94 Muslim Research Topics & Essay Examples

📝 Muslim Research Papers Examples

  1. The 9/11 Incident: the West Views on Islam and Muslims
    The negative image the west has towards Islam and Muslims is justifiable. This paper set out to evaluate the image western countries had before and after the 9/11 incident.
  2. Moses in Christianity, Judaism and Islam
    The paper at hand aims at investigating the portrayal of Moses in the three Abrahamic traditions as well as pointing to specificities of his life and impact on the development of religions.
  3. Human Rights and Violation in Islamic Countries
    The main hypothesis in this study is that Islam does not have a significant impact on the institution of human rights among other problems.
  4. Women in the True Islam Perception
    In the West, there is a general perception that the Muslim woman is inferior in the eyes of their male counterparts and is seen as male property.
  5. Western World's View on Muslim Women
    Middle East countries view Muslim women in accordance with the Quran. The paper explores stereotype on Muslim women by the western world and compares with that of the Middle East.
  6. Islam and Its Influence on the World Society
    Those who on the lee of Islamic religion work out the system of paralleled beliefs intended to destruction are the real trouble for humanity.
  7. Islam in Today’s World
    This paper describes the true teachings of Islam and doctrines that are followed as well as explaining the pillars of Islamic faith.
  8. Christianity, Islam, Judaism and Hinduism Origins and the Eschatology Each Creates
    People all over the world engage in worshiping God, the world’s major religions which include Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and Judaism share their origins.
  9. Islamic Civilization: Religious Practices
    The unity of Muslims and the values of devotion and obedience to God that are adopted in Islam may have influenced this religion to become one of the most global and widespread.
  10. Women in Muslim Societies: The Kingdom of Strangers
    The empirical social science study of Muslim societies in multiple geographic regions suggests that the number of women in Muslim has grown voluminous in the past two decades.
  11. Human Rights From the Perspective of Islam
    This paper will examine the human rights from the perspective of Islam and the status of women according to this religion.
  12. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam
    This paper examines the characteristics of these faiths and determines that despite their dissimilarities, they have resemblances that are based on their joint background.
  13. History of Islamic Art and Architecture
    Islamic architecture derives its style from the foundation of Islam and shows a broad range of both religious and secular styles.
  14. Islam and War: True Meaning of Jihad
    Post-9/11 jihad has caught popular imagination strongly. This paper endeavors to understand the true meaning of jihad.
  15. The Role of Islam in Saudi Arabia
    This essay is concerned with the role of Islam in the foreign policy of Saudi Arabia, it also examines some aspects concerning the Islamic beliefs that exist in Saudi Arabia.
  16. Comparison of Jewish and Muslim Experiences
    The paper aims to establish the existence of similarities and differences between Jewish and Muslim experiences in Europe.
  17. Middle Eastern History and Culture: From Muhammad to 1800
    This study establishes that the major crusades advanced by Westerners had a significant impact on the Middle Easterners' political, social and economic life.
  18. Islam, Terrorism, and the Spiral of Violence
    This paper seeks to critically examine the uncertainty of religious dogmas and their role in violent misconceptions.
  19. Researching of Malcolm X’s Life
    Malcolm X was a Black Nationalist, African American preacher, and advocate for civil rights. He has challenged black people to protect themselves from white brutality.
  20. A Conversation About Religion: Islam and Christianity
    Islam began to take shape much later than other world religions, by that time, the tenets of Christianity, has taken shape almost wholly.
  21. Islam: Outsider’s and Insider’s Perspectives
    Islam is different from any other religion, as it is not only a belief that one clings to but rather an entire way of life. Muslims exercise their faith every day.
  22. The Five Pillars of Islam and Its Major Teachings
    The Islamic traditions are founded on the pillars of declaration of faith, prayer, almsgiving, fasting, and pilgrimage. They teach the obligations of Muslims to their faith.
  23. Muslim Culture and American Negativity
    Americans have failed to differentiate between the Muslim religion and Muslim people. It also brings the analogy of Islam's perspective because the terms seem equal to them.

💡 Essay Ideas on Muslim

  1. Muslim Women in Leadership Roles: Breaking Stereotypes
  2. Discussing the Common Experiences and the Emotional Aspect of Muslim Culture
  3. Muslim Philanthropy: Charitable Practices in the Muslim Community
  4. The Attitude to Death in Muslim Culture
  5. Challenges Faced by Muslim Minorities in Western Countries
  6. Hyphenated Identities: A Case of Muslim Students at UC Berkeley
    It was a case study of university students from UC Berkeley following the 2016 controversial presidential campaign that sought to institute a Muslim ban into the US.
  7. Muslim Contributions to Medicine and Healthcare
  8. American Muslim Marriage and Divorce in the 21st Century
  9. The Importance of Islamic Education for Muslim Youth
  10. Muslim Environmental Ethics and Sustainable Living
  11. Oppression of Muslims in America: The Terrorist Because of Religious Beliefs
  12. The Muslim Middle East: Relationships with the US
    The piece of writing shows how the world super power countries view the Middle East, among other areas in the quest for peace with regard to weapons of mass destruction.
  13. Muslim Perspectives on Interfaith Dialogue
  14. The Role of Muslim Women in Preserving Cultural Heritage
  15. Islamophobia: Addressing Misconceptions About Muslims
  16. Muslim Entrepreneurship: Success Stories and Challenges
  17. “Muslim Woman Denied Job Over Head Scarf Wins in Supreme Court” Review: Discriminatory Look Policy
    The article by Adam Liptak titled “Muslim Woman Denied Job Over Head Scarf Wins in Supreme Court” discusses a lawsuit against Abercrombie & Fitch.
  18. The Richness of Muslim Literature and Poetry
  19. What Is an American Muslim? Embracing Faith and Citizenship
  20. Syrian War and Threats to the Muslims of Syria
  21. The Problem of Discrimination of Chinese Muslims
  22. Muslim Dietary Practices: Halal Food and Nutrition
  23. The Concept of Jihad in Muslim Religion

