Gender and Global Political Economy

Politics play a role in determining the economic perspectives of many countries across the globe. State policies and domestic cultures have a significant influence on the economy. The rise of market capitalism worldwide has resulted in the creation of numerous employment avenues for both men and women. Global capitalism has therefore resulted from these leaps in technology and the decrease in socialism; however, some practices by transnational corporations have led to the decline of capitalism by promoting gender inequality and racial discrimination. In fact, global economic growth heavily depends on the economic marginalization of others. In this regard, there are those groups of people who have to be exploited for world economies to grow.

There are several divisions fashioned around the differences between men and women by humanity. The attitude and prospects that the society has created between the two sexes have created pressure on their roles in globalization. Responsibility has been conventionally assigned to men. Some occupations like housework and informal trades are usually sidelined as ‘women’s work’ despite the fact that they develop the economy. There is very little value attached to these types of work as they are usually associated with no skill at all. This is extremely misguiding because women from other societies are included even though they are not affected by such challenges.

The media in particular has stereotyped women negatively through skewed reporting on matters affecting women. The perceptions which have been developed are mainly negative resulting into branding of women with certain attributes which are not appealing at all. Although this is not common in all states, the affected regions suffer dearly. Women have historically not been given opportunities in politics and economic power due to their gender. This is a feature mostly common in developing and underdeveloped countries. However, there exists ‘third-worlds’ in many first world countries, where ethnic isolation is practiced. Such people still face economic disadvantages and do not command necessary political influence to influence development. There images of ideology are therefore the same as those who practically live in third-world countries.

The contributions from females in government and financial systems continue to be overlooked in spite of findings from research signifying their importance. Authority, power and economic issues create sex differentiations in the society. Globally, there is a silent war between the two genders, where women are considered as the losers. Political and economic change in the globe can be best effected through meaningful ideologies on gender.

The world has been divided into producers and consumers, profoundly affecting women, mainly in third-world countries, where disempowered groups have been subjected to less pay. Racial and tribal isolation is evident as many corporations prefer to work with people from their race even though they may not be qualified. Race plays a very significant role in undiscriminating workers in the line of employment. Capitalism is duly applied to suppress the minority races at the benefit of dominant ones.

The interactions of the genders in global politics and the economy are perceived differently in different cultures. For instance, the practice of female genital mutilation in most African societies is meant to prepare such women into adulthood because it is a form of cultural initiation. Although this practice may sometimes devalue the worthiness of female gender due to attributes attached to it, it is generally meant for a good purpose. On the other hand, a case of the Afghan women who were being denied jobs on the basis of their gender was a serious drawback in pursuing. Moreover, the use of rape as a lethal weapon during the war in Bosnia as well as in Rwanda left an indelible mark and a serious economic damage to the very women.

Through colonialism, which is still being practiced, African women were seen as workers. Cultural practices of paying gifts and polygamy display oppression of women. This ideology has been used by corporations to justify women as desirable workers in the service sectors with low pay. The stereotypic view of women is magnified when the sophisticated side of the cultures is not shown. Hence, an image is conjured that all the women in such areas are facing such challenges. The men in such societies are therefore perceived as oppressors who are terribly strange and accustomed to tough life.

It is a popular belief that men are the sole bread winners of families, therefore requiring more pay. This has been used as an excuse by different companies for the low wages that women receive. The belief is that women will be supported by men and do no require much pay. In a sharp contrast, women from the westernized states know about such challenges in the media. The economic output of such women is generally high, and they are well positioned to participate in political activities in their country.

The ideology of the colonialist about the oppression that citizens of third-word countries face seems to justify the behavior of employers to women and international races. The transnational companies are consumed by the belief that they are improving the lives of the poor people by offering them better standards of living. Both the western and third world cultures relate to women seem to conflict with each other. Although the western culture may be wrongly perceived as a gateway to modern civilization, it is also important to acknowledge other cultures which may not necessarily be discriminating against women along economic and political lines.

If the flaws in the global political economy are not addressed, there is bound to be a continuous decline in global capitalism. Direct response by feminists to the challenges they are subjected to by transnational corporations is bearing fruit as the justification of women as workers in low-paid service jobs vanishes. On the other hand, the traditions of different cultures should not be interfered with in the quest for ensuring gender parity and racial amalgamation. I think the globalization and gender are inextricably linked, and the development of either influences the other. Therefore I realized that a perfect balance must be maintained to ensure that globalization creates a positive impact in promoting equality of the sexes and races.

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Premium Papers. (2025, February 26). Gender and Global Political Economy.

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"Gender and Global Political Economy." Premium Papers, 26 Feb. 2025,


Premium Papers. (2025) 'Gender and Global Political Economy'. 26 February.


Premium Papers. 2025. "Gender and Global Political Economy." February 26, 2025.

1. Premium Papers. "Gender and Global Political Economy." February 26, 2025.


Premium Papers. "Gender and Global Political Economy." February 26, 2025.