The Future of Nuclear Power


The industrialized countries have been able to succeed in the construction of nuclear energy because of the high cost incurred in setting up the infrastructure required in establishing nuclear plants. Before “Fukushima”, nuclear disaster many nuclear plants were under construction as this mode of energy production, counter dangerous climate change effects. Although nuclear power can produce a high percentage of electricity production in developed countries, the risk associated with this project is enormous (Warf & Plotkin 1).

What is the environmental impact of nuclear power?

Scientists support nuclear power output due to the role it plays to avert global warming. The future availability of fossil fuels is also in doubt, and a suitable alternative is to invest in nuclear power. The reason why nuclear power generation is sluggishly growing is due to lack of appropriate legislation, the United States of America has not registered a single plant for the last thirty years. The Japan earthquake “led”, to polluting the Sea of Japan when 317 gallons of water with trace elements, discarded into the sea and shutdown down the old reactors in the German republic. The proponents of nuclear power have alleviated concerns about the disposal of radioactive waste materials by pointing out those new reactors used currently, significantly reduce environmental degradation and reduce the cost incurred (Warf & Plotkin 1).

What are the generations of nuclear power?

Some radioactive particles leaked into the boiled water making it unsafe when disposed of. Later, an improvement of the pace turbo generators substituted with pressurized water passing over fission reactor thus eliminating the possibility of radioactive particles leaking into the “water” as only heat transferred via a heat exchanger into a low-pressure loop. Currently, carbon replaces water, but it has the disadvantage of storing energy, a phenomenon called ‘wigner effects’, as it only supplies power at high temperature, and can result in releasing a lot of energy abruptly which form flare-up (Warf & Plotkin 1).


Nuclear power generation is uncertain unless we invested adequately and dedicate more time to research especially on waste disposal (Warf & Plotkin 1).

Works Cited

Warf, James & Plotkin, Sheldon, Global Security study: Disposal of High-Level Nuclear Waste. L.A: Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, 1996. Print.

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Premium Papers. (2022, January 29). The Future of Nuclear Power.

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"The Future of Nuclear Power." Premium Papers, 29 Jan. 2022,


Premium Papers. (2022) 'The Future of Nuclear Power'. 29 January.


Premium Papers. 2022. "The Future of Nuclear Power." January 29, 2022.

1. Premium Papers. "The Future of Nuclear Power." January 29, 2022.


Premium Papers. "The Future of Nuclear Power." January 29, 2022.