Interpersonal Communication Strategies

Wilmot, William W. “Communication Spirals, Paradoxes, and Conundrums.”

In this article, the author speaks about the ways communication can develop. He presents the communication as a spiral that can be generative (progressive) or degenerative (regressive). One should develop communication when he/she is motivated. The reason for the degenerative spiral is the inability to develop relationships. Thus, the conflict can be the reason for degenerative communication. I never had problems with communication. I believe that the success of various relationships depends on a personal attitude. Thus, people build their relations by themselves.

Wood, Julia T. “What’s a Family, Anyway?”

In this article, the author explains the concept of the family and the essence of family communication. Moreover, she explains the particularities of relationships in different types of families, like divorced ones, for example. The author also uses examples to support the idea that there are different views on the meaning of family relationships. For me, the family maintaining good relations with the members of my family is very important. I can say for sure that my parents are the only people who think about my well-being. Thus, I am sure that one should apply forces to preserve good relationships with family members.

Tannen, Deborah. “Separating Messages from Meta messages in Family Talk.”

Family talk is a particular type of communication. The author explores the issue of message and metamessage. She assumes that communication in the family is based on metamessages which usually have a negative connotation. The message implies certain information, however, under the influence of certain factors, the implied information can be understood differently. The interpretation of information is called metamessage (often with negative meaning). One should always try to maintain good relations with each member of the family. Moreover, one should appropriately formulate his/her thoughts so that the other person could understand the message correctly.

Duck, Steve. “Our Friends, Ourselves.”

The author explores the issue of friendship. Friends are an inseparable part of our social life. Friendship is mutual support and the ability to understand the other person in different situations. The author also emphasizes that one should apply certain forces and possess some skills to be able to establish and maintain close friend relationships.

Tannen, Deborah. “Mother-Daughter E-Mail and IM Communication.”

This article focuses on the relationships between mothers and daughters. With the growth of modern means of communication, it became much easier to maintain contacts through the distance. The ties of mother and daughter are very strong. These ties become even stronger when two of them are separated. E-mail or IM communication has its particularities. For, example one can answer or not answer the message. Moreover, face-to-face interaction is excluded and one can hide some information. On the contrary, maintaining contact through the distance makes people feel other’s concern. IM communication makes a connection stronger. Maybe because people just miss each other being far from each other.

Cooper, Alvin, and Leda Sportolari. “Romance in Cyberspace: Understanding Online Attraction.”

Online relationships are common in modern society. They became very popular, especially among young people. These days, it is a very popular way to meet another person. Moreover, the lack of time makes people build such relations that often end up in marriages. All superstitions about such communication have disappeared nowadays. However, one should be very attentive as there are many suspicious sites on the Internet. Thus, one can get into trouble sometimes while giving too much trust to a person who wants just humiliates others.

Hopper, Robert. “Gendering the Conversation.”

The author explores the problem of communication between males and females. Men and women evaluate the better world in different ways. However, is this a reason for problematic communication? I believe that the gender gap has nothing in common with this. Everything depends on a person and his/her ability to communicate.

Wood, Julia T. “Gender Standpoint on Personal Relationships.”

Men and women have a different attitudes to personal relationships. The author explores the question of the attitude of men and women to personal relationships. Women are more romantic and appreciate communication with the opposite gender evaluating every word. On the contrary, men are more rational. Many men often use personal relations to achieve some aim. I would not go as far as to say that it is a general viewpoint. Many women are often very skeptical about personal relationships.

Parks, Malcolm R. “Gender and Ethnic Similarities and Differences in Relational Development.”

The author reveals the problem of relational development in different nations and between different genders. There can be certain problems in communication that appear under the influence of these factors. It happens because there are different rules of communication between men and women who belong to different nations

Folger, Joseph P., Marshall Scott Poole, and Randall K. Stuman. “Conflict and Interaction.”

Conflict is a part of communication. It can lead to the fail of communication, or it can help to maintain it. Conflict is still a type of communication. It helps people who conflict to set their objectives and goals and protect their point of view. The main thing is to make the conflict interaction beneficial for both people. Thus, conflict should end up in achieving a compromise or accepting the point of view of one of the opponents.

Wilmot, William W., and Joyce L. Hocker. “Power: The Structure of Conflict.”

The authors describe the structure of conflict and its role in maintaining communication. Being in conflict interaction, people use “power” to prove their position. The authors explain how to use “power” to become a “winner” in dispute. To achieve this aim, one should possess good communication skills and the ability to persuade the opponent in his/her opinion. This is an art that ancient philosophers called “the art of rhetoric”. One should develop it constantly to be a successful communicator and took leading positions in disputes.

Prather, Hugh, and Gayle. “How to Resolve Issues Unmemorably.”

In this article, the authors focus the attention on arguments that can occur in the communication of two close people. The article provides the issues on how to prepare for the arguments. The authors also provide the idea that the way the debates develop demonstrates the quality of relationships. The main position that one of the opponents should take is to concentrate on his/her point of view and not pay attention to other’s opinions.

Works cited

Stewart, John (Ed.). Bridges not Walls: A Book about Interpersonal Communication, 10th ed, New York: McGraw Hill Humanities.

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Premium Papers. "Interpersonal Communication Strategies." February 23, 2025.