✍️ Muslim Essay Topics for College

  1. Muslim Youth and Social Media: Challenges and Opportunities
  2. Growing Up Muslim in the Age of Social Media
  3. The Influence of Muslim Scholars on the Renaissance
  4. Muslim Perspectives on Human Rights and Social Justice
  5. The Importance of Ramadan for Muslims in Australia
  6. The Volga-Ural Muslim Community and Pressure on It
    The paper states that the Volga-Ural Muslim community was subjected to significant pressure from the Russian government, which diminished the role of the ulama.
  7. Examination of Rituals of Ramadan in Muslim Culture
  8. Muslim Medical Ethics: Balancing Tradition and Modernity
  9. The Impact of Islamophobia on Young Muslims
  10. Muslim Artists and Their Impact on the Global Art Scene
  11. The Evolution of Muslim Fashion and Modest Clothing
  12. Muslim Parenting in a Multicultural Society
  13. The Intersectionality of Muslim Identity: Navigating Multiple Identities
  14. Political Justice: Muslims’ Discrimination
    Chief Justice Sonia Sotomayor’s opinion is appealing because her standpoint concerning Muslims discrimination is valid.
  15. Hate Crimes Against Muslims in the US
  16. Muslim Youth Activism: Engaging in Social Change
  17. The Role of the Hajj in Muslim Culture and Tradition
  18. Exploring Sufism: The Mystical Dimension of Muslim Life
  19. Muslim Cultural Festivals: Celebrating Diversity
  20. The Role of Muslim Scholars in Preserving Ancient Knowledge
  21. Muslim Americans Cultural Care in the Healthcare
    To healthcare practitioners, understanding Muslims faith is essential because religion commands a way of life that the patient can not do without.
  22. America’s Early Experience with the Muslim Faith
  23. Muslim Philanthropy in Education: Bridging Gaps and Creating Opportunities

❓ Muslim Research Questions

  1. Are Muslim Communities Affected by Counter-Terrorism Legislation?
  2. How Do Muslims and Christians Differ in Their Beliefs?
  3. What Are the Main Pillars of the Muslim Faith?
  4. How Do Muslim Communities Approach Interfaith Dialogue?
  5. What Dietary Practices Are Followed by Muslims, and Why?
  6. How Do Muslim Women Navigate Leadership Roles in Modern Society?
  7. What Are the Main Beliefs of Muslims?
  8. How Did Muslim History During the Middle Ages Shape the Countries of the Middle East Today?
  9. What Successes and Challenges Do Muslim Women Face in Sports Globally?
  10. In What Ways Can Muslim Education Empower the Youth?
  11. How Do Muslim Minorities Address Challenges in Different Countries?
  12. What Did the Muslims Contribute to the European Civilization?
  13. How Does Islamic Architecture Reflect Muslim Beliefs?
  14. Do Muslim Women Have the Right to Not Wear the Hijab?
  15. How Do Muslims Respond to Peace and Conflict?
  16. What Significance Does Muslim Calligraphy Hold in Islamic Art?
  17. How Does Muslim Banking Impact Global Financial Systems?
  18. What Was the Most Important Contribution of the Muslims to the World?
  19. How Does the Authority of the Quran Influence Muslims?
  20. What Global Impact Do Muslim NGOs Have in Disaster Relief?
  21. How Did Muslims Contribute to Medicine?
  22. What Strategies Do Muslim Communities Employ to Preserve and Transmit Their Cultural Heritage?
  23. How Do Muslims Strike a Balance Between Islam and Modernity?
  24. What Environmental Practices Are Promoted Within Muslim Communities?
  25. How Do Muslim Parents Navigate Discussions About LGBTQ+ Inclusivity with Their Children?

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Premium Papers. (2024, February 12). 94 Muslim Research Topics & Essay Examples. https://premium-papers.com/topics/muslim-research-topics/

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"94 Muslim Research Topics & Essay Examples." Premium Papers, 12 Feb. 2024, premium-papers.com/topics/muslim-research-topics/.


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Premium Papers. 2024. "94 Muslim Research Topics & Essay Examples." February 12, 2024. https://premium-papers.com/topics/muslim-research-topics/.

1. Premium Papers. "94 Muslim Research Topics & Essay Examples." February 12, 2024. https://premium-papers.com/topics/muslim-research-topics/.


Premium Papers. "94 Muslim Research Topics & Essay Examples." February 12, 2024. https://premium-papers.com/topics/muslim-research-topics/.