76 Smoking Research Topics & Essay Examples

📝 Smoking Research Papers Examples

  1. Social Responsibility of Smoking
    There are several issues that have led to existence of social responsibility among tobacco companies. The organization may get involved in social responsibility affairs.
  2. Smoking in Public Places: Arguments for Ban
    The issue of smoking not only in public places but also in enclosed private places stands out to be a dangerous initiative that ruins the lives of the victims.
  3. Influence of Smoking on the Organism
    Smoking harms many organs of the body. Smoking also affects the economy because the government uses a lot of money each year to provide medical services to smokers.
  4. Smoking in Public Places: Health & Economic Effects
    This paper evaluates the issue of smoking in public places, its pros and cons to both smokers and non-smokers.
  5. Tobacco Under Fire: Advertising a Harmful Product
    Regulating the industry tends to send a message that cigarettes are harmful, but revenue from taxes is good for the economy. Cigarettes use and its advertising cannot be banned completely.
  6. Reducing Tobacco Use by Adults
    People have a responsibility of taking care of their health. However, to accomplish this noble task, which can help in the creation of a healthier nation.
  7. Reducing Tobacco Usage Among the Single or Never Married Males
    This paper identifies a population affected mainly by tobacco usage and outlines some of the public health practices that can help individuals in this category quit tobacco usage.
  8. Cigarette Smoking Should Be Banned
    Cigarette smoking is a behavior in which tobacco is ignited, and the ensuing gasses are inhaled to be experienced and absorbed into the circulatory system.
  9. The Influence of E-Cigarettes on Nicotine Addiction
    The most widespread nicotine product among Americans is still tobacco cigarettes, although e-cigarette popularity has recently increased, particularly among former smokers.
  10. Smoking Should Be Banned Internationally
    The paper proposes a global smoking ban as a workable alternative to these challenges, describing the advantages of such a prohibition and recognizing potential rebuttals.

💡 Essay Ideas on Smoking

  1. Active Smoking and Impacts on Male Fertility
  2. California Film Subsidies and On-Screen Smoking
  3. The High Cost of Cigarette Smoking
  4. Addiction and Smoking Marijuana in the United States
  5. Tobaco Industry Influence Teenage Smoking
  6. Mental Health and Cigarette Smoking Among Adolescents
  7. The Trade-Off Between Income and Smoking as Influences on Mortality
  8. Birth Defects While Drinking and Smoking
  9. Age-Specific Death Rates With Tobacco Smoking and Occupational Activity
  10. Alcohol Consumption and Smoking During Pregnancy
  11. School Smoking Policies and Health Science Students’ Use of Cigarettes
  12. The Truth About Second Hand Smoking
  13. Reducing Smoking Among People With Schizophrenia
  14. Anti-Smoking Policies and Smoker Well-Being
  15. Factors Affecting Adoloscents Engagement to Cigarette Smoking
  16. Incentivized Smoking Cessation Policies
  17. Behavior Modification Plan for the Cessation of Smoking by College Students Living on Campus
  18. Acupuncture Quit Smoking Therapy
  19. Strengthening Willpower With Stop Smoking Hypnosis Therapy
  20. Cigarette Demand and Effectiveness of U.S. Smoking Control Policies

✍️ Smoking Essay Topics for College

  1. Closing Down Smoking as an Issue for Discussion in GP Consultations
  2. Defeat Nicotine and Quit Smoking With a Firm Resolution
  3. Socio-Economic and Demographic Determinants of Smoking Behavior
  4. Best Strategies for Smoking Cessation
  5. Smoking Areas: Cigarette Smoking Ban, Smoker’s Freedom, Risk
  6. Developing Smoking Cessation Education
  7. Workplace Smoking Ban Effects in an Heterogeneous Smoking Population
  8. Precede-Proceed Nursing Theory on Smoking
    Smoking is a leading cause of human death. Many people are losing their lives annually because of smoking. Smoking is a preventable vice, especially among teenagers.
  9. Tobacco, Tobacco Products, and Electronic Smoking
  10. Understanding Individual Attitudes Towards Ban on Smoking in Public Places
  11. The Utilitarian Ideal Applied to Smoking
  12. Childhood Smoking Prevention Within Australia
  13. American Media and the Smoking-Related Behaviors of Asian Adolescents
  14. Analysis of Advertising on the Harm of Smoking
  15. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Caused by Smoking
  16. Strategic Interdependence and Passive Smoking
  17. Decreasing Campus Smoking With Punishments and Social Pressures
  18. Schooling and Smoking Among the Baby Boomers
  19. Regulated Law Prohibiting Smoking in Vehicles With Minors
  20. The Successful Ways That Can Help You Quit Smoking
  21. Decriminalization and Marijuana Smoking Prevalence: Evidence From Australia

❓ Smoking Research Questions

  1. Are There Safe Alternatives to Smoking and Tobacco?
  2. How Can Hypnosis Aid in Smoking Cessation?
  3. Does Illegal Cigarette Trafficking Support Smoking Rates?
  4. What Foods Aid in Smoking Cessation?
  5. Does Education Have an Impact on Smoking Habits?
  6. What Are the Alternatives to Smoking for Relaxation?
  7. Is Vaping More Hazardous Than Smoking?
  8. Do Movies Have an Impact on Teen Smoking?
  9. What Is the Unconditioned Stimulus in Smoking?
  10. Does the Chance of Parental Smoking Increase With More Children?
  11. How Does Smoking Affect the Brain?
  12. Does Time Preference Have an Impact on Smoking Behavior?
  13. What Are Smoking’s Health Consequences?
  14. Does Smoking Affect the Endurance of the Cardiovascular System?
  15. How Does Nicotine Affect Your Success in Quitting Smoking?
  16. Why Should Smoking Be Prohibited in Restaurants?
  17. What Makes Smoking So Addicting?
  18. Why Should Public Smoking Be Prohibited?
  19. Why Has Smoking Become Such a Big Deal in American Culture?
  20. How Does Smoking Affect Gas Exchange in the Lungs?
  21. Does Smoking Affect Breathing Capacity?
  22. What Are the Most Common Risks Associated With Drinking and Smoking?
  23. How Does Passive Smoking Impact Us?
  24. Why Has Society Changed Its View on Smoking Since 1960?
  25. Does Smoking Weed Cause Peripheral Artery Disease?

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Premium Papers. (2025, February 18). 76 Smoking Research Topics & Essay Examples. https://premium-papers.com/topics/smoking-research-topics/

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"76 Smoking Research Topics & Essay Examples." Premium Papers, 18 Feb. 2025, premium-papers.com/topics/smoking-research-topics/.


Premium Papers. (2025) '76 Smoking Research Topics & Essay Examples'. 18 February.


Premium Papers. 2025. "76 Smoking Research Topics & Essay Examples." February 18, 2025. https://premium-papers.com/topics/smoking-research-topics/.

1. Premium Papers. "76 Smoking Research Topics & Essay Examples." February 18, 2025. https://premium-papers.com/topics/smoking-research-topics/.


Premium Papers. "76 Smoking Research Topics & Essay Examples." February 18, 2025. https://premium-papers.com/topics/smoking-research-topics/.