The Future of Nuclear Power

Nuclear power is a type of energy that is generated from uranium, and through nuclear fission, heat and electricity are produced. The plants of nuclear power have for a long time now been providing energy and electricity to the world’s population, with the highest users of nuclear power being the United States, Japan, and France. However, despite its use, nuclear power has led to the eruption of several debates. The main controversy is the fact that nuclear power is bound to be a hazard on earth in the long run. For instance, it has been associated with the problem of global warming and climate change among others that are currently being experienced in various parts of the globe (Cherry 1).

As such, the future of nuclear energy is unpredictable given the significant opposition that nuclear power-producing plants and nations are currently facing. Most governments have been thinking about whether permit the use of nuclear power in their countries (Cherry 1). This is because of the negative impacts that come in hand with the use of nuclear power. In addition to climate change and global warming, nuclear power is associated with radioactive compounds which affect the genetic makeup of living organisms. The mines from which the uranium is got also pose environmental hazards to the people living next to them. Additionally, the nuclear weapons manufactured have been in the limelight for initiating terrorism.

Nevertheless, we should not only look at nuclear power as having negative impacts as there are also positive impacts that come in hand with nuclear power. For instance, the increasing world population will lead to an increase in demand for power. And because most of the land from which energy is got will have been used for settlement, nuclear power will be the remaining source of power. It can therefore be concluded that the future of nuclear power lies in the hands of the users and producers of nuclear power.

Works Cited

Cherry, Steven. The Future of Nuclear Power. IEEE Spectrum. 2011. Web.

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Premium Papers. (2023, January 10). The Future of Nuclear Power.

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"The Future of Nuclear Power." Premium Papers, 10 Jan. 2023,


Premium Papers. (2023) 'The Future of Nuclear Power'. 10 January.


Premium Papers. 2023. "The Future of Nuclear Power." January 10, 2023.

1. Premium Papers. "The Future of Nuclear Power." January 10, 2023.


Premium Papers. "The Future of Nuclear Power." January 10, 2023.