The Nature of God, Humanity, Jesus, and Salvation


Understanding the primary concepts of gospel essentials provides a better understanding of the Christian worldview and a foundation for the analysis of the implications of the Christian worldview. This paper will explore the nature of God, humanity, Jesus, and Salvation to identify their connection and apply the acquired information to the analysis of Christian worldview implications.

Gospel Essential Beliefs

Nature of God

The triune God exists as three separate presences as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, but they all simultaneously present one divine nature (Schwobel, 2018). God’s primary characteristics include holiness, light, and love; the Father is known as the primary creator, while Son and the Holy Spirit also took part as his helpers.

Nature of Humanity

Humans’ nature and purpose are to populate the Earth through the power to create life. The root cause of human problems is sin, and committing sins results in many problems for humanity, including poverty and crimes. Sins are described as the desire to do what is not right or act in a way that breaks God’s rules; therefore, humans should “rule over it” (Genesis 4:7). Furthermore, by committing sinful actions, humans separate themselves from God.

Nature of Jesus

Jesus’ identity is the Son of God; however, his true divine identity is the incarnation of God’s Son. The kingdom of God’s phrase mentioned by Jesus is the spiritual realm where God rules as king. Jesus and his work present a central aspect of the Christian worldview as his story of sacrificial death presents significant evidence of God’s love and forgiveness. Jesus’s story communicates an important message which provides a foundation for the Christian worldview as Jesus was both Son of Man and the Son of God.


According to the Christian worldview, the solution to human problems is adherence to Biblical principles. The sins committed by humans cause other issues, and Jesus’s sacrificial death cleared people from their sins. Christian salvation presents an act of God’s grace, while faith is a guide that leads people to salvation. Repentance’s role in salvation is providing a retrospective foundation for an individual’s change in future behavior and forgiveness of sins (Kynes, 2019). The transformation of self happens when the individual is born again and is filled with the Holy Spirit. The transformation of society took place when Jesus was crucified for people’s sins.

Christian Foundations

The Christian worldview is built based on God’s simultaneous existence as three divine identities. Sins present the source of all problems, and to avoid the outcomes of sins, people should live according to God’s principles. After Jesus was crucified people were cleared of all their sins; thus, to achieve salvation, people should live faithfully and repent their sins.

Analysis of the Implications of the Christian Worldview

The strength of the Christian worldview concerning human value and dignity is that the Christian worldview provides a limited set of rules. Adherence to God’s principles allows people to avoid sins and maintain their dignity. The Christian principles also provide the foundation for creating essential life values and allow moral guidance for people’s actions. Compared to the Christian worldview that prioritizes the salvation of the soul, the concept of salvation in Judaism is related to the actual physical salvation of Jews from persecution.

The Christian worldview positively influences a person’s thinking and behavior as it provides moral guidance for the individual’s actions. Moreover, it utilizes the punishment component, which increases the individual’s obedience. Lastly, what people find troublesome about Christianity is that it imposes a set of strict rules with significantly terrible consequences for disobedience and can negatively influence an individual’s satisfaction with life (Szcześniak and Timoszyk-Tomczak, 2020). In addition, Christianity principles are poorly adapted to the conditions of modern living.


In conclusion, this paper explained the essential concepts of gospels and the concepts’ importance to the Christian Worldview. The paper explored the primary aspects of the nature of God, humanity, and Jesus to identify the foundation of the Christian worldview. The paper also compared the salvation concept within the Christian Worldview with salvation identified in Judaism worldview perspective and explained what people find troublesome in Christianity.


Kynes, W. (2019). How repentance became biblical: Judaism, Christianity, and the interpretation of Scripture. The Journal of Theological Studies, 70(1), 356-359.

Schwoberl, C. (2018). The eternity of the Triune God: Preliminary considerations on the relationship between the trinity and the time of creation. Modern Theology, 34(3), 345-355.

Szcześniak, M., & Timoszyk-Tomczak, C. (2020). Religious struggle and life satisfaction among adult Christians: Self-esteem as a mediator. Journal of Religion and Health, 59, 2833–2856.

The Holy Bible, new international version. (1984). Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House.

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Premium Papers. (2025, January 30). The Nature of God, Humanity, Jesus, and Salvation.

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"The Nature of God, Humanity, Jesus, and Salvation." Premium Papers, 30 Jan. 2025,


Premium Papers. (2025) 'The Nature of God, Humanity, Jesus, and Salvation'. 30 January.


Premium Papers. 2025. "The Nature of God, Humanity, Jesus, and Salvation." January 30, 2025.

1. Premium Papers. "The Nature of God, Humanity, Jesus, and Salvation." January 30, 2025.


Premium Papers. "The Nature of God, Humanity, Jesus, and Salvation." January 30, 2025.