- The 9/11 Incident: the West Views on Islam and Muslims
The negative image the west has towards Islam and Muslims is justifiable. This paper set out to evaluate the image western countries had before and after the 9/11 incident.
- The 9/11 Attack and the Arab World
The 9/11 attack led to the creation of the department of homeland security, which has become a big threat to the survival of Muslims and Arabs in the United States.
- Moses in Christianity, Judaism and Islam
The paper at hand aims at investigating the portrayal of Moses in the three Abrahamic traditions as well as pointing to specificities of his life and impact on the development of religions.
- Human Rights and Violation in Islamic Countries
The main hypothesis in this study is that Islam does not have a significant impact on the institution of human rights among other problems.
- Women in the True Islam Perception
In the West, there is a general perception that the Muslim woman is inferior in the eyes of their male counterparts and is seen as male property.
- Western World's View on Muslim Women
Middle East countries view Muslim women in accordance with the Quran. The paper explores stereotype on Muslim women by the western world and compares with that of the Middle East.
- Crusades from a Christian Viewpoint
This essay looks into the purpose of the crusades from a Christian viewpoint. Additionally, the aftermath and relevance of the crusades will be highlighted.
- Women Status in the Arab Gulf Countries
Women according to Koran are not blamed for Adam’s first mistake. Both were jointly wrong in their disobedience to God, both repented and both were forgiven.
- Women in Religion: Discussion
This paper compares and contrasts the views of Christianity and Muslim of the woman. It analysis some fundamental differences and similarities in the way the woman is portrayed by the authority books.
- Islam and Its Influence on the World Society
Those who on the lee of Islamic religion work out the system of paralleled beliefs intended to destruction are the real trouble for humanity.
- Islam in Today’s World
This paper describes the true teachings of Islam and doctrines that are followed as well as explaining the pillars of Islamic faith.
- “Mercy the Stamp of Creation” and “One God, Many Names” Comparison
The articles "Mercy the Stamp of Creation" and "One God, Many Names" are written by Abd-Allah Umar Faruq; they both look into the religion of Muslims.
- Christianity, Islam, Judaism and Hinduism Origins and the Eschatology Each Creates
People all over the world engage in worshiping God, the world’s major religions which include Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and Judaism share their origins.
- Jesus & Mohammed: Comparison and Contrast
Jesus and Mohammed are the two people who promoted the widely spread religions in the world. Jesus led to the spread of Christianity, while Mohammed initiated the Islam religion.
- Islamic Civilization: Religious Practices
The unity of Muslims and the values of devotion and obedience to God that are adopted in Islam may have influenced this religion to become one of the most global and widespread.
- Women in Muslim Societies: The Kingdom of Strangers
The empirical social science study of Muslim societies in multiple geographic regions suggests that the number of women in Muslim has grown voluminous in the past two decades.
- Human Rights From the Perspective of Islam
This paper will examine the human rights from the perspective of Islam and the status of women according to this religion.
- Judaism, Christianity, and Islam
This paper examines the characteristics of these faiths and determines that despite their dissimilarities, they have resemblances that are based on their joint background.
- Veils That Reduce the Heat Effects on Women’s Faces
In recent years, a small piece of cloth has managed to cause quite a stir. The scarf or hijab that Muslim women wear on their heads is making headlines around the world.
- Historical Causes of the September 11 Terrorist Attacks
The September 11 attacks were a significant traumatic event that affected the social, physical, spiritual, psychological, and economic well-being of individuals, groups and communities.
- Al-Qaeda: Organization, People and Activities
Throughout the history of Al Qaeda, it is thought that its 2001 attack on the United States, dabbed 911 was the most crushing success of the group under the command of Osama Bin Laden.
- History of Islamic Art and Architecture
Islamic architecture derives its style from the foundation of Islam and shows a broad range of both religious and secular styles.
- Islam and War: True Meaning of Jihad
Post-9/11 jihad has caught popular imagination strongly. This paper endeavors to understand the true meaning of jihad.
- The Role of Islam in Saudi Arabia
This essay is concerned with the role of Islam in the foreign policy of Saudi Arabia, it also examines some aspects concerning the Islamic beliefs that exist in Saudi Arabia.
- Comparison of Jewish and Muslim Experiences
The paper aims to establish the existence of similarities and differences between Jewish and Muslim experiences in Europe.
- Middle Eastern History and Culture: From Muhammad to 1800
This study establishes that the major crusades advanced by Westerners had a significant impact on the Middle Easterners' political, social and economic life.
- Islam, Terrorism, and the Spiral of Violence
This paper seeks to critically examine the uncertainty of religious dogmas and their role in violent misconceptions.
- Has Al-Qaeda and Its Jihad Against the United States Been Defeated?
Al-Qaeda has carried out attacks against foreign US installations in East Africa, the Middle East, and Europe.
- The Liberation War of Algeria and Its Many Mistakes
This paper is a review of the Algerian liberation war in respect to its notable historical mistakes and lessons learnt.
- India Independence Act 1947 and Its Failure
This paper aims to conduct the main research on the reasons and consequences of the Indian Independence Act 1947 failure.
- A Conversation About Religion: Islam and Christianity
Islam began to take shape much later than other world religions, by that time, the tenets of Christianity, has taken shape almost wholly.
- Islam: Outsider’s and Insider’s Perspectives
Islam is different from any other religion, as it is not only a belief that one clings to but rather an entire way of life. Muslims exercise their faith every day.
- The 9-11 Terrorist Attack's Impact on American Life
The terrorists' attacks of September 11, 2001, had a regressing effect on various areas of American life, which means that the attackers were able to achieve their goal.
- The Five Pillars of Islam and Its Major Teachings
The Islamic traditions are founded on the pillars of declaration of faith, prayer, almsgiving, fasting, and pilgrimage. They teach the obligations of Muslims to their faith.
- Muslim Culture and American Negativity
Americans have failed to differentiate between the Muslim religion and Muslim people. It also brings the analogy of Islam's perspective because the terms seem equal to them.
- The Mysteries of the 9-11 Attacks
The assaults on New York and Washington, D.C. resulted in many deaths and destruction and a massive U.S. counter-terrorism campaign.
- The Crucifixion of Jesus Christ
The crucifixion of Jesus Christ on the cross is a topic that has sparked many controversies in the two main religions, Christianity and Islam.