Gay Parenting and Adoption

Gay parenting is one of the controversial issues that has been actively debated in many states. Many people are engaging in same-sex relationships, with some adopting children. The rise of same-sex parenting is usually steered by the increased options for having same-sex intercourse, making it possible for people of the gender to become partners and start parenting. Many people have argued that children from families of same-gender parents are raised the same as straight couples’ children (Fitzgibbons, 2016). However, some researchers have claimed that children from same-sex families tend to be more resilient and understanding (Silsby, 2001). Researchers have also analyzed the academic performance of children from gay families to determine whether gay parenting impacts the school results of the children. According to Rosenfeld (2010), students from gay families have excellent performance in emotionally difficult topics since most gay parents ensure that they educate their children on managing emotions. Consequently, gay parenting has an impact on child development and can influence the child’s behaviors.

An important aspect to understand is that children raised by same-sex couples are normal and well adjusted. In this case, parents teach their children how they should live with others in the community despite facing challenges (Barlow, 2013). For instance, bullying cases in schools have been reported in many states, and children from gay families are likely to be abused. Thus, parents ought to ensure that their children overcome such challenges, although they can negatively impact them. Schools have also assured that children do not discriminate against their peers from gay families. In this case, teachers guarantee that they share the same school environment with the other students from opposite-sex families. My research also entailed interviews to help me obtain information and ideas from other people regarding gay parenting.

Two of the people I interviewed about gay parenting gave different views where some aspects such as religion were involved. For instance, one of the participants was against gay parenting since it is against her Christianity beliefs. The interviewee argued that it does not make any sense for two people of the same sex to get married. Additionally, she based her argument on creation, where she claimed that God created a man and woman and united them. She also argued that the first family in the Bible was made up of a man and woman, revealing that same-sex marriage should not be exercised. She added that children from same-sex families are likely to suffer mental illnesses due to discrimination they face in the community. The participant also claimed that women are more soothing and good at parenting than men. Consequently, children raised by males are likely to experience poor child development.

The second participant argued that there is no difference between children brought up by same-sex families and other children. According to him, character defines people, and thus, it is not appropriate to differentiate a child from a same-sex family and a kid from a traditional one. The participant added that children adapt to what their parents teach them and what they experience at school and in the community. Therefore, gay parenting should not be discouraged since other factors such as the school environment can influence the behaviors of a child. He also argued that many children from gay families are disciplined, unlike some kids from straight families. The participant concluded that it does not matter the sex of the parents, what matters is the morals, and the support children receive as they grow.

Another way where same-sex can become parents is through adoption. However, the issue of allowing same-sex couples to adopt children has been debated by many people. Various aspects involving adoption have been analyzed to determine its advantages and whether gay partners should adopt children. For instance, people have argued that adoption can help secure kids from abusive families and negligent parents. Cases of children who have been dumped in the streets have been experienced in many countries. Therefore, before adopting the children, gay parents can ensure that they plan to raise these kids and help them have a better life. Furthermore, some of these children come from low socioeconomic families, and their parents lack adequate funds to take good care of them. Hence, these same-sex parents adopt them to care for them and relieve the biological parents from raising the kids. Adoption does not necessarily mean that a child is being neglected; contrarily, in such a case, someone wants to take responsibility for the needs of that child (Fitzgibbons, 2016). Many experts in child psychology and social work have claimed no scientific evidence to support the same-sex adoption ban.

Organizations such as the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Medical Association, and the National Association of Social Workers support same-sex couples’ adoption since it helps provide adequate child care. These organizations support the adoption to reduce the chances of children being left all by themselves in the streets. Moreover, homelessness has become a significant issue in many countries and can be limited by encouraging adoption. Same-sex couples also go through vigorous processes before they can have these children to ensure that they will take care of the adopted children.

On this topic of adoption, I interviewed two more people and asked them how they felt about the issue. The question was whether parents of the same sex should be allowed to adopt children. Both participants agreed that countries should legalize same-sex child adoption to limit child abuse and homelessness issues. Additionally, they gave child security and child support as other factors why same-gender couples should adopt children. Each child needs to be taken care of and be provided with basic needs like education, food, and shelter. Consequently, same-sex couples should be allowed to adopt children if they pass the tests and found that they can take care of the child and provide for the basic needs.

To conclude, gay parenting is a nurturing mode, just like any other approach. Undoubtedly, gay parents can also offer perfect parenting skills without any obstacles. Children raised by same-sex parents are normal kids who should be respected and appreciated. Discriminating against people from gay families should also be curbed by all means. For instance, policies can be implemented to ensure that gay families do not experience bias in the community. Therefore, people should be educated on the need to value gay parenting. The government should also legalize the adoption of children by same-sex couples since it can limit some issues such as the increasing street family population. However, people should be examined to ensure that they can care for the adopted children and cater to their needs. In essence, gay parenting and adoption should be analyzed to determine their advantages and disadvantages and ways that can be exercised to protect such families.


Barlow. (2013). Gay parents as good as straight ones. BU Today. Web.

Fitzgibbons, R. P. (2015). Growing up with gay parents: What is the big deal?. The Linacre Quarterly, 82(4), 332-336. Web.

Rosenfeld, M. J. (2010). Nontraditional families and childhood progress through school. Demography, 47(3), 755-775. Web.

Silsby, G. (2001). Sociology: Study examines gender roles of children with gay parents. USC News. Web.

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Premium Papers. (2025, February 23). Gay Parenting and Adoption.

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Premium Papers. "Gay Parenting and Adoption." February 23, 2025.