governmental institutions integrate AI with amazing talents that imitate human cognitive processes. Voice recognition, planning, the ability to solve problems, and learning are a few examples of the capabilities that fall under this category (Lund & Wang, 2023). As a consequence of this, it is only a matter of time until new artificial intelligence technologies, such as super AI technology, have superior capabilities to those of humans, and as a result, individuals may find themselves engaged in a struggle for their lives.

Facial recognition uses AI technology to identify a person by analyzing certain facial features, such as the appearance of the face, the eyes, the nose, and the mouth. It is based on the concept that each person’s face is unique and can be used as a form of identification. Face recognition has advanced significantly (Adjabi et al., 2020). The technique was first utilized for security and government monitoring. It identified persons in the Surveillance video and matched mugshots to faces. Technology has expanded beyond security and surveillance in recent years. Artificial intelligence and deep learning algorithms have significantly increased face recognition accuracy and speed. These methods help facial recognition systems discover characteristics in low-quality or angled photos (Smith & Miller, 2022). Cloud-based applications that interact with current systems make facial recognition technology more accessible. Businesses may now adopt and tweak the technology more efficiently. Facial recognition technology is constantly improving. Its precision, speed, and accessibility make it a promising future technology.

A facial recognition network can identify a person in a database of known individuals or for authentication purposes, such as logging into a computer or entering a secure area. The technology is also used for security purposes, such as unlocking a phone or verifying a person’s identity for online purchases (Smith & Miller, 2022). Facial recognition technology has become an essential tool for security and identification. Law enforcement uses it to rapidly and precisely identify suspects at crime scenes, while companies utilize it to deliver more customized service and targeted marketing. It also enhances security by rapidly identifying those not permitted to enter a facility by scanning their faces. Overall, face recognition technology is transforming the identification and security of individuals, allowing for more efficient security, individualized customer service, and focused marketing (Adjabi et al., 2020). It is crucial to utilize technology responsibly, ethically, and transparently to benefit Society while respecting privacy and rights.


Ultimately, having around several AI technologies with superior capabilities to human intelligence is alarming. In such light, the central question remains, should some restrictions limit the creation of AI technology to a specific level? This paper argues that based on ethical grounds, the development and deployment of AI technology should be regulated and governed with safety safeguards. Thus, given the above discussion, even though the ethical difficulties that follow AI development are complicated, assessing such ethical questions based on the broader Society is vital and pertinent. Consequently, depending on the benefits and weaknesses of AI, there is a need to continue learning and comprehending these technologies as an avenue to making just and sensible decisions for the future. Overall, the report has shown that these technologies should be used responsibly and ethically to benefit everyone.


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Premium Papers. (2025, February 14). Ethical Issues of Artificial Intelligence.

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Premium Papers. 2025. "Ethical Issues of Artificial Intelligence." February 14, 2025.

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Premium Papers. "Ethical Issues of Artificial Intelligence." February 14, 2025.