Worldviews and Communication of Asian and African American Women


Class division and culture determine the worldview people form and the way they communicate. Piaget and Vygotsky emphasized the importance of language in the formation of a worldview. The Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis supports the claim that language has a significant impact on the formation of a person’s worldview (Trimboli, 2020). Another theory that explains the distinctions in communication is the theory of class division. It supposes that people from different socio-economic backgrounds develop different expectations for life, values, and assumptions (Trimboli, 2020). The comparison of Asian and African American women clearly illustrates these differences, proving that both language and class are vital in forming the worldview and communication style.


Worldview is the combination of views, values, and beliefs the person has that determine their reactions and perception of reality. People brought up in different cultures usually have various perspectives on the rules of behavior in society, values, and communication styles. Religion is one example that shows the difference in the worldview that affects most aspects of human life, starting from the attitudes to ethically partisan issues and ending with the daily rituals the person makes (Lægaard, 2017). At the same time, the culture manifested through language is not the only thing that influences the formation of the worldview. Class affiliation or the socioeconomic background of the person’s life determines the individual’s attitude toward others, material things, work, and other critical aspects.


Multiculturalism has two equally applicable definitions. First, multiculturalism denotes the state policy that supports cultural and ethnic diversity and ensures equal rights for every citizen (Goodyear-Grant et al., 2018). Second, multiculturalism is the cultural discourse that promotes cultural inclusion and the co-existence of various cultures in one community. It is possible to distinguish three types of multiculturalism: national, linguistic, and ethnic (Cobb et al., 2020). Following multicultural principles allows society to remain open to new ideas, equal, and avoid both positive and negative stereotyping, which is essential to the democratic community.

Worldview or culture and communication styles

There are various ways in which worldview and culture impact communication styles. People who belong to different cultures often have distinct views on the norms of politeness. It is connected with language differences people have and their cultural background that is associated with the linguistic aspect. Moreover, they have distinct perspectives on gender roles and appropriate behavior. Role models that people from various cultural groups find appropriate are also different, which determines their behavior and the way they communicate with other people (Loyd, 2018). In addition, their views on interaction with other individuals are influenced by their socio-economic background.


For instance, religion is a general category that determines cultural and worldview differences. An Asian woman brought up in an atheist or Buddhist family will not share the views of an African-American woman from a Christian or Muslim family. An atheist will not believe that God’s will exists and that they should live according to the Holy Scripture. A woman from a low-income family is more likely to value practical knowledge and financial stability than a woman from a wealthy family who has never experienced hardship.

Comparison and Contrast

Race and ethnicity determine many differences in the formation of worldviews and culture. Asian women and African American women illustrate this claim vividly. Even though both groups are represented in American society, their attitude toward them is entirely different. The main difference is the distinct socio-economic background people associate with African American and Asian women. The popular view supposes that Asian women are educated and come from middle-class or upper-middle-class families. African American women, in their turn, are not educated and come from the poor or working class (Goodyear-Grant et al., 2018). Both examples are the stereotypical perception of Asian and African American women that does not reflect the real situation. However, people share these stereotypes and often use them in communicating with these individuals.

These two groups have one thing in common: they are both vulnerable categories of society due to their minority status and gender. In addition, Asian and African American women face stereotypical perceptions of their personalities due to their race. The fact that the stereotyping can be positive is not vital in this case because it substitutes the objective view of the person. Asian women might experience more problems connected with bilingualism than African-American women who only speak English as their native language (Goodyear-Grant et al., 2018). However, both Asian and African American women have a cultural background that differs from the dominant white and Christian cultural discourse.

Asian Women

Asian women tend to conform in communication, which reflects their cultural background and the traditional gender role of females in Asia. They are likely to avoid open conflicts and usually show signs of proper respect for others that are disregarded in the popular American culture. In addition, Asian women typically pay much attention to rules and hierarchy in the community where they live or work. Another essential issue is that Asian women who recently immigrated to the United States might experience language use and communication problems because Asian languages are very different from English (Goodyear-Grant et al., 2018). It might result in problems with the word choice and accent.

African American Women

African American women often face stereotypical societal perceptions due to their cultural and ethnic background. Even though they do not have an accent and usually speak English as their native language, they still talk differently from the white majority. Therefore, the issues with language use are similar compared to Asian women. African-American women are not likely to show signs of conformity or avoid conflicts, which makes their communication style different from those of Asian women (Goodyear-Grant et al., 2018). Their role model and views on traditional female gender roles differ from the Asian ones. It makes them subject to negative stereotyping that affects their communication with others.

Tips for Effective Communication

TipsfFor Effective Communication for Asian Women

Tips for effective communication for Asian women include the need to become more self-assured, learn how to develop a more proactive position in conflicts and understand that accent is the usual thing for the bilingual. Asian women need to question authority in interacting with other people due to the norms of politeness they learn in childhood. In addition, minor changes in the perception of their gender role might help them become more stable in conflicts and promote their views and desires more actively. These three tips might help Asian women to integrate into American society better and to feel more confident.

TipsfFor Effective Communication for African American Women

African-American women are often victims of negative stereotyping, which makes them oppose this unfair situation. Even though it is critical for them to emphasize that prejudices are unacceptable, they should avoid rudeness. They need to emphasize politeness and respect for the rules of interacting in society. At the same time, African-American women belong to the vulnerable category of people in the American community. They are often shy to speak about themselves and care about themselves because they are responsible for their families. As a result, African-American women need to emphasize their individuality in interacting with other people for empowerment.


Mental health providers need to understand the way culture and worldview shape a person’s behavior because they influence how people interact with each other, react to the surrounding reality stress, and see their future. The vital detail is that there is significant variability within any cultural group, meaning it is not right to apply universal concepts to the analysis of all individuals. At the same time, the description of the particular group as an entity and sociocultural phenomenon uses these generalizations. The example of African American and Asian American women shows that the groups develop different characteristics due to their diverse experiences resulting from their class, cultural, and language peculiarities.


Cobb, C. L., Lilienfeld, S. O., Schwartz, S. J., Frisby, C., Sanders, G. L. (2020). Rethinking multiculturalism: Toward a balanced approach. The American Journal of Psychology, 133 (3): 275–293. Web.

Goodyear-Grant, E., Johnston, R., Kymlicka, W., & Myles, J. (2018). Federalism and the welfare state in a multicultural world. McGill-Queen’s University Press. Web.

Lægaard, S. (2017). Multiculturalism and secularism: Theoretical understandings and possible conflicts. Ethnicities, 17(2), 154–171. Web.

Loyd, A. B. (2018). Learning from the lives of others [Review of Deconstructing race: Multicultural education beyond the color bind, by J. Mahiri]. Human Development, 61(2), 130–137.

Trimboli, D. (2020). Mediating multiculturalism: Digital storytelling and the everyday ethnic. Anthem Press.

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Premium Papers. (2025, February 23). Worldviews and Communication of Asian and African American Women.

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"Worldviews and Communication of Asian and African American Women." Premium Papers, 23 Feb. 2025,


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Premium Papers. 2025. "Worldviews and Communication of Asian and African American Women." February 23, 2025.

1. Premium Papers. "Worldviews and Communication of Asian and African American Women." February 23, 2025.


Premium Papers. "Worldviews and Communication of Asian and African American Women." February 23, 2025.