📝 Advertising Research Papers Examples
- Alcohol Industry's Advertising in North America Alcohol advertising is diverse in nature. Companies spend so much money to create awareness of alcohol. Most of this advertising is on broadcast media.
- Media and Advertising Relationships The paper explores the influence of mass media advertising on the social culture and ideologies, production and consumption of products/ services, and its role on globalization.
- Portrayal of Women in Advertisements and Media The representation of women in the media and advertisements is an example of the exploitation of women, they portray women mainly as objectives to satisfy the sexual needs of men.
- Coca-Cola Advertising: Advertisers Know What You Desire Ads use certain principles in delivering their messages. This paper analyzes a Coca-Cola advert that involves a young man and an old man.
- Social Media Usage for Advertising The use of social networking sites is a common trend in the world, and advertising on the sites comes with immense benefits to both marketers and the targeted audiences.
- Maybelline Company Advertising Strategy The Maybelline Company has scaled heights in the industry from a small mail-order catalogue business to a global cosmetic industry that now produces a wide range of eye and facial products.
- Airbus Company Advertising Types The company will be discussed on the use of physical and digital advertisement and sales promotions to their products, place, promotion, and price and the importance of advertisement.
- Advertising and Fashion Shaping Social Identity People belonged to various social groups that they identified based on several socio-cultural and religious beliefs. A human being highly values a sense of belonging.
- Standing on Feminist Side in Same-Sex Marriage In modern world marriages of the same-sex are common in a few countries such the US, Holland, Spain and South Africa. Traditionally, marriage has been legally or socially recognized between people of opposite sex.
- Print Media Advertisement: Effects on Popular Culture The print media was an innovation that served to replace ancient communication means such as the Morse and the telegraph.
- Marketing to Children Overview This paper will explore how big advertising companies transform kids into consumers and explain why marketing to children may represent a significant social problem.
- Language and Culture: Influence and Role of the Media In the social context, influence and role of the media may be looked upon as a medium or environment satisfying the dynamics of the human existence.
- Why We Should Pay for Music? Proponents of paid online music downloads affirm that they are protectors of the rights of the music artists and support their cause and purpose.
- Effect of Television Marketing on Children’s Choice of Food The impact of television advertising on children’s choice of food can be minimized through self-regulation, responsible marketing, education programs, and governmental control.
- Preparations of a Food and Nutrition Policy This paper discusses regulating food advertising to children, obesity as a strong health concern, children’s obesity statistics, television ads and child obesity.
- The Importance of Typography in Advertising There are several elements that come together to make a good advertisement. These include color, location, design, and typography.
- Tobacco Under Fire: Advertising a Harmful Product Regulating the industry tends to send a message that cigarettes are harmful, but revenue from taxes is good for the economy. Cigarettes use and its advertising cannot be banned completely.
- Influencer Marketing Impact on Consumer Behaviour It is crucial to study the topic of influencer marketing because the subject is relatively new, which means that available studies are also recent.
- Fast Food Companies Should Not Advertise Children Exposing juveniles to processed food has a negative impact on their dietary preferences. Fast food mostly has high fat and artificial sweetener content
- Luxury Fashion Advertising in China The luxury brands are investing large sums of income in markets where they not only promote their brand and products but they also inform the consumers about the luxury.
- Social Networking Sites: Evolution of Internet Ads The purpose of this work is to explore the history and increase in online advertising focusing on advertisements shown to consumers on social networking sites.
- How Does Advertising Affect Price Elasticity? Key research questions are what factors determine the effect of advertising, how advertising character influences price elasticity, and how promotion impacts the customer mindset.
- Tendencies in Social Media and the Evolution of Social Media This paper aims to research tendencies in social media and to analyze the evolution of social media standards and practices, as well as ethical concerns.
- Effective Advertising and Its Influence on Consumer Buying Behavior A company needs to generate sales in other to meet the operating costs to remain in business and consider the importance of sales in a company.
- Internet and Interactive Media as New Advertising Tool The paper argues the Internet and interactive media are now used as a new and productive advertising tool and marketing activities.
- "Are You Man Enough to Be a Nurse?" Ad Analysis The examined advertisement "Are you man enough to be a nurse?" helps to open our eyes to all the absurdity of the views of society about the role of women and men.
- PepsiCo and Coca-Cola Companies' Advertising Strategies The Coca-Cola Company uses a critical advertising strategy, and it uses emotional adverts to enhance the bonding with its members.
- Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Social Media Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the acumen or the ability of vision and cognition allocated to systems that are otherwise unable of conception and cognition.
💡 Essay Ideas on Advertising
- Factors Affecting Brand Advertising Success and Effectiveness
- Advertising Design Based on Virtual Reality Technology
- The Ethics of Food Advertising Targeted Toward Children
- Exploring the Relationship Between Advertising Styles and Customer Preferences
- Strategies for the Future Development of Television Advertising
- Cultural Differences in Magazine Advertising: A Pragmatic Approach
- The Effect of Political Advertising on Voter Turnout
- Shockvertising as a Controversial Advertising Technique
- Direct and Indirect Effects of Advertising Spending on Firm Value
- Advertising Effectiveness in the Promotion of Physical Culture and Sports
- Linguistic Means of Representing Gender Stereotypes in Advertising
- Underage Targeting of Alcohol Advertising on Television
- Race-Stereotyped Portrayals Effect on Advertising Effectiveness
- Computational Methods for Improving the Observability of Platform-Based Advertising
- Structures, Techniques, and Strategies of Advertising Discourse
- Activities of Advertising Agencies in the Online World
- Metaphorical Potential of Polycode Text of Image Advertising
- Advertising Bans and the Substitutability of Online and Offline Advertising
- Effectiveness of Multilingual Advertising Campaigns
- Advertising Perspectives in the Context of Translation
- Machine Learning in Transforming Digital Advertising
- Comedic Advertising Aggression: The Role of Vividness and Gender Identity
- Identifying the Persuasive Effects of Presidential Advertising
- Retail-to-Farm Transmission of Generic Advertising Effects
- Empirically Distinguishing Informative and Prestige Effects of Advertising
✍️ Advertising Essay Topics for College
- Internet vs. Television Advertising: A Brand-Building Comparison
- The Role of Language in the Effectiveness of Social Advertising
- Strategic Implications of Confirmation Bias‐Inducing Advertising
- Deceptive Claims Using Fake News Advertising Impact on Consumers
- Measuring Advertising’s Effect on Consumer Mental Availability
- Challenges and Opportunities of Digital Advertising
- The Role of Advertising in High-Tech Medical Procedures
- Coordinating Traditional Media Advertising and Online Advertising in Brand Marketing
- Effectiveness of Absurdity in Advertising Across Cultures
- Consumer Acceptance of Sexually Humorous Advertising
- Visual Properties and Recognition of Video Game Advertising
- Advertising Nativeness as a Function of Content and Design Congruence
- Biometric Tools in a Computational Advertising Context
- Viewing the Advertising Agency Process as a Theatrical Production
- The Effect of ASMR Cues in Video Advertising on Purchase Intention
- Whiteness Theory in Advertising: Racial Beliefs and Attitudes
- Managerial Challenges of Global Advertising Agencies
- Determinants of Young Consumers’ Attitude Toward Mobile Advertising
- Conceptualizing the Evolution and Future of Advertising
- Optimizing Advertising Appeals for Charitable Giving
- Avoidance of Advertising in Social Networking Sites
- The Effects of Crowding on the Attention to Place-Based Advertising
- Offensiveness of Advertising With Violent Image Appeal
- Visual Elements in Direct-to-Consumer Advertising
- Investigating the Effects of Narrative Advertising in a Real-Life Setting
❓ Advertising Research Questions
- What Are the Different Methods of Advertising?
- Which Companies Produce the Best Ads?
- Does Advertising Clutter Have Diminishing and Negative Returns?
- How Does Advertising Affect Innovation, Quality, and Consumer Choice?
- Which Advertising Medium Is Typically Associated With High Visual Impact?
- Can Sustainability Controversies Be Offset With Advertising?
- What Is the Impact of Advertising on Gambling Behavior?
- How Does Advertising Spending Influence Advertiser Media Coverage?
- Why Are Attitudes Toward Advertising Not Universal?
- What Products Depend Most on Advertising?
- How Does Advertising Through Sport Work?
- What Factors Are Essential in Making a Good Advertisement?
- How Sex in Advertising Varies by Product Category?
- Is Television Advertising as Powerful as It Used to Be?
- How Does Guilt Level Affect Green Advertising Effectiveness?
- What Does Creativity Mean in Advertising?
- How Does Advertising Manipulate the Customers?
- Does the Language of Advertising Influence the Nature of Thought?
- How Does Advertising Evaluation Depend on Exposure Duration?
- What Regulations Should Be Applied to Adverts to Protect Consumers?
- Should There Be Any Limits on Advertising to Children?
- How Much Stereotyping Is Present in Advertising Today?
- Does Advertising Help Customers Choose the Perfect Product?
- Are People Becoming More Immune to Advertising Nowadays?
- How Important Is It for Companies to Be Inclusive in Their Advertising Campaigns